author wenzelm
Tue, 10 Jul 2007 23:29:53 +0200
changeset 23726 2ebecff57b17
child 23730 8866c87d1a16
permissions -rw-r--r--
Basic editing of theory sources.

(*  Title:      Pure/Thy/thy_edit.ML
    ID:         $Id$
    Author:     Makarius

Basic editing of theory sources.

signature THY_EDIT =
  val read_tokens: Position.T -> (string, 'a) Source.source -> OuterLex.token list
  datatype item =
    Whitespace of OuterLex.token list |
    Junk of OuterLex.token list |
    Commandspan of string * OuterLex.token list
  val read_items: Position.T -> (string, 'a) Source.source -> item list
  val present_html: Path.T -> Path.T -> unit

structure ThyEdit: THY_EDIT =

structure T = OuterLex;
structure P = OuterParse;

(* tokens *)

fun token_source pos src =
  Symbol.source true src
  |> T.source (SOME false) OuterSyntax.get_lexicons pos;

fun read_tokens pos src = Source.exhaust (token_source pos src);

(* items *)

datatype item =
  Whitespace of T.token list |
  Junk of T.token list |
  Commandspan of string * T.token list;


val whitespace = Scan.many1 (T.is_kind T.Space orf T.is_kind T.Comment);
val before_command = Scan.optional whitespace [] -- Scan.ahead P.command;
val body = Scan.repeat1 (Scan.unless before_command P.not_eof);

val item =
  whitespace >> Whitespace ||
  body >> Junk ||
  before_command -- P.not_eof -- Scan.optional body []
    >> (fn (((ws, name), c), bs) => Commandspan (name, ws @ [c] @ bs));


fun item_source src = src
  |> Source.source T.stopper (Scan.bulk item) NONE;


fun read_items pos src =
  Source.exhaust (item_source (token_source pos src));

(* presentation *)


val token_kind_markup =
 fn T.Command     => (Markup.commandN, [])
  | T.Keyword     => (Markup.keywordN, [])
  | T.Ident       => Markup.ident
  | T.LongIdent   => Markup.ident
  | T.SymIdent    => Markup.ident
  | T.Var         => Markup.ident
  | T.TypeIdent   => Markup.ident
  | T.TypeVar     => Markup.ident
  | T.Nat         => Markup.ident
  | T.String      => Markup.string
  | T.AltString   => Markup.altstring
  | T.Verbatim    => Markup.verbatim
  | T.Space       =>
  | T.Comment     => Markup.comment
  | T.Sync        => Markup.control
  | T.Malformed _ => Markup.malformed
  | T.EOF         => Markup.control;

fun present_token tok =
  Markup.enclose (token_kind_markup (T.kind_of tok)) (Output.output (T.unparse tok));

val present_tokens = implode o map present_token;

fun present_item (Whitespace toks) = Markup.enclose Markup.whitespace (present_tokens toks)
  | present_item (Junk toks) = Markup.enclose Markup.junk (present_tokens toks)
  | present_item (Commandspan (name, toks)) =
      Markup.enclose (Markup.commandspan name) (present_tokens toks);

val present_items = implode o map present_item;


fun present_html inpath outpath =
  read_items (Position.path inpath) (Source.of_string ( inpath))
  |> HTML.html_mode present_items
  |> enclose
    (HTML.begin_document (Path.implode (Path.base inpath)) ^ "<div class=\"source\"><pre>")
    ("</pre></div>" ^ HTML.end_document)
  |> File.write outpath;

