author wenzelm
Mon, 15 Oct 2001 20:41:14 +0200
changeset 11785 3087d6f19adc
parent 11561 6a95f3eaa54f
child 12328 7c4ec77a8715
permissions -rw-r--r--
intro! and elim! rules;

"You know my methods. Apply them!"


- (#2 * x) = #2 * - x is not proved by arith

a simp command for terms

"(foorec [] []) = []"
"(foorec [] (y # ys)) = (y # (foorec [] ys))"

*** Primrec definition error:
*** extra variables on rhs: "y", "ys"
*** in
*** "((foorec [] ((y::'a_1) # (ys::'a_1 list))) = (y # (foorec [] ys)))"
*** At command "primrec".

Bessere Fehlermeldung!

Relation: comp -> composition

Add map_cong?? (upto 10% slower)

Recdef: Get rid of function name in header.
Support mutual recursion (Konrad?)

improve solver in simplifier: treat & and ! ...

better 1 point rules:
!x. !y. x = f y --> P x y  should reduce to  !y. P (f y) y.

use arith_tac in recdef to solve termination conditions?
-> new example in Recdef/termination

a tactic for replacing a specific occurrence:
apply(subst [2] thm)

it would be nice if @term could deal with ?-vars.
then a number of (unchecked!) @texts could be converted to @terms.

it would be nice if one could get id to the enclosing quotes in the [source] option.

More predefined functions for datatypes: map?

Induction rules for int: int_le/ge_induct?
Needed for ifak example. But is that example worth it?

Komischerweise geht das Splitten von _Annahmen_ auch mit simp_tac, was
ein generelles Feature ist, das man vielleicht mal abstellen sollte.

proper mutual simplification

defs with = and pattern matching??

Minor fixes in the tutorial

1/2 no longer abbrevs for Suc.
Warning: needs simplification to turn 1 into Suc 0. arith does so

recdef: failed tcs no longer shown! (sec:Recursion over nested datatypes)
say something about how conditions are proved?
No, better show failed proof attempts.

Advanced recdef: explain recdef_tc? No. Adjust recdef!

Adjust FP textbook refs: new Bird, Hudak
Discrete math textbook: Rosen?

adjust type of ^ in tab:overloading

an example of induction: !y. A --> B --> C ??

Explain type_definition and mention pre-proved thms in subset.thy?
-> Types/typedef

Appendix: Lexical: long ids.

Warning: infixes automatically become reserved words!

Forward ref from blast proof of Puzzle (AdvancedInd) to Isar proof?

recdef with nested recursion: either an example or at least a pointer to the
literature. In Recdef/termination.thy, at the end.
%FIXME, with one exception: nested recursion.

Syntax section: syntax annotations not just for consts but also for constdefs and datatype.

Appendix with list functions.

All theory sources on the web?

Minor additions to the tutorial, unclear where


Possible exercises


For extensionality (in Sets chapter): prove
valif o norm = valif
in If-expression case study (Ifexpr)

Nested inductive datatypes: another example/exercise:
 size(t) <= size(subst s t)?

insertion sort: primrec, later recdef

 first version only for non-empty trees:
 Tip 'a | Node tree tree
 Then real version?
 First primrec, then recdef?

Ind. sets: define ABC inductively and prove
ABC = {rep A n @ rep B n @ rep C n. True}

Partial rekursive functions / Nontermination:

Exercise: ?! f. !i. f i = if i=0 then 1 else i*f(i-1)
(What about sum? Is there one, a unique one?)

Better(?) sum i = fst(while (%(s,i). i=0) (%(s,i). (s+i,i-1)) (0,i))
Prove 0 <= i ==> sum i = i*(i+1) via while-rule

Possible examples/case studies

Trie: Define functional version
datatype ('a,'b)trie = Trie ('b option) ('a => ('a,'b)trie option)
lookup t [] = value t
lookup t (a#as) = case tries t a of None => None | Some s => lookup s as
Maybe as an exercise?

Trie: function for partial matches (prefixes). Needs sets for spec/proof.

Sets via ordered list of intervals. (Isa/Interval(2))

propositional logic (soundness and completeness?),
predicate logic (soundness?),

Tautology checker. Based on Ifexpr or prop.logic?
Include forward reference in relevant section.

Sorting with comp-parameter and with type class (<)

Recdef:more example proofs:
 if-normalization with measure function,
 nested if-normalization,

New book by Bird?

Steps Towards Mechanizing Program Transformations Using PVS by N. Shankar,
      Science of Computer Programming, 26(1-3):33-57, 1996. 
You can get it from

J Moore article Towards a ...
Mergesort, JVM

Additional topics

Recdef with nested recursion?

Extensionality: applications in
- boolean expressions: valif o bool2if = value
- Advanced datatypes exercise subst (f o g) = subst f o subst g

A look at the library?

