author wenzelm
Mon, 19 Sep 2011 16:40:17 +0200
changeset 44988 33aa6da101d8
parent 44731 8f7b3a89fc15
child 45028 d608dd8cd409
permissions -rw-r--r--
at least 2 worker threads to ensure some degree of lifeness, notably for asynchronous Document.print_state;

(*  Title:      Pure/System/isabelle_process.ML
    Author:     Makarius

Isabelle process wrapper, based on private fifos for maximum
robustness and performance.

Startup phases:
  . raw Posix process startup with uncontrolled output on stdout/stderr
  . stdout \002: ML running
  .. stdin/stdout/stderr freely available (raw ML loop)
  .. protocol thread initialization
  ... switch to in_fifo/out_fifo channels (rendezvous via open)
  ... out_fifo INIT(pid): channels ready
  ... out_fifo STATUS(keywords)
  ... out_fifo READY: main loop ready

  val is_active: unit -> bool
  val add_command: string -> (string list -> unit) -> unit
  val command: string -> string list -> unit
  val crashes: exn list Synchronized.var
  val init: string -> string -> unit

structure Isabelle_Process: ISABELLE_PROCESS =

(* print mode *)

val isabelle_processN = "isabelle_process";

fun is_active () = Print_Mode.print_mode_active isabelle_processN;

val _ = Output.add_mode isabelle_processN Output.default_output Output.default_escape;
val _ = Markup.add_mode isabelle_processN YXML.output_markup;

(* commands *)


val commands =
  Synchronized.var "Isabelle_Process.commands" (Symtab.empty: (string list -> unit) Symtab.table);


fun add_command name cmd =
  Synchronized.change commands (fn cmds =>
   (if not (Symtab.defined cmds name) then ()
    else warning ("Redefining Isabelle process command " ^ quote name);
    Symtab.update (name, cmd) cmds));

fun command name args =
  (case Symtab.lookup (Synchronized.value commands) name of
    NONE => error ("Undefined Isabelle process command " ^ quote name)
  | SOME cmd => cmd args);


(* message channels *)


fun chunk s = [string_of_int (size s), "\n", s];

fun message do_flush mbox ch raw_props body =
    val robust_props = map (pairself YXML.embed_controls) raw_props;
    val header = YXML.string_of (XML.Elem ((ch, robust_props), []));
  in Mailbox.send mbox (chunk header @ chunk body, do_flush) end;

fun standard_message mbox opt_serial ch body =
  if body = "" then ()
    message false mbox ch
      ((case opt_serial of SOME i => cons (Markup.serialN, string_of_int i) | _ => I)
        (Position.properties_of (Position.thread_data ()))) body;

fun message_output mbox out_stream =
    fun flush () = ignore (try TextIO.flushOut out_stream);
    fun loop receive =
      (case receive mbox of
        SOME (msg, do_flush) =>
         ( (fn s => TextIO.output (out_stream, s)) msg;
          if do_flush then flush () else ();
          loop (Mailbox.receive_timeout (seconds 0.02)))
      | NONE => (flush (); loop (SOME o Mailbox.receive)));
  in fn () => loop (SOME o Mailbox.receive) end;


fun setup_channels in_fifo out_fifo =
    val in_stream = TextIO.openIn in_fifo;
    val out_stream = TextIO.openOut out_fifo;

    val _ = TextIO.StreamIO.setBufferMode (TextIO.getOutstream TextIO.stdOut, IO.LINE_BUF);
    val _ = TextIO.StreamIO.setBufferMode (TextIO.getOutstream TextIO.stdErr, IO.LINE_BUF);

    val mbox = Mailbox.create () : (string list * bool) Mailbox.T;
    val _ = Simple_Thread.fork false (message_output mbox out_stream);
    Output.Private_Hooks.status_fn := standard_message mbox NONE "B";
    Output.Private_Hooks.report_fn := standard_message mbox NONE "C";
    Output.Private_Hooks.writeln_fn := (fn s => standard_message mbox (SOME (serial ())) "D" s);
    Output.Private_Hooks.tracing_fn := (fn s => standard_message mbox (SOME (serial ())) "E" s);
    Output.Private_Hooks.warning_fn := (fn s => standard_message mbox (SOME (serial ())) "F" s);
    Output.Private_Hooks.error_fn := (fn (i, s) => standard_message mbox (SOME i) "G" s);
    Output.Private_Hooks.raw_message_fn := message true mbox "H";
    Output.Private_Hooks.urgent_message_fn := ! Output.Private_Hooks.writeln_fn;
    Output.Private_Hooks.prompt_fn := ignore;
    message true mbox "A" [] (Session.welcome ());


(* protocol loop -- uninterruptible *)

val crashes = Synchronized.var "Isabelle_Process.crashes" ([]: exn list);


fun recover crash =
  (Synchronized.change crashes (cons crash);
    warning "Recovering from Isabelle process crash -- see also Isabelle_Process.crashes");

fun read_chunk stream len =
    val n =
      (case Int.fromString len of
        SOME n => n
      | NONE => error ("Isabelle process: malformed chunk header " ^ quote len));
    val chunk = TextIO.inputN (stream, n);
    val m = size chunk;
    if m = n then chunk
    else error ("Isabelle process: bad chunk (" ^ string_of_int m ^ " vs. " ^ string_of_int n ^ ")")

fun read_command stream =
  (case TextIO.inputLine stream of
    NONE => raise Runtime.TERMINATE
  | SOME line => map (read_chunk stream) (space_explode "," line));

fun run_command name args =
  Runtime.debugging (command name) args
    handle exn =>
      error ("Isabelle process command failure: " ^ name ^ "\n" ^ ML_Compiler.exn_message exn);


fun loop stream =
  let val continue =
    (case read_command stream of
      [] => (Output.error_msg "Isabelle process: no input"; true)
    | name :: args => (run_command name args; true))
    handle Runtime.TERMINATE => false
      | exn => (Output.error_msg (ML_Compiler.exn_message exn) handle crash => recover crash; true);
  in if continue then loop stream else () end;


(* init *)

fun init in_fifo out_fifo = ignore (Simple_Thread.fork false (fn () =>
    val _ = OS.Process.sleep (seconds 0.5);  (*yield to raw ML toplevel*)
    val _ = Output.physical_stdout Symbol.STX;

    val _ = quick_and_dirty := true;
    val _ = Goal.parallel_proofs := 0;
    val _ =
      if Multithreading.max_threads_value () < 2
      then Multithreading.max_threads := 2 else ();
    val _ = Context.set_thread_data NONE;
    val _ =
      Unsynchronized.change print_mode
        (fold (update op =)
          [Symbol.xsymbolsN, isabelle_processN, Keyword.keyword_statusN, Pretty.symbolicN]);

    val in_stream = setup_channels in_fifo out_fifo;
    val _ = Keyword.status ();
    val _ = Thy_Info.status ();
    val _ = Output.status (Markup.markup Markup.ready "process ready");
  in loop in_stream end));
