author wenzelm
Fri, 25 Apr 2014 11:09:59 +0200
changeset 56713 3438dfba58fe
parent 56712 c7cf653228ed
child 56715 52125652e82a
permissions -rw-r--r--
more robust prover termination;

/*  Title:      Pure/PIDE/session.scala
    Author:     Makarius
    Options:    :folding=explicit:collapseFolds=1:

PIDE editor session, potentially with running prover process.

package isabelle

import java.util.{Timer, TimerTask}

import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.immutable.Queue

object Session
  /* change */

  sealed case class Change(
    previous: Document.Version,
    doc_blobs: Document.Blobs,
    syntax_changed: Boolean,
    deps_changed: Boolean,
    doc_edits: List[Document.Edit_Command],
    version: Document.Version)

  /* events */

  case class Statistics(props: Properties.T)
  case class Global_Options(options: Options)
  case object Caret_Focus
  case class Raw_Edits(doc_blobs: Document.Blobs, edits: List[Document.Edit_Text])
  case class Dialog_Result(id: Document_ID.Generic, serial: Long, result: String)
  case class Commands_Changed(
    assignment: Boolean, nodes: Set[Document.Node.Name], commands: Set[Command])

  sealed abstract class Phase
  case object Inactive extends Phase
  case object Startup extends Phase  // transient
  case object Failed extends Phase
  case object Ready extends Phase
  case object Shutdown extends Phase  // transient

  /* protocol handlers */

  abstract class Protocol_Handler
    def stop(prover: Prover): Unit = {}
    val functions: Map[String, (Prover, Prover.Protocol_Output) => Boolean]

  class Protocol_Handlers(
    handlers: Map[String, Session.Protocol_Handler] = Map.empty,
    functions: Map[String, Prover.Protocol_Output => Boolean] = Map.empty)
    def get(name: String): Option[Protocol_Handler] = handlers.get(name)

    def add(prover: Prover, name: String): Protocol_Handlers =
      val (handlers1, functions1) =
        handlers.get(name) match {
          case Some(old_handler) =>
            System.err.println("Redefining protocol handler: " + name)
            (handlers - name, functions -- old_handler.functions.keys)
          case None => (handlers, functions)

      val (handlers2, functions2) =
        try {
          val new_handler = Class.forName(name).newInstance.asInstanceOf[Protocol_Handler]
          val new_functions =
            for ((a, f) <- new_handler.functions.toList) yield
              (a, (msg: Prover.Protocol_Output) => f(prover, msg))

          val dups = for ((a, _) <- new_functions if functions1.isDefinedAt(a)) yield a
          if (!dups.isEmpty) error("Duplicate protocol functions: " + commas_quote(dups))

          (handlers1 + (name -> new_handler), functions1 ++ new_functions)
        catch {
          case exn: Throwable =>
              "Failed to initialize protocol handler: " + quote(name) + "\n" + Exn.message(exn)))
            (handlers1, functions1)

      new Protocol_Handlers(handlers2, functions2)

    def invoke(msg: Prover.Protocol_Output): Boolean = match {
        case Markup.Function(a) if functions.isDefinedAt(a) =>
          try { functions(a)(msg) }
          catch {
            case exn: Throwable =>
                "Failed invocation of protocol function: " + quote(a) + "\n" + Exn.message(exn)))
        case _ => false

    def stop(prover: Prover): Protocol_Handlers =
      for ((_, handler) <- handlers) handler.stop(prover)
      new Protocol_Handlers()

class Session(val resources: Resources)
  /* global flags */

  @volatile var timing: Boolean = false
  @volatile var verbose: Boolean = false

  /* tuning parameters */

  def output_delay: Time = Time.seconds(0.1)  // prover output (markup, common messages)
  def message_delay: Time = Time.seconds(0.1)  // prover input/output messages
  def prune_delay: Time = Time.seconds(60.0)  // prune history -- delete old versions
  def prune_size: Int = 0  // size of retained history
  def syslog_limit: Int = 100
  def reparse_limit: Int = 0

  /* pervasive event buses */

  val statistics = new Event_Bus[Session.Statistics]
  val global_options = new Event_Bus[Session.Global_Options]
  val caret_focus = new Event_Bus[Session.Caret_Focus.type]
  val raw_edits = new Event_Bus[Session.Raw_Edits]
  val commands_changed = new Event_Bus[Session.Commands_Changed]
  val phase_changed = new Event_Bus[Session.Phase]
  val syslog_messages = new Event_Bus[Prover.Output]
  val raw_output_messages = new Event_Bus[Prover.Output]
  val all_messages = new Event_Bus[Prover.Message]  // potential bottle-neck
  val trace_events = new Event_Bus[Simplifier_Trace.Event.type]

  /** buffered changes: to be dispatched to clients **/

  private case class Received_Change(assignment: Boolean, commands: List[Command])

  private val change_buffer: Consumer_Thread[Received_Change] =
    object changed
      private var assignment: Boolean = false
      private var nodes: Set[Document.Node.Name] = Set.empty
      private var commands: Set[Command] = Set.empty

      def flush(): Unit = synchronized {
        if (assignment || !nodes.isEmpty || !commands.isEmpty)
          commands_changed.event(Session.Commands_Changed(assignment, nodes, commands))
        assignment = false
        nodes = Set.empty
        commands = Set.empty

      def invoke(change: Received_Change): Unit = synchronized {
        assignment |= change.assignment
        for (command <- change.commands) {
          nodes += command.node_name
          commands += command

    val timer = new Timer("change_buffer", true)
    timer.schedule(new TimerTask { def run = changed.flush() },,

    Consumer_Thread.fork[Received_Change]("change_buffer", daemon = true)(
      consume = { case change => changed.invoke(change); true },
      finish = () => { timer.cancel(); changed.flush() }

  /** pipelined change parsing **/

  private case class Text_Edits(
    previous: Future[Document.Version],
    doc_blobs: Document.Blobs,
    text_edits: List[Document.Edit_Text],
    version_result: Promise[Document.Version])

  private val change_parser = Consumer_Thread.fork[Text_Edits]("change_parser", daemon = true)
    case Text_Edits(previous, doc_blobs, text_edits, version_result) =>
      val prev = previous.get_finished
      val change =
        Timing.timeit("parse_change", timing) {
          resources.parse_change(reparse_limit, prev, doc_blobs, text_edits)

  /** main protocol manager **/

  /* global state */

  private val syslog = Synchronized(Queue.empty[XML.Elem])
  def current_syslog(): String = cat_lines(

  @volatile private var _phase: Session.Phase = Session.Inactive
  private def phase_=(new_phase: Session.Phase)
    _phase = new_phase
  def phase = _phase
  def is_ready: Boolean = phase == Session.Ready

  private val global_state = Synchronized(Document.State.init)
  def current_state(): Document.State = global_state.value

  def recent_syntax(): Prover.Syntax =
    val version = current_state().recent_finished.version.get_finished
    version.syntax getOrElse resources.base_syntax

  def snapshot(name: Document.Node.Name = Document.Node.Name.empty,
      pending_edits: List[Text.Edit] = Nil): Document.Snapshot =
    global_state.value.snapshot(name, pending_edits)

  /* protocol handlers */

  @volatile private var _protocol_handlers = new Session.Protocol_Handlers()

  def protocol_handler(name: String): Option[Session.Protocol_Handler] =

  /* theory files */

  def header_edit(name: Document.Node.Name, header: Document.Node.Header): Document.Edit_Text =
    val header1 =
      if (resources.loaded_theories(name.theory))
        header.error("Cannot update finished theory " + quote(name.theory))
      else header
    (name, Document.Node.Deps(header1))

  /* internal messages */

  private case class Start(name: String, args: List[String])
  private case object Stop
  private case class Cancel_Exec(exec_id: Document_ID.Exec)
  private case class Protocol_Command(name: String, args: List[String])
  private case class Messages(msgs: List[Prover.Message])
  private case class Update_Options(options: Options)

  /* buffered prover messages */

  private object receiver
    private var buffer = new mutable.ListBuffer[Prover.Message]

    private def flush(): Unit = synchronized {
      if (!buffer.isEmpty) {
        val msgs = buffer.toList
        buffer = new mutable.ListBuffer[Prover.Message]

    def invoke(msg: Prover.Message): Unit = synchronized {
      msg match {
        case _: Prover.Input =>
          buffer += msg
        case output: Prover.Protocol_Output if == Markup.Flush =>
        case output: Prover.Output =>
          buffer += msg
          if (output.is_syslog)
            syslog.change(queue =>
                val queue1 = queue.enqueue(output.message)
                if (queue1.length > syslog_limit) queue1.dequeue._2 else queue1

    private val timer = new Timer("receiver", true)
    timer.schedule(new TimerTask { def run = flush },,

    def shutdown() { timer.cancel(); flush() }

  /* postponed changes */

  private object postponed_changes
    private var postponed: List[Session.Change] = Nil

    def store(change: Session.Change): Unit = synchronized { postponed ::= change }

    def flush(): Unit = synchronized {
      val state = global_state.value
      val (assigned, unassigned) = postponed.partition(change => state.is_assigned(change.previous))
      postponed = unassigned
      assigned.reverseIterator.foreach(change => manager.send(change))

  /* manager thread */

  private val manager: Consumer_Thread[Any] =
    var prune_next = + prune_delay

    var prover: Option[Prover] = None

    /* raw edits */

    def handle_raw_edits(doc_blobs: Document.Blobs, edits: List[Document.Edit_Text])


      val previous = global_state.value.history.tip.version
      val version = Future.promise[Document.Version]
      global_state.change(_.continue_history(previous, edits, version))

      raw_edits.event(Session.Raw_Edits(doc_blobs, edits))
      change_parser.send(Text_Edits(previous, doc_blobs, edits, version))

    /* resulting changes */

    def handle_change(change: Session.Change)

      def id_command(command: Command)
        for {
          digest <- command.blobs_digests
          if !global_state.value.defined_blob(digest)
        } {
          change.doc_blobs.get(digest) match {
            case Some(blob) =>
              prover.get.define_blob(digest, blob.bytes)
            case None =>
              System.err.println("Missing blob for SHA1 digest " + digest)

        if (!global_state.value.defined_command( {
      change.doc_edits foreach {
        case (_, edit) =>
          edit foreach { case (c1, c2) => c1 foreach id_command; c2 foreach id_command }

      val assignment = global_state.value.the_assignment(change.previous).check_finished
      global_state.change(_.define_version(change.version, assignment))
      prover.get.update(,, change.doc_edits)

    /* prover output */

    def handle_output(output: Prover.Output)
      def bad_output()
        if (verbose)
          System.err.println("Ignoring bad prover output: " + output.message.toString)

      def accumulate(state_id: Document_ID.Generic, message: XML.Elem)
        try {
          val st = global_state.change_result(_.accumulate(state_id, message))
          change_buffer.send(Received_Change(false, List(st.command)))
        catch {
          case _: Document.State.Fail => bad_output()

      output match {
        case msg: Prover.Protocol_Output =>
          val handled = _protocol_handlers.invoke(msg)
          if (!handled) {
   match {
              case Markup.Protocol_Handler(name) if prover.isDefined =>
                _protocol_handlers = _protocol_handlers.add(prover.get, name)

              case Protocol.Command_Timing(state_id, timing) if prover.isDefined =>
                val message = XML.elem(Markup.STATUS, List(XML.Elem(Markup.Timing(timing), Nil)))
                accumulate(state_id, prover.get.xml_cache.elem(message))

              case Markup.Assign_Update =>
                msg.text match {
                  case Protocol.Assign_Update(id, update) =>
                    try {
                      val cmds = global_state.change_result(_.assign(id, update))
                      change_buffer.send(Received_Change(true, cmds))
                    catch { case _: Document.State.Fail => bad_output() }
                  case _ => bad_output()
                // FIXME separate timeout event/message!?
                if (prover.isDefined && > prune_next) {
                  val old_versions = global_state.change_result(_.prune_history(prune_size))
                  if (!old_versions.isEmpty) prover.get.remove_versions(old_versions)
                  prune_next = + prune_delay

              case Markup.Removed_Versions =>
                msg.text match {
                  case Protocol.Removed(removed) =>
                    try {
                    catch { case _: Document.State.Fail => bad_output() }
                  case _ => bad_output()

              case Markup.ML_Statistics(props) =>

              case Markup.Task_Statistics(props) =>
                // FIXME

              case _ => bad_output()
        case _ =>
 match {
            case Position.Id(state_id) =>
              accumulate(state_id, output.message)

            case _ if output.is_init =>
              phase = Session.Ready

            case Markup.Return_Code(rc) if output.is_exit =>
              prover = None
              if (rc == 0) phase = Session.Inactive
              else phase = Session.Failed

            case _ => raw_output_messages.event(output)

    /* main thread */

    Consumer_Thread.fork[Any]("Session.manager", daemon = true)
      case arg: Any =>
        arg match {
          case Start(name, args) if prover.isEmpty =>
            if (phase == Session.Inactive || phase == Session.Failed) {
              phase = Session.Startup
              prover = Some(resources.start_prover(receiver.invoke _, name, args))

          case Stop =>
            if (prover.isDefined && is_ready) {
              _protocol_handlers = _protocol_handlers.stop(prover.get)
              global_state.change(_ => Document.State.init)  // FIXME event bus!?
              phase = Session.Shutdown

          case Update_Options(options) =>
            if (prover.isDefined && is_ready) {
              handle_raw_edits(Document.Blobs.empty, Nil)

          case Cancel_Exec(exec_id) if prover.isDefined =>

          case Session.Raw_Edits(doc_blobs, edits) if prover.isDefined =>
            handle_raw_edits(doc_blobs, edits)

          case Session.Dialog_Result(id, serial, result) if prover.isDefined =>
            prover.get.dialog_result(serial, result)
            handle_output(new Prover.Output(Protocol.Dialog_Result(id, serial, result)))

          case Protocol_Command(name, args) if prover.isDefined =>
            prover.get.protocol_command(name, args:_*)

          case Messages(msgs) =>
            msgs foreach {
              case input: Prover.Input =>

              case output: Prover.Output =>
                if (output.is_stdout || output.is_stderr) raw_output_messages.event(output)
                else handle_output(output)
                if (output.is_syslog) syslog_messages.event(output)

          case change: Session.Change if prover.isDefined =>
            if (global_state.value.is_assigned(change.previous))

  /* actions */

  def start(name: String, args: List[String])
  { manager.send(Start(name, args)) }

  def stop()

  def protocol_command(name: String, args: String*)
  { manager.send(Protocol_Command(name, args.toList)) }

  def cancel_exec(exec_id: Document_ID.Exec)
  { manager.send(Cancel_Exec(exec_id)) }

  def update(doc_blobs: Document.Blobs, edits: List[Document.Edit_Text])
  { if (!edits.isEmpty) manager.send_wait(Session.Raw_Edits(doc_blobs, edits)) }

  def update_options(options: Options)
  { manager.send_wait(Update_Options(options)) }

  def dialog_result(id: Document_ID.Generic, serial: Long, result: String)
  { manager.send(Session.Dialog_Result(id, serial, result)) }