author wenzelm
Tue, 20 Mar 2012 21:34:42 +0100
changeset 47058 34761733526c
parent 36859 51af1657263b
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
refined init_model: allow change of buffer name as caused by "Save as", for example; avoid init_model while buffer.isLoading -- potentially prevent NPE of getText; avoid emitting nested buffer.propertiesChanged events;

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# psbooklet - rearrange pages of ps file to be printed as booklet (duplex)

psbook "$@" | \
  pstops '4:0L@.7(21cm,0cm)+1L@.7(21cm,14.85cm),3R@.7(0cm,14.85cm)+2R@.7(0cm,29.7cm)'