author wenzelm
Thu, 20 Nov 1997 12:50:57 +0100
changeset 4249 34b7aafdc1bc
parent 3165 80818995eb76
child 6629 6edc66a9d80b
permissions -rw-r--r--
exported pretty_classrel, pretty_arity; added infer_types_simult; tuned infer_types interface; moved print_sg to display.ML;

#  $Id$
#									#
#	Makefile for the report "A Fixedpoint Approach ..."		#
#									#

FILES =  ind-defs.tex ../proof.sty ../iman.sty ../extra.sty

ind-defs.dvi.gz:   $(FILES) 
	-rm ind-defs.dvi.gz
	latex ind-defs
	bibtex ind-defs
	latex ind-defs
	latex ind-defs
	gzip -f ind-defs.dvi

dist:   $(FILES) 
	-rm ind-defs.dvi*
	latex ind-defs
	latex ind-defs

	@rm *.aux *.log *.toc