use Named_Thms instead of Theory_Data for some domain package theorems
(* Title: Tools/cache_io.ML Author: Sascha Boehme, TU MuenchenCache for output of external processes.*)signature CACHE_IO =sig val with_tmp_file: string -> (Path.T -> 'a) -> 'a val with_tmp_dir: string -> (Path.T -> 'a) -> 'a val run: (Path.T -> Path.T -> string) -> string -> string list * string list type cache val make: Path.T -> cache val cache_path_of: cache -> Path.T val lookup: cache -> string -> (string list * string list) option * string val run_and_cache: cache -> string -> (Path.T -> Path.T -> string) -> string -> string list * string list val run_cached: cache -> (Path.T -> Path.T -> string) -> string -> string list * string listendstructure Cache_IO : CACHE_IO =structval cache_io_prefix = "cache-io-"fun with_tmp_file name f = let val path = File.tmp_path (Path.explode (name ^ serial_string ())) val x = Exn.capture f path val _ = try File.rm path in Exn.release x endfun with_tmp_dir name f = let val path = File.tmp_path (Path.explode (name ^ serial_string ())) val _ = File.mkdir path val x = Exn.capture f path val _ = try File.rm_tree path in Exn.release x endfun run make_cmd str = with_tmp_file cache_io_prefix (fn in_path => with_tmp_file cache_io_prefix (fn out_path => let val _ = File.write in_path str val (out2, _) = bash_output (make_cmd in_path out_path) val out1 = the_default [] (try (rev o File.fold_lines cons out_path) []) in (out1, split_lines out2) end))abstype cache = Cache of { path: Path.T, table: (int * (int * int * int) Symtab.table) Synchronized.var }withfun cache_path_of (Cache {path, ...}) = pathfun load cache_path = let fun err () = error ("Cache IO: corrupted cache file: " ^ File.shell_path cache_path) fun int_of_string s = (case read_int (explode s) of (i, []) => i | _ => err ()) fun split line = (case space_explode " " line of [key, len1, len2] => (key, int_of_string len1, int_of_string len2) | _ => err ()) fun parse line ((i, l), tab) = if i = l then let val (key, l1, l2) = split line in ((i+1, l+l1+l2+1), Symtab.update (key, (i+1, l1, l2)) tab) end else ((i+1, l), tab) in apfst fst (File.fold_lines parse cache_path ((1, 1), Symtab.empty)) end fun make path = let val table = if File.exists path then load path else (1, Symtab.empty) in Cache {path=path, table=Synchronized.var (Path.implode path) table} endfun load_cached_result cache_path (p, len1, len2) = let fun load line (i, xsp) = if i < p then (i+1, xsp) else if i < p + len1 then (i+1, apfst (cons line) xsp) else if i < p + len2 then (i+1, apsnd (cons line) xsp) else (i, xsp) in pairself rev (snd (File.fold_lines load cache_path (1, ([], [])))) endfun lookup (Cache {path=cache_path, table}) str = let val key = SHA1.digest str in (case Symtab.lookup (snd (Synchronized.value table)) key of NONE => (NONE, key) | SOME pos => (SOME (load_cached_result cache_path pos), key)) endfun run_and_cache (Cache {path=cache_path, table}) key make_cmd str = let val res as (out, err) = run make_cmd str val (l1, l2) = pairself length res val header = key ^ " " ^ string_of_int l1 ^ " " ^ string_of_int l2 val lines = map (suffix "\n") (header :: out @ err) val _ = Synchronized.change table (fn (p, tab) => if Symtab.defined tab key then (p, tab) else let val _ = File.append_list cache_path lines in (p+l1+l2+1, Symtab.update (key, (p+1, l1, l2)) tab) end) in res endfun run_cached cache make_cmd str = (case lookup cache str of (NONE, key) => run_and_cache cache key make_cmd str | (SOME output, _) => output)endend