support bulk messages consisting of small string segments, which are more healthy to the Poly/ML RTS and might prevent spurious GC crashes such as MTGCProcessMarkPointers::ScanAddressesInObject;
(* Title: Pure/context_position.ML
Author: Makarius
Context position visibility flag.
val is_visible_generic: Context.generic -> bool
val is_visible: Proof.context -> bool
val is_visible_global: theory -> bool
val set_visible: bool -> Proof.context -> Proof.context
val set_visible_global: bool -> theory -> theory
val restore_visible: Proof.context -> Proof.context -> Proof.context
val restore_visible_global: theory -> theory -> theory
val is_reported_generic: Context.generic -> Position.T -> bool
val is_reported: Proof.context -> Position.T -> bool
val report_generic: Context.generic -> Position.T -> Markup.T -> unit
val reported_text: Proof.context -> Position.T -> Markup.T -> string -> string
val report_text: Proof.context -> Position.T -> Markup.T -> string -> unit
val report: Proof.context -> Position.T -> Markup.T -> unit
val reports_text: Proof.context -> Position.report_text list -> unit
val reports: Proof.context -> list -> unit
structure Context_Position: CONTEXT_POSITION =
structure Data = Generic_Data
type T = bool option;
val empty: T = NONE;
val extend = I;
fun merge (x, y): T = if is_some x then x else y;
val is_visible_generic = the_default true o Data.get;
val is_visible = is_visible_generic o Context.Proof;
val is_visible_global = is_visible_generic o Context.Theory;
val set_visible = Context.proof_map o Data.put o SOME;
val set_visible_global = Context.theory_map o Data.put o SOME;
val restore_visible = set_visible o is_visible;
val restore_visible_global = set_visible_global o is_visible_global;
fun is_reported_generic context pos = is_visible_generic context andalso Position.is_reported pos;
fun is_reported ctxt pos = is_visible ctxt andalso Position.is_reported pos;
fun report_generic context pos markup =
if is_reported_generic context pos then [Position.reported_text pos markup ""]
else ();
fun reported_text ctxt pos markup txt =
if is_reported ctxt pos then Position.reported_text pos markup txt else "";
fun report_text ctxt pos markup txt = [reported_text ctxt pos markup txt];
fun report ctxt pos markup = report_text ctxt pos markup "";
fun reports_text ctxt reps = if is_visible ctxt then Position.reports_text reps else ();
fun reports ctxt reps = if is_visible ctxt then Position.reports reps else ();