author paulson
Fri, 29 Mar 1996 13:18:26 +0100
changeset 1632 39e146ac224c
parent 1111 ba34f9764816
child 2657 448bb82c4003
permissions -rw-r--r--
Binary integers and their numeric syntax

#  $Id$
#									#
#	Makefile for the report "The Isabelle Reference Manual"		#
#									#

FILES =  ref.tex introduction.tex goals.tex tactic.tex tctical.tex\
         thm.tex theories.tex defining.tex syntax.tex substitution.tex\
         simplifier.tex classical.tex theory-syntax.tex\
	 ../iman.sty ../extra.sty

ref.dvi.gz:   $(FILES) 
	-rm ref.dvi.gz
	latex209 ref
	rail ref
	bibtex ref
	latex209 ref
	latex209 ref
	../sedindex ref
	latex209 ref
	gzip -f ref.dvi