author wenzelm
Sun, 31 May 2009 15:29:43 +0200
changeset 31316 39fe8093b1df
parent 30649 57753e0ec1d4
permissions -rw-r--r--
test experimental Poly/ML 5.3;

(*<*)theory Overloading2 imports Overloading1 begin(*>*)

Of course this is not the only possible definition of the two relations.
Componentwise comparison of lists of equal length also makes sense. This time
the elements of the list must also be of class @{text ordrel} to permit their

instance list :: (ordrel)ordrel
by intro_classes

defs (overloaded)
le_list_def: "xs <<= (ys::'a::ordrel list) \<equiv>
              size xs = size ys \<and> (\<forall>i<size xs. xs!i <<= ys!i)"

The infix function @{text"!"} yields the nth element of a list, starting with 0.

A type constructor can be instantiated in only one way to
a given type class.  For example, our two instantiations of @{text list} must
reside in separate theories with disjoint scopes.

subsubsection{*Predefined Overloading*}

HOL comes with a number of overloaded constants and corresponding classes.
The most important ones are listed in Table~\ref{tab:overloading} in the appendix. They are
defined on all numeric types and sometimes on other types as well, for example
$-$ and @{text"\<le>"} on sets.

In addition there is a special syntax for bounded quantifiers:
@{prop"\<forall>x \<le> y. P x"} & @{text"\<rightleftharpoons>"} & @{prop [source] "\<forall>x. x \<le> y \<longrightarrow> P x"} \\
@{prop"\<exists>x \<le> y. P x"} & @{text"\<rightleftharpoons>"} & @{prop [source] "\<exists>x. x \<le> y \<and> P x"}
And analogously for @{text"<"} instead of @{text"\<le>"}.