(* Title: HOL/ex/AVL.thy
ID: $Id$
Author: Cornelia Pusch and Tobias Nipkow
Copyright 1998 TUM
AVL trees: at the moment only insertion.
This version works exclusively with nat.
Balance check could be simplified by working with int:
"isbal (MKT n l r) = (abs(int(height l) - int(height r)) <= #1 &
isbal l & isbal r)"
AVL = Main +
datatype tree = ET | MKT nat tree tree
height :: "tree => nat"
isin :: "nat => tree => bool"
isord :: "tree => bool"
isbal :: "tree => bool"
"height ET = 0"
"height (MKT n l r) = Suc(max (height l) (height r))"
"isin k ET = False"
"isin k (MKT n l r) = (k=n | isin k l | isin k r)"
"isord ET = True"
"isord (MKT n l r) = ((! n'. isin n' l --> n' < n) &
(! n'. isin n' r --> n < n') &
isord l & isord r)"
"isbal ET = True"
"isbal (MKT n l r) = ((height l = height r |
height l = Suc(height r) |
height r = Suc(height l)) &
isbal l & isbal r)"
datatype bal = Just | Left | Right
bal :: "tree => bal"
"bal t == case t of ET => Just
| (MKT n l r) => if height l = height r then Just
else if height l < height r then Right else Left"
r_rot,l_rot,lr_rot,rl_rot :: "nat * tree * tree => tree"
recdef r_rot "{}"
"r_rot (n, MKT ln ll lr, r) = MKT ln ll (MKT n lr r)"
recdef l_rot "{}"
"l_rot(n, l, MKT rn rl rr) = MKT rn (MKT n l rl) rr"
recdef lr_rot "{}"
"lr_rot(n, MKT ln ll (MKT lrn lrl lrr), r) = MKT lrn (MKT ln ll lrl) (MKT n lrr r)"
recdef rl_rot "{}"
"rl_rot(n, l, MKT rn (MKT rln rll rlr) rr) = MKT rln (MKT n l rll) (MKT rn rlr rr)"
l_bal :: "nat => tree => tree => tree"
"l_bal n l r == if bal l = Right
then lr_rot (n, l, r)
else r_rot (n, l, r)"
r_bal :: "nat => tree => tree => tree"
"r_bal n l r == if bal r = Left
then rl_rot (n, l, r)
else l_rot (n, l, r)"
insert :: "nat => tree => tree"
"insert x ET = MKT x ET ET"
"insert x (MKT n l r) =
(if x=n
then MKT n l r
else if x<n
then let l' = insert x l
in if height l' = Suc(Suc(height r))
then l_bal n l' r
else MKT n l' r
else let r' = insert x r
in if height r' = Suc(Suc(height l))
then r_bal n l r'
else MKT n l r')"