author wenzelm
Tue, 01 Sep 2009 21:05:57 +0200
changeset 34692 3c0a8bece8b8
parent 34685 93f4978fe2a8
child 34696 356f18e64ba2
permissions -rw-r--r--
Isabelle_Process: receiver as Actor -- requires Scheduler.shutdown in the end; handle_message: plain function Isabelle_Process.parse_message avoids race on process variable in the first place;

 * Main Isabelle/jEdit plugin setup
 * @author Johannes Hölzl, TU Munich
 * @author Fabian Immler, TU Munich

package isabelle.jedit

import{FileInputStream, IOException}
import java.awt.Font
import javax.swing.JScrollPane

import scala.collection.mutable

import isabelle.prover.{Prover, Command}
import isabelle.proofdocument.ProofDocument
import isabelle.Isabelle_System

import org.gjt.sp.jedit.{jEdit, EBMessage, EBPlugin, Buffer, EditPane, ServiceManager, View}
import org.gjt.sp.jedit.buffer.JEditBuffer
import org.gjt.sp.jedit.textarea.JEditTextArea
import org.gjt.sp.jedit.msg.{EditPaneUpdate, PropertiesChanged}

object Isabelle
  /* name */

  val NAME = "Isabelle"

  /* properties */

  val OPTION_PREFIX = "options.isabelle."

  object Property
    def apply(name: String): String = jEdit.getProperty(OPTION_PREFIX + name)
    def update(name: String, value: String) = jEdit.setProperty(OPTION_PREFIX + name, value)

  object Boolean_Property
    def apply(name: String): Boolean = jEdit.getBooleanProperty(OPTION_PREFIX + name)
    def update(name: String, value: Boolean) = jEdit.setBooleanProperty(OPTION_PREFIX + name, value)

  object Int_Property
    def apply(name: String): Int = jEdit.getIntegerProperty(OPTION_PREFIX + name)
    def update(name: String, value: Int) = jEdit.setIntegerProperty(OPTION_PREFIX + name, value)

  /* Isabelle system instance */

  var system: Isabelle_System = null
  def symbols = system.symbols
  lazy val completion = new Completion + symbols

  /* settings */

  def default_logic =
    val logic = Isabelle.Property("logic")
    if (logic != null) logic else Isabelle.system.getenv_strict("ISABELLE_LOGIC")

  /* plugin instance */

  var plugin: Plugin = null

  /* running provers */

  def prover_setup(buffer: JEditBuffer) = plugin.prover_setup(buffer)

class Plugin extends EBPlugin
  /* Isabelle font */

  var font: Font = null
  val font_changed = new EventBus[Font]

  def set_font(size: Int)
    font = Font.createFont(Font.TRUETYPE_FONT,
      deriveFont(Font.PLAIN, (size max 1).toFloat)

  /* event buses */

  val state_update = new EventBus[Command]
  val command_change = new EventBus[Command]
  val document_change = new EventBus[ProofDocument]

  /* selected state */

  private var _selected_state: Command = null
  def selected_state = _selected_state
  def selected_state_=(state: Command) { _selected_state = state; state_update.event(state) }

  /* mapping buffer <-> prover */

  private val mapping = new mutable.HashMap[JEditBuffer, ProverSetup]

  private def install(view: View)
    val buffer = view.getBuffer
    val prover_setup = new ProverSetup(buffer)
    mapping.update(buffer, prover_setup)

  private def uninstall(view: View) =

  def switch_active (view: View) =
    if (mapping.isDefinedAt(view.getBuffer)) uninstall(view)
    else install(view)

  def prover_setup(buffer: JEditBuffer): Option[ProverSetup] = mapping.get(buffer)
  def is_active (buffer: JEditBuffer) = mapping.isDefinedAt(buffer)

  /* main plugin plumbing */

  override def handleMessage(msg: EBMessage)
    msg match {
      case epu: EditPaneUpdate =>
        val buffer = epu.getEditPane.getBuffer
        epu.getWhat match {
          case EditPaneUpdate.BUFFER_CHANGED =>
            (mapping get buffer) map (_.theory_view.activate)
          case EditPaneUpdate.BUFFER_CHANGING =>
            if (buffer != null)
              (mapping get buffer) map (_.theory_view.deactivate)
          case _ =>
      case _ =>

  override def start()
    Isabelle.system = new Isabelle_System
    Isabelle.plugin = this

  override def stop()
    // TODO: proper cleanup
    Isabelle.system = null
    Isabelle.plugin = null
