(* Title: HOL/Induct/Infinitely_Branching_Tree.thy
Author: Stefan Berghofer, TU Muenchen
Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
section \<open>Infinitely branching trees\<close>
theory Infinitely_Branching_Tree
imports Main
datatype 'a tree =
Atom 'a
| Branch "nat \<Rightarrow> 'a tree"
primrec map_tree :: "('a \<Rightarrow> 'b) \<Rightarrow> 'a tree \<Rightarrow> 'b tree"
"map_tree f (Atom a) = Atom (f a)"
| "map_tree f (Branch ts) = Branch (\<lambda>x. map_tree f (ts x))"
lemma tree_map_compose: "map_tree g (map_tree f t) = map_tree (g \<circ> f) t"
by (induct t) simp_all
primrec exists_tree :: "('a \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> 'a tree \<Rightarrow> bool"
"exists_tree P (Atom a) = P a"
| "exists_tree P (Branch ts) = (\<exists>x. exists_tree P (ts x))"
lemma exists_map:
"(\<And>x. P x \<Longrightarrow> Q (f x)) \<Longrightarrow>
exists_tree P ts \<Longrightarrow> exists_tree Q (map_tree f ts)"
by (induct ts) auto
subsection\<open>The Brouwer ordinals, as in ZF/Induct/Brouwer.thy.\<close>
datatype brouwer = Zero | Succ brouwer | Lim "nat \<Rightarrow> brouwer"
text \<open>Addition of ordinals\<close>
primrec add :: "brouwer \<Rightarrow> brouwer \<Rightarrow> brouwer"
"add i Zero = i"
| "add i (Succ j) = Succ (add i j)"
| "add i (Lim f) = Lim (\<lambda>n. add i (f n))"
lemma add_assoc: "add (add i j) k = add i (add j k)"
by (induct k) auto
text \<open>Multiplication of ordinals\<close>
primrec mult :: "brouwer \<Rightarrow> brouwer \<Rightarrow> brouwer"
"mult i Zero = Zero"
| "mult i (Succ j) = add (mult i j) i"
| "mult i (Lim f) = Lim (\<lambda>n. mult i (f n))"
lemma add_mult_distrib: "mult i (add j k) = add (mult i j) (mult i k)"
by (induct k) (auto simp add: add_assoc)
lemma mult_assoc: "mult (mult i j) k = mult i (mult j k)"
by (induct k) (auto simp add: add_mult_distrib)
text \<open>We could probably instantiate some axiomatic type classes and use
the standard infix operators.\<close>
subsection \<open>A WF Ordering for The Brouwer ordinals (Michael Compton)\<close>
text \<open>To use the function package we need an ordering on the Brouwer
ordinals. Start with a predecessor relation and form its transitive
definition brouwer_pred :: "(brouwer \<times> brouwer) set"
where "brouwer_pred = (\<Union>i. {(m, n). n = Succ m \<or> (\<exists>f. n = Lim f \<and> m = f i)})"
definition brouwer_order :: "(brouwer \<times> brouwer) set"
where "brouwer_order = brouwer_pred\<^sup>+"
lemma wf_brouwer_pred: "wf brouwer_pred"
unfolding wf_def brouwer_pred_def
apply clarify
apply (induct_tac x)
apply blast+
lemma wf_brouwer_order[simp]: "wf brouwer_order"
unfolding brouwer_order_def
by (rule wf_trancl[OF wf_brouwer_pred])
lemma [simp]: "(j, Succ j) \<in> brouwer_order"
by (auto simp add: brouwer_order_def brouwer_pred_def)
lemma [simp]: "(f n, Lim f) \<in> brouwer_order"
by (auto simp add: brouwer_order_def brouwer_pred_def)
text \<open>Example of a general function\<close>
function add2 :: "brouwer \<Rightarrow> brouwer \<Rightarrow> brouwer"
"add2 i Zero = i"
| "add2 i (Succ j) = Succ (add2 i j)"
| "add2 i (Lim f) = Lim (\<lambda>n. add2 i (f n))"
by pat_completeness auto
by (relation "inv_image brouwer_order snd") auto
lemma add2_assoc: "add2 (add2 i j) k = add2 i (add2 j k)"
by (induct k) auto