author wenzelm
Thu, 14 Oct 1999 15:04:36 +0200
changeset 7866 3ccaa11b6df9
parent 5672 329225a6b6e0
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
pdf: generate thumbnails if ISABELLE_THUMBPDF set;

# set the keyboard modifiers used by Isabelle 8bit package

# The variables SUPER_L and HYPER_R are automatically configured 
# by the Master Makefile. You should configure them there.

#keycode for Super_L (= left Meta)

#keycode for Hyper_R (= right Meta)

# define modifier keys for Isabelle keystrokes
# map super-key onto left Meta key
xmodmap -e "keycode $SUPER_L = Super_L"

# map hyper-key onto right Meta key
xmodmap -e "keycode $HYPER_R = Hyper_R"

# define new keysyms to generate Mod1 and Mod5
xmodmap -e "clear Mod1" -e "add Mod1 = Super_L"
xmodmap -e "clear Mod5" -e "add Mod5 = Hyper_R"

# make bash, axe, and vim accept 8 bit input 
#export LANG=iso_8859_1
export LESSCHARSET=latin1
export INPUTRC=$ISABELLE8BIT/keyboard/bash.inputrc