finprod takes 1 in case of infinite sets => remove several "finite A" assumptions
(* Title: HOL/UNITY/UNITY_Main.thy
Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
Copyright 2003 University of Cambridge
section{*Comprehensive UNITY Theory*}
theory UNITY_Main
imports Detects PPROD Follows ProgressSets
ML_file "UNITY_tactics.ML"
method_setup safety = {*
Scan.succeed (SIMPLE_METHOD' o constrains_tac) *}
"for proving safety properties"
method_setup ensures_tac = {*
Args.goal_spec -- Scan.lift Args.name_inner_syntax >>
(fn (quant, s) => fn ctxt => SIMPLE_METHOD'' quant (ensures_tac ctxt s))
*} "for proving progress properties"
setup {*
map_theory_simpset (fn ctxt => ctxt
addsimps (make_o_equivs ctxt @{thm fst_o_funPair} @ make_o_equivs ctxt @{thm snd_o_funPair})
addsimps (make_o_equivs ctxt @{thm fst_o_lift_map} @ make_o_equivs ctxt @{thm snd_o_lift_map}))