moved inj and surj from Set to Fun and Inv -> inv.
(* Title: HOLCF/cfun1.ML
ID: $Id$
Author: Franz Regensburger
Copyright 1993 Technische Universitaet Muenchen
Lemmas for cfun1.thy
open Cfun1;
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* A non-emptyness result for Cfun *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
val CfunI = prove_goalw Cfun1.thy [Cfun_def] "(% x.x):Cfun"
(fn prems =>
(rtac (mem_Collect_eq RS ssubst) 1),
(rtac contX_id 1)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* less_cfun is a partial order on type 'a -> 'b *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
val refl_less_cfun = prove_goalw Cfun1.thy [less_cfun_def] "less_cfun(f,f)"
(fn prems =>
(rtac refl_less 1)
val antisym_less_cfun = prove_goalw Cfun1.thy [less_cfun_def]
"[|less_cfun(f1,f2); less_cfun(f2,f1)|] ==> f1 = f2"
(fn prems =>
(cut_facts_tac prems 1),
(rtac injD 1),
(rtac antisym_less 2),
(atac 3),
(atac 2),
(rtac inj_inverseI 1),
(rtac Rep_Cfun_inverse 1)
val trans_less_cfun = prove_goalw Cfun1.thy [less_cfun_def]
"[|less_cfun(f1,f2); less_cfun(f2,f3)|] ==> less_cfun(f1,f3)"
(fn prems =>
(cut_facts_tac prems 1),
(etac trans_less 1),
(atac 1)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* lemmas about application of continuous functions *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
val cfun_cong = prove_goal Cfun1.thy
"[| f=g; x=y |] ==> f[x] = g[y]"
(fn prems =>
(cut_facts_tac prems 1),
(fast_tac HOL_cs 1)
val cfun_fun_cong = prove_goal Cfun1.thy "f=g ==> f[x] = g[x]"
(fn prems =>
(cut_facts_tac prems 1),
(etac cfun_cong 1),
(rtac refl 1)
val cfun_arg_cong = prove_goal Cfun1.thy "x=y ==> f[x] = f[y]"
(fn prems =>
(cut_facts_tac prems 1),
(rtac cfun_cong 1),
(rtac refl 1),
(atac 1)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* additional lemma about the isomorphism between -> and Cfun *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
val Abs_Cfun_inverse2 = prove_goal Cfun1.thy "contX(f) ==> fapp(fabs(f)) = f"
(fn prems =>
(cut_facts_tac prems 1),
(rtac Abs_Cfun_inverse 1),
(rewrite_goals_tac [Cfun_def]),
(etac (mem_Collect_eq RS ssubst) 1)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* simplification of application *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
val Cfunapp2 = prove_goal Cfun1.thy
"contX(f) ==> (fabs(f))[x] = f(x)"
(fn prems =>
(cut_facts_tac prems 1),
(etac (Abs_Cfun_inverse2 RS fun_cong) 1)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* beta - equality for continuous functions *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
val beta_cfun = prove_goal Cfun1.thy
"contX(c1) ==> (LAM x .c1(x))[u] = c1(u)"
(fn prems =>
(cut_facts_tac prems 1),
(rtac Cfunapp2 1),
(atac 1)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* load ML file cinfix.ML *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
writeln "Reading file cinfix.ML";
use "cinfix.ML";