moved inj and surj from Set to Fun and Inv -> inv.
(* Title: Pure/ML-Systems/smlnj-0.93.ML
ID: $Id$
Author: Carsten Clasohm, TU Muenchen
Copyright 1996 TU Muenchen
Compatibility file for Standard ML of New Jersey version 0.93.
(*** Poly/ML emulation ***)
fun quit () = exit 0;
(*To limit the printing depth [divided by 2 for comparibility with Poly/ML]*)
fun print_depth n = (System.Control.Print.printDepth := n div 2;
System.Control.Print.printLength := n);
(*Interface for toplevel pretty printers, see also Pure/install_pp.ML*)
fun make_pp path pprint =
open System.PrettyPrint;
fun pp pps obj =
pprint obj
(add_string pps, begin_block pps INCONSISTENT,
fn wd => add_break pps (wd, 0), fn () => add_newline pps,
fn () => end_block pps);
(path, pp)
fun install_pp (path, pp) = System.PrettyPrint.install_pp path pp;
(*** New Jersey ML parameters ***)
(* Suppresses Garbage Collection messages; default was 2 *)
System.Control.Runtime.gcmessages := 0;
(*** Timing functions ***)
(*Print microseconds, suppressing trailing zeroes*)
fun umakestring 0 = ""
| umakestring n = chr(ord "0" + n div 100000) ^
umakestring(10 * (n mod 100000));
(*A conditional timing function: applies f to () and, if the flag is true,
prints its runtime. *)
fun cond_timeit flag f =
if flag then
let fun string_of_time (System.Timer.TIME {sec, usec}) =
makestring sec ^ "." ^ (if usec=0 then "0" else umakestring usec)
open System.Timer;
val start = start_timer()
val result = f();
val nongc = check_timer(start)
and gc = check_timer_gc(start);
val both = add_time(nongc, gc)
in print("Non GC " ^ string_of_time nongc ^
" GC " ^ string_of_time gc ^
" both "^ string_of_time both ^ " secs\n");
else f();
(*** File handling ***)
(*Get time of last modification; if file doesn't exist return an empty string*)
open System.Timer;
open System.Unsafe.SysIO;
fun file_info "" = ""
| file_info name = makestring (mtime (PATH name)) handle _ => "";
structure OS =
structure FileSys =
val chDir =
val remove = System.Unsafe.SysIO.unlink (*Delete a file *)
val getDir = System.Directory.getWD (*path of working directory*)
(*** ML command execution ***)
fun use_string commands =
System.Compile.use_stream (open_string (implode commands));
(*** System command execution ***)
(*Execute an Unix command which doesn't take any input from stdin and
sends its output to stdout.
This could be done more easily by IO.execute, but that function
seems to be buggy in SML/NJ 0.93.*)
fun execute command =
let val tmp_name = "isa_converted.tmp"
val is = (System.system (command ^ " > " ^ tmp_name);
open_in tmp_name);
val result = input (is, 999999);
in close_in is;
OS.FileSys.remove tmp_name;
(*redefine to flush its output immediately -- temporary patch suggested
by Kim Dam Petersen*)
val output = fn(s, t) => (output(s, t); flush_out s);
(* symbol input *)
val needs_filtered_use = false;