/* Title: Tools/VSCode/src/vscode_main.scala
Author: Makarius
Main application entry point for Isabelle/VSCode.
package isabelle.vscode
import isabelle._
import java.util.zip.ZipFile
object VSCode_Main {
/* vscodium command-line interface */
def server_log_path: Path =
def run_vscodium(args: List[String],
environment: List[(String, String)] = Nil,
options: List[String] = Nil,
logic: String = "",
logic_ancestor: String = "",
logic_requirements: Boolean = false,
session_dirs: List[Path] = Nil,
include_sessions: List[String] = Nil,
modes: List[String] = Nil,
no_build: Boolean = false,
server_log: Boolean = false,
verbose: Boolean = false,
background: Boolean = false,
progress: Progress = new Progress
): Process_Result = {
def platform_path(s: String): String = File.platform_path(Path.explode(s))
val args_json =
JSON.optional("options" -> proper_list(options)) ++
JSON.optional("logic" -> proper_string(logic)) ++
JSON.optional("logic_ancestor" -> proper_string(logic_ancestor)) ++
JSON.optional("logic_requirements" -> proper_bool(logic_requirements)) ++
JSON.optional("session_dirs" ->
proper_list(session_dirs.map(dir => Sessions.check_session_dir(dir).absolute.implode))) ++
JSON.optional("include_sessions" -> proper_list(include_sessions)) ++
JSON.optional("modes" -> proper_list(modes)) ++
JSON.optional("no_build" -> proper_bool(no_build)) ++
JSON.optional("log_file" ->
(if (server_log) Some(server_log_path.absolute.implode) else None)) ++
JSON.optional("verbose" -> proper_bool(verbose))
val env =
Isabelle_System.settings(environment ::: List(
"ISABELLE_VSCODIUM_ARGS" -> JSON.Format(args_json),
val electron = Isabelle_System.getenv("ISABELLE_VSCODIUM_ELECTRON")
if (electron.isEmpty) {
error("""Undefined $ISABELLE_VSCODIUM_ELECTRON: missing "vscodium" component""")
val args0 =
"--ms-enable-electron-run-as-node", "--locale", "en-US",
"--user-data-dir", platform_path("$ISABELLE_VSCODE_SETTINGS/user-data"),
"--extensions-dir", platform_path("$ISABELLE_VSCODE_SETTINGS/extensions"))
val script =
Bash.strings(electron :: args0 ::: args) +
(if (background) " > /dev/null 2> /dev/null &" else "")
progress.bash(script, env = env, echo = true)
/* extension */
def default_vsix_path: Path = Path.explode("$ISABELLE_VSCODE_VSIX")
def extension_dir: Path = Path.explode("$ISABELLE_VSCODE_HOME/extension")
val extension_name: String = "isabelle.isabelle"
val MANIFEST: Path = Path.explode("MANIFEST")
private def shasum_vsix(vsix_path: Path): SHA1.Shasum = {
val name = "extension/MANIFEST.shasum"
def err(): Nothing = error("Cannot retrieve " + quote(name) + " from " + vsix_path)
if (vsix_path.is_file) {
using(new ZipFile(vsix_path.file))(zip_file =>
zip_file.getEntry(name) match {
case null => err()
case entry =>
zip_file.getInputStream(entry) match {
case null => err()
case stream => SHA1.fake_shasum(File.read_stream(stream))
else err()
private def shasum_dir(dir: Path): Option[SHA1.Shasum] = {
val path = dir + MANIFEST.shasum
if (path.is_file) Some(SHA1.fake_shasum(File.read(path))) else None
def locate_extension(): Option[Path] = {
val out = run_vscodium(List("--locate-extension", extension_name)).check.out
if (out.nonEmpty) Some(Path.explode(File.standard_path(out))) else None
def uninstall_extension(progress: Progress = new Progress): Unit =
locate_extension() match {
case None => progress.echo_warning("No Isabelle/VSCode extension to uninstall")
case Some(dir) =>
run_vscodium(List("--uninstall-extension", extension_name)).check
progress.echo("Uninstalled Isabelle/VSCode extension from directory:\n" + dir)
def install_extension(
vsix_path: Path = default_vsix_path,
progress: Progress = new Progress
): Unit = {
val new_shasum = shasum_vsix(vsix_path)
val old_shasum = locate_extension().flatMap(shasum_dir)
val current = old_shasum.isDefined && old_shasum.get == new_shasum
if (!current) {
run_vscodium(List("--install-extension", File.bash_platform_path(vsix_path))).check
locate_extension() match {
case None => error("Missing Isabelle/VSCode extension after installation")
case Some(dir) =>
progress.echo("Installed Isabelle/VSCode extension " + vsix_path.expand +
"\ninto directory: " + dir)
/* settings */
def settings_path: Path =
private val default_settings = """ {
"editor.fontFamily": "'Isabelle DejaVu Sans Mono'",
"editor.fontSize": 18,
"editor.lineNumbers": "off",
"editor.renderIndentGuides": false,
"editor.rulers": [80, 100],
"editor.unicodeHighlight.ambiguousCharacters": false,
"extensions.autoCheckUpdates": false,
"extensions.autoUpdate": false,
"terminal.integrated.fontFamily": "monospace",
"update.mode": "none"
def init_settings(): Unit = {
if (!settings_path.is_file) {
File.write(settings_path, default_settings)
/* Isabelle tool wrapper */
val isabelle_tool =
Isabelle_Tool("vscode", "Isabelle/VSCode interface wrapper", Scala_Project.here,
{ args =>
var logic_ancestor = ""
var console = false
var edit_extension = false
var server_log = false
var logic_requirements = false
var uninstall = false
var vsix_path = default_vsix_path
var session_dirs = List.empty[Path]
var include_sessions = List.empty[String]
var logic = ""
var modes = List.empty[String]
var no_build = false
var options = List.empty[String]
var verbose = false
def add_option(opt: String): Unit = options = options ::: List(opt)
val getopts = Getopts("""
Usage: isabelle vscode [OPTIONS] [ARGUMENTS] [-- VSCODE_OPTIONS]
-A NAME ancestor session for option -R (default: parent)
-C run as foreground process, with console output
-E edit Isabelle/VSCode extension project sources
-L enable language server log to file:
""" + server_log_path.implode + """
-R NAME build image with requirements from other sessions
-U uninstall Isabelle/VSCode extension
-V FILE specify VSIX file for Isabelle/VSCode extension
(default: """ + default_vsix_path + """)
-d DIR include session directory
-i NAME include session in name-space of theories
-l NAME logic session name
-m MODE add print mode for output
-n no build of session image on startup
-o OPTION override Isabelle system OPTION (via NAME=VAL or NAME)
-p CMD command prefix for ML process (e.g. NUMA policy)
-s system build mode for session image (system_heaps=true)
-u user build mode for session image (system_heaps=false)
-v verbose logging of language server
Start Isabelle/VSCode application, with automatic configuration of
user settings.
The following initial settings are provided for a fresh installation:
""" + default_settings,
"A:" -> (arg => logic_ancestor = arg),
"C" -> (_ => console = true),
"E" -> (_ => edit_extension = true),
"L" -> (_ => server_log = true),
"R:" -> (arg => { logic = arg; logic_requirements = true }),
"U" -> (_ => uninstall = true),
"V:" -> (arg => vsix_path = Path.explode(arg)),
"d:" -> (arg => session_dirs = session_dirs ::: List(Path.explode(arg))),
"i:" -> (arg => include_sessions = include_sessions ::: List(arg)),
"l:" -> (arg => { logic = arg; logic_requirements = false }),
"m:" -> (arg => modes = modes ::: List(arg)),
"n" -> (_ => no_build = true),
"o:" -> add_option,
"p:" -> (arg => add_option("process_policy=" + arg)),
"s" -> (_ => add_option("system_heaps=true")),
"u" -> (_ => add_option("system_heaps=false")),
"v" -> (_ => verbose = true))
val more_args = getopts(args)
val console_progress = new Console_Progress
if (uninstall) uninstall_extension(progress = console_progress)
else install_extension(vsix_path = vsix_path, progress = console_progress)
val (background, app_progress) =
if (console) (false, console_progress)
else { run_vscodium(List("--version")).check; (true, new Progress) }
more_args ::: (if (edit_extension) List(File.platform_path(extension_dir)) else Nil),
options = options, logic = logic, logic_ancestor = logic_ancestor,
logic_requirements = logic_requirements, session_dirs = session_dirs,
include_sessions = include_sessions, modes = modes, no_build = no_build,
server_log = server_log, verbose = verbose, background = background,
progress = app_progress).check