author wenzelm
Wed, 12 Nov 1997 16:23:11 +0100
changeset 4216 419113535e48
parent 4138 af6743b065fb
child 4217 3d5bac2b9fc3
permissions -rw-r--r--
File system operations.

(*  Title:      Pure/Thy/path.ML
    ID:         $Id$
    Author:     Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen

Abstract algebra of file paths.  External representation Unix-style.

  - support variables and  eval:(string->T)->T->T (!?)

signature PATH =
  type T
  val pack: T -> string
  val unpack: string -> T
  val current: T
  val parent: T
  val root: T
  val absolute: T -> bool
  val base: T -> string
  val append: T -> T -> T

structure Path: PATH =

(* type path *)

datatype T = Path of string list;

val current = Path [];
val parent = Path [".."];
val root = Path ["/"];

fun absolute (Path ("/" :: _)) = true
  | absolute _ = false;

fun base (Path []) = ""
  | base (Path ["/"]) = ""
  | base (Path xs) = snd (split_last xs);

(* append and norm *)

(*append non-normal path (2n arg) to reversed normal one, result is normal*)
fun rev_app xs [] = rev xs
  | rev_app _ ("/" :: ys) = rev_app ["/"] ys
  | rev_app xs ("." :: ys) = rev_app xs ys
  | rev_app [] (".." :: ys) = rev_app [".."] ys
  | rev_app (xs as ".." :: _) (".." :: ys) = rev_app (".." :: xs) ys
  | rev_app (xs as "/" :: _) (".." :: ys) = rev_app xs ys
  | rev_app (_ :: xs) (".." :: ys) = rev_app xs ys
  | rev_app xs (y :: ys) = rev_app (y :: xs) ys;

fun norm path = rev_app [] path;

fun append (Path xs) (Path ys) = Path (rev_app (rev xs) ys);

(* pack and unpack *)

fun pack (Path []) = "."
  | pack (Path ("/" :: xs)) = "/" ^ space_implode "/" xs
  | pack (Path xs) = space_implode "/" xs;

fun unpack str =
  Path (norm
    (case space_explode "/" str of
      [""] => []
    | "" :: xs => "/" :: filter (not_equal "") xs
    | xs => filter (not_equal "") xs));
