move generated files to document/ to avoid CVS file overwrite in generated/
cleanup (no generated root.pdf, session_graph.pdf etc)
# $Id$
## targets
default: dvi
## paths
SRCPATH = Sugar/document
## dependencies
include ../
NAME = sugar
FILES = Sugar/document/root.tex Sugar/document/root.bib \
Sugar/document/mathpartir.sty Sugar/document/LaTeXsugar.tex \
GARBAGE = Sugar/document/*.aux Sugar/document/*.log Sugar/document/*.toc \
Sugar/document/*.idx Sugar/document/*.bbl Sugar/document/*.blg \
dvi: $(NAME).dvi
$(NAME).dvi: $(FILES)
cd Sugar/document; \
$(LATEX) root; \
$(BIBTEX) root; \
$(LATEX) root; \
$(LATEX) root
mv $(SRCPATH)/root.dvi $(NAME).dvi
pdf: $(NAME).pdf
$(NAME).pdf: $(FILES)
cd Sugar/document; \
$(PDFLATEX) root; \
$(BIBTEX) root; \
$(PDFLATEX) root; \
$(PDFLATEX) root
mv $(SRCPATH)/root.pdf $(NAME).pdf