maintain generic context naming in structure Name_Space (NB: empty = default_naming, init = local_naming);
more explicit Context.generic for Name_Space.declare/define and derivatives (NB: naming changed after Proof_Context.init_global);
prefer Context.pretty in low-level operations of structure Sorts/Type (defer full Syntax.init_pretty until error output);
simplified signatures;
(* Title: Pure/Isar/auto_bind.ML
Author: Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen
Automatic bindings of Isar text elements.
signature AUTO_BIND =
val thesisN: string
val thisN: string
val assmsN: string
val goal: theory -> term list -> (indexname * term option) list
val facts: theory -> term list -> (indexname * term option) list
val no_facts: (indexname * term option) list
structure Auto_Bind: AUTO_BIND =
(** bindings **)
val thesisN = "thesis";
val thisN = "this";
val assmsN = "assms";
fun strip_judgment thy = Object_Logic.drop_judgment thy o Logic.strip_assums_concl;
fun statement_binds thy name prop =
[((name, 0), SOME (fold_rev Term.abs (Logic.strip_params prop) (strip_judgment thy prop)))];
(* goal *)
fun goal thy [prop] = statement_binds thy thesisN prop
| goal _ _ = [((thesisN, 0), NONE)];
(* facts *)
fun get_arg thy prop =
(case strip_judgment thy prop of
_ $ t => SOME (fold_rev Term.abs (Logic.strip_params prop) t)
| _ => NONE);
fun facts _ [] = []
| facts thy props =
let val prop = List.last props
in [(Syntax_Ext.dddot_indexname, get_arg thy prop)] @ statement_binds thy thisN prop end;
val no_facts = [(Syntax_Ext.dddot_indexname, NONE), ((thisN, 0), NONE)];