author wenzelm
Sat, 19 Sep 2015 20:38:28 +0200
changeset 61195 42419fe6f660
parent 57613 4c6d44a3a079
child 61196 67c20ce71d22
permissions -rw-r--r--
fast synchronous painting and asynchronous refresh of text overview, reduces GUI thread latency from 100ms to 1ms for big files like src/HOL/Multivariate_Analsyis/Integration.thy;

/*  Title:      Tools/jEdit/src/text_overview.scala
    Author:     Makarius

GUI component for text status overview.

package isabelle.jedit

import isabelle._

import scala.annotation.tailrec

import java.util.concurrent.{Future => JFuture}
import java.awt.{Graphics, Graphics2D, BorderLayout, Dimension, Color}
import java.awt.event.{MouseAdapter, MouseEvent}
import javax.swing.{JPanel, ToolTipManager}

class Text_Overview(doc_view: Document_View) extends JPanel(new BorderLayout)
  /* GUI components */

  private val text_area = doc_view.text_area
  private val buffer = doc_view.model.buffer

  private def lines(): Int = buffer.getLineCount max text_area.getVisibleLines

  private val WIDTH = 10
  private val HEIGHT = 4

  setPreferredSize(new Dimension(WIDTH, 0))


  addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter {
    override def mousePressed(event: MouseEvent) {
      val line = (event.getY * lines()) / getHeight
      if (line >= 0 && line < text_area.getLineCount)

  override def addNotify() {

  override def removeNotify() {

  /* overview */

  private case class Overview(
    relevant_range: Text.Range = Text.Range(0),
    line_count: Int = 0,
    char_count: Int = 0,
    L: Int = 0,
    H: Int = 0)

  private def get_overview(rendering: Rendering): Overview =
    val char_count = buffer.getLength
      relevant_range =
        JEdit_Lib.visible_range(text_area) match {
          case None => Text.Range(0)
          case Some(visible_range) =>
            val len = rendering.overview_limit max visible_range.length
            val start = (visible_range.start + visible_range.stop - len) / 2
            val stop = start + len

            if (start < 0) Text.Range(0, len min char_count)
            else if (stop > char_count) Text.Range((char_count - len) max 0, char_count)
            else Text.Range(start, stop)
      line_count = buffer.getLineCount,
      char_count = char_count,
      L = lines(),
      H = getHeight())

  /* synchronous painting */

  private var current_snapshot = Document.Snapshot.init
  private var current_options = PIDE.options.value
  private var current_overview = Overview()
  private var current_colors: List[(Color, Int, Int)] = Nil

  override def paintComponent(gfx: Graphics)
    GUI_Thread.assert {}

    doc_view.rich_text_area.robust_body(()) {
      JEdit_Lib.buffer_lock(buffer) {
        val rendering = doc_view.get_rendering()
        val snapshot = rendering.snapshot
        val options = rendering.options
        val overview = get_overview(rendering)

        if (!snapshot.is_outdated && overview == current_overview) {
          for ((color, h, h1) <- current_colors) {
            gfx.fillRect(0, h, getWidth, h1 - h)
        else {

  /* asynchronous refresh */

  private var future_refresh: Option[JFuture[Unit]] = None
  private def cancel(): Unit =

  def invoke(): Unit = delay_refresh.invoke()
  def revoke(): Unit = delay_refresh.revoke()
  def postpone(): Unit = { delay_refresh.postpone(PIDE.options.seconds("editor_input_delay")) }

  private val delay_refresh =
    GUI_Thread.delay_first(PIDE.options.seconds("editor_update_delay"), cancel _) {
      doc_view.rich_text_area.robust_body(()) {
        JEdit_Lib.buffer_lock(buffer) {
          val rendering = doc_view.get_rendering()
          val snapshot = rendering.snapshot
          val options = rendering.options
          val overview = get_overview(rendering)

          if (!snapshot.is_outdated &&
              (overview != current_overview ||
               !(snapshot eq_content current_snapshot) ||
               !(options eq current_options)))

            val line_offsets =
              val line_manager = JEdit_Lib.buffer_line_manager(buffer)
              val a = new Array[Int](line_manager.getLineCount)
              for (i <- 1 until a.length) a(i) = line_manager.getLineEndOffset(i - 1)

            future_refresh =
              Some(Simple_Thread.submit_task {
                val relevant_range = overview.relevant_range
                val line_count = overview.line_count
                val char_count = overview.char_count
                val L = overview.L
                val H = overview.H

                @tailrec def loop(l: Int, h: Int, p: Int, q: Int, colors: List[(Color, Int, Int)])
                  : List[(Color, Int, Int)] =

                  if (l < line_count && h < H) {
                    val p1 = p + H
                    val q1 = q + HEIGHT * L
                    val (l1, h1) =
                      if (p1 >= q1) (l + 1, h + (p1 - q) / L)
                      else (l + (q1 - p) / H, h + HEIGHT)

                    val start = line_offsets(l)
                    val end =
                      if (l1 < line_count) line_offsets(l1)
                      else char_count
                    val range = Text.Range(start, end)

                    val range_color =
                      if (range overlaps relevant_range) rendering.overview_color(range)
                      else Some(rendering.outdated_color)
                    val colors1 =
                      (range_color, colors) match {
                        case (Some(color), (old_color, old_h, old_h1) :: rest)
                        if color == old_color && old_h1 == h => (color, old_h, h1) :: rest
                        case (Some(color), _) => (color, h, h1) :: colors
                        case (None, _) => colors
                    loop(l1, h1, p + (l1 - l) * H, q + (h1 - h) * L, colors1)
                  else colors.reverse
                val new_colors = loop(0, 0, 0, 0, Nil)

                GUI_Thread.later {
                  current_snapshot = snapshot
                  current_options = options
                  current_overview = overview
                  current_colors = new_colors