author nipkow
Mon, 13 Jul 1998 16:04:22 +0200
changeset 5133 42a7fe39a63a
parent 298 3a0485439396
permissions -rw-r--r--
swapped condition in update_apply.

(*  Title: 	HOLCF/porder0.thy
    ID:         $Id$
    Author: 	Franz Regensburger
    Copyright   1993 Technische Universitaet Muenchen

Definition of class porder (partial order)

The prototype theory for this class is void.thy 


Porder0 = Void +

(* Introduction of new class. The witness is type void. *)

classes po < term

(* default type is still term ! *)
(* void is the prototype in po *)

arities void :: po

consts	"<<"	::	"['a,'a::po] => bool"	(infixl 55)


(* class axioms: justification is theory Void *)

refl_less	"x << x"	
				(* witness refl_less_void    *)

antisym_less	"[|x<<y ; y<<x |] ==> x = y"	
				(* witness antisym_less_void *)

trans_less	"[|x<<y ; y<<z |] ==> x<<z"
				(* witness trans_less_void   *)

(* instance of << for the prototype void *)

inst_void_po	"(op <<)::[void,void]=>bool = less_void"
