swapped condition in update_apply.
(* Title: ZF/add_ind_def.ML
ID: $Id$
Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
Copyright 1994 University of Cambridge
Fixedpoint definition module -- for Inductive/Coinductive Definitions
* least or greatest fixedpoints
* user-specified product and sum constructions
* mutually recursive definitions
* definitions involving arbitrary monotone operators
* automatically proves introduction and elimination rules
The recursive sets must *already* be declared as constants in parent theory!
Introduction rules have the form
[| ti:M(Sj), ..., P(x), ... |] ==> t: Sk |]
where M is some monotone operator (usually the identity)
P(x) is any (non-conjunctive) side condition on the free variables
ti, t are any terms
Sj, Sk are two of the sets being defined in mutual recursion
Sums are used only for mutual recursion;
Products are used only to derive "streamlined" induction rules for relations
signature FP = (** Description of a fixed point operator **)
val oper : term (*fixed point operator*)
val bnd_mono : term (*monotonicity predicate*)
val bnd_monoI : thm (*intro rule for bnd_mono*)
val subs : thm (*subset theorem for fp*)
val Tarski : thm (*Tarski's fixed point theorem*)
val induct : thm (*induction/coinduction rule*)
signature SU = (** Description of a disjoint sum **)
val sum : term (*disjoint sum operator*)
val inl : term (*left injection*)
val inr : term (*right injection*)
val elim : term (*case operator*)
val case_inl : thm (*inl equality rule for case*)
val case_inr : thm (*inr equality rule for case*)
val inl_iff : thm (*injectivity of inl, using <->*)
val inr_iff : thm (*injectivity of inr, using <->*)
val distinct : thm (*distinctness of inl, inr using <->*)
val distinct' : thm (*distinctness of inr, inl using <->*)
val free_SEs : thm list (*elim rules for SU, and pair_iff!*)
val add_fp_def_i : term list * term * term list -> theory -> theory
val add_constructs_def :
string list * ((string*typ*mixfix) *
string * term list * term list) list list ->
theory -> theory
(*Declares functions to add fixedpoint/constructor defs to a theory*)
functor Add_inductive_def_Fun
(structure Fp: FP and Pr : PR and CP: CARTPROD and Su : SU)
open Logic Ind_Syntax;
(*internal version*)
fun add_fp_def_i (rec_tms, dom_sum, intr_tms) thy =
val dummy = (*has essential ancestors?*)
Theory.requires thy "Inductive" "(co)inductive definitions"
val sign = sign_of thy;
(*recT and rec_params should agree for all mutually recursive components*)
val rec_hds = map head_of rec_tms;
val dummy = assert_all is_Const rec_hds
(fn t => "Recursive set not previously declared as constant: " ^
Sign.string_of_term sign t);
(*Now we know they are all Consts, so get their names, type and params*)
val rec_names = map (#1 o dest_Const) rec_hds
and (Const(_,recT),rec_params) = strip_comb (hd rec_tms);
val rec_base_names = map Sign.base_name rec_names;
val dummy = assert_all Syntax.is_identifier rec_base_names
(fn a => "Base name of recursive set not an identifier: " ^ a);
local (*Checking the introduction rules*)
val intr_sets = map (#2 o rule_concl_msg sign) intr_tms;
fun intr_ok set =
case head_of set of Const(a,recT) => a mem rec_names | _ => false;
val dummy = assert_all intr_ok intr_sets
(fn t => "Conclusion of rule does not name a recursive set: " ^
Sign.string_of_term sign t);
val dummy = assert_all is_Free rec_params
(fn t => "Param in recursion term not a free variable: " ^
Sign.string_of_term sign t);
(*** Construct the lfp definition ***)
val mk_variant = variant (foldr add_term_names (intr_tms,[]));
val z' = mk_variant"z" and X' = mk_variant"X" and w' = mk_variant"w";
fun dest_tprop (Const("Trueprop",_) $ P) = P
| dest_tprop Q = error ("Ill-formed premise of introduction rule: " ^
Sign.string_of_term sign Q);
(*Makes a disjunct from an introduction rule*)
fun lfp_part intr = (*quantify over rule's free vars except parameters*)
let val prems = map dest_tprop (strip_imp_prems intr)
val dummy = seq (fn rec_hd => seq (chk_prem rec_hd) prems) rec_hds
val exfrees = term_frees intr \\ rec_params
val zeq = FOLogic.mk_eq (Free(z',iT), #1 (rule_concl intr))
in foldr FOLogic.mk_exists
(exfrees, fold_bal (app FOLogic.conj) (zeq::prems))
(*The Part(A,h) terms -- compose injections to make h*)
fun mk_Part (Bound 0) = Free(X',iT) (*no mutual rec, no Part needed*)
| mk_Part h = Part_const $ Free(X',iT) $ Abs(w',iT,h);
(*Access to balanced disjoint sums via injections*)
val parts =
map mk_Part (accesses_bal (ap Su.inl, ap Su.inr, Bound 0)
(length rec_tms));
(*replace each set by the corresponding Part(A,h)*)
val part_intrs = map (subst_free (rec_tms ~~ parts) o lfp_part) intr_tms;
val lfp_abs = absfree(X', iT,
mk_Collect(z', dom_sum,
fold_bal (app FOLogic.disj) part_intrs));
val lfp_rhs = Fp.oper $ dom_sum $ lfp_abs
val dummy = seq (fn rec_hd => deny (rec_hd occs lfp_rhs)
"Illegal occurrence of recursion operator")
(*** Make the new theory ***)
(*A key definition:
If no mutual recursion then it equals the one recursive set.
If mutual recursion then it differs from all the recursive sets. *)
val big_rec_base_name = space_implode "_" rec_base_names;
val big_rec_name = Sign.intern_const sign big_rec_base_name;
(*Big_rec... is the union of the mutually recursive sets*)
val big_rec_tm = list_comb(Const(big_rec_name,recT), rec_params);
(*The individual sets must already be declared*)
val axpairs = map Logic.mk_defpair
((big_rec_tm, lfp_rhs) ::
(case parts of
[_] => [] (*no mutual recursion*)
| _ => rec_tms ~~ (*define the sets as Parts*)
map (subst_atomic [(Free(X',iT),big_rec_tm)]) parts));
(*tracing: print the fixedpoint definition*)
val _ = if !Ind_Syntax.trace then
seq (writeln o Sign.string_of_term sign o #2) axpairs
else ()
in thy |> PureThy.add_defs_i (map Attribute.none axpairs) end
(*Expects the recursive sets to have been defined already.
con_ty_lists specifies the constructors in the form (name,prems,mixfix) *)
fun add_constructs_def (rec_base_names, con_ty_lists) thy =
val dummy = (*has essential ancestors?*)
Theory.requires thy "Datatype" "(co)datatype definitions";
val sign = sign_of thy;
val full_name = Sign.full_name sign;
val dummy = writeln" Defining the constructor functions...";
val case_name = "f"; (*name for case variables*)
(** Define the constructors **)
(*The empty tuple is 0*)
fun mk_tuple [] = Const("0",iT)
| mk_tuple args = foldr1 (app Pr.pair) args;
fun mk_inject n k u = access_bal (ap Su.inl, ap Su.inr, u) n k;
val npart = length rec_base_names; (*total # of mutually recursive parts*)
(*Make constructor definition; kpart is # of this mutually recursive part*)
fun mk_con_defs (kpart, con_ty_list) =
let val ncon = length con_ty_list (*number of constructors*)
fun mk_def (((id,T,syn), name, args, prems), kcon) =
(*kcon is index of constructor*)
mk_defpair (list_comb (Const (full_name name, T), args),
mk_inject npart kpart
(mk_inject ncon kcon (mk_tuple args)))
in ListPair.map mk_def (con_ty_list, 1 upto ncon) end;
(** Define the case operator **)
(*Combine split terms using case; yields the case operator for one part*)
fun call_case case_list =
let fun call_f (free,[]) = Abs("null", iT, free)
| call_f (free,args) =
CP.ap_split (foldr1 CP.mk_prod (map (#2 o dest_Free) args))
in fold_bal (app Su.elim) (map call_f case_list) end;
(** Generating function variables for the case definition
Non-identifiers (e.g. infixes) get a name of the form f_op_nnn. **)
(*Treatment of a single constructor*)
fun add_case (((_, T, _), name, args, prems), (opno, cases)) =
if Syntax.is_identifier name then
(opno, (Free (case_name ^ "_" ^ name, T), args) :: cases)
(opno + 1, (Free (case_name ^ "_op_" ^ string_of_int opno, T), args) :: cases);
(*Treatment of a list of constructors, for one part*)
fun add_case_list (con_ty_list, (opno, case_lists)) =
let val (opno', case_list) = foldr add_case (con_ty_list, (opno, []))
in (opno', case_list :: case_lists) end;
(*Treatment of all parts*)
val (_, case_lists) = foldr add_case_list (con_ty_lists, (1,[]));
val big_case_typ = flat (map (map (#2 o #1)) con_ty_lists) ---> (iT-->iT);
val big_rec_base_name = space_implode "_" rec_base_names;
val big_case_base_name = big_rec_base_name ^ "_case";
val big_case_name = full_name big_case_base_name;
(*The list of all the function variables*)
val big_case_args = flat (map (map #1) case_lists);
val big_case_tm =
list_comb (Const (big_case_name, big_case_typ), big_case_args);
val big_case_def = mk_defpair
(big_case_tm, fold_bal (app Su.elim) (map call_case case_lists));
(* Build the new theory *)
val const_decs =
(big_case_base_name, big_case_typ, NoSyn) :: map #1 (flat con_ty_lists);
val axpairs =
big_case_def :: flat (ListPair.map mk_con_defs (1 upto npart, con_ty_lists));
|> Theory.add_consts_i const_decs
|> PureThy.add_defs_i (map Attribute.none axpairs)