/* Title: Pure/PIDE/rendering.scala
Author: Makarius
Isabelle-specific implementation of quasi-abstract rendering and
markup interpretation.
package isabelle
object Rendering
/* color */
object Color extends Enumeration
// background
val unprocessed1, running1, bad, intensify, entity, active, active_result,
markdown_item1, markdown_item2, markdown_item3, markdown_item4 = Value
val background_colors = values
// foreground
val quoted, antiquoted = Value
val foreground_colors = values -- background_colors
// message underline
val writeln, information, warning, legacy, error = Value
val message_underline_colors = values -- background_colors -- foreground_colors
// message background
val writeln_message, information_message, tracing_message,
warning_message, legacy_message, error_message = Value
val message_background_colors =
values -- background_colors -- foreground_colors -- message_underline_colors
// text
val main, keyword1, keyword2, keyword3, quasi_keyword, improper, operator,
tfree, tvar, free, skolem, bound, `var`, inner_numeral, inner_quoted,
inner_cartouche, inner_comment, dynamic, class_parameter, antiquote = Value
val text_colors =
values -- background_colors -- foreground_colors -- message_underline_colors --
// text overview
val unprocessed, running = Value
val text_overview_colors = Set(unprocessed, running, error, warning)
/* output messages */
val state_pri = 1
val writeln_pri = 2
val information_pri = 3
val tracing_pri = 4
val warning_pri = 5
val legacy_pri = 6
val error_pri = 7
val message_pri = Map(
Markup.STATE -> state_pri,
Markup.STATE_MESSAGE -> state_pri,
Markup.WRITELN -> writeln_pri,
Markup.WRITELN_MESSAGE -> writeln_pri,
Markup.INFORMATION -> information_pri,
Markup.INFORMATION_MESSAGE -> information_pri,
Markup.TRACING -> tracing_pri,
Markup.TRACING_MESSAGE -> tracing_pri,
Markup.WARNING -> warning_pri,
Markup.WARNING_MESSAGE -> warning_pri,
Markup.LEGACY -> legacy_pri,
Markup.LEGACY_MESSAGE -> legacy_pri,
Markup.ERROR -> error_pri,
Markup.ERROR_MESSAGE -> error_pri
val message_underline_color = Map(
writeln_pri -> Color.writeln,
information_pri -> Color.information,
warning_pri -> Color.warning,
legacy_pri -> Color.legacy,
error_pri -> Color.error)
val message_background_color = Map(
writeln_pri -> Color.writeln_message,
information_pri -> Color.information_message,
tracing_pri -> Color.tracing_message,
warning_pri -> Color.warning_message,
legacy_pri -> Color.legacy_message,
error_pri -> Color.error_message)
def output_messages(results: Command.Results): List[XML.Tree] =
val (states, other) =
states ::: other
/* text color */
val text_color = Map(
Markup.KEYWORD1 -> Color.keyword1,
Markup.KEYWORD2 -> Color.keyword2,
Markup.KEYWORD3 -> Color.keyword3,
Markup.QUASI_KEYWORD -> Color.quasi_keyword,
Markup.IMPROPER -> Color.improper,
Markup.OPERATOR -> Color.operator,
Markup.STRING -> Color.main,
Markup.ALT_STRING -> Color.main,
Markup.VERBATIM -> Color.main,
Markup.CARTOUCHE -> Color.main,
Markup.LITERAL -> Color.keyword1,
Markup.DELIMITER -> Color.main,
Markup.TFREE -> Color.tfree,
Markup.TVAR -> Color.tvar,
Markup.FREE -> Color.free,
Markup.SKOLEM -> Color.skolem,
Markup.BOUND -> Color.bound,
Markup.VAR -> Color.`var`,
Markup.INNER_STRING -> Color.inner_quoted,
Markup.INNER_CARTOUCHE -> Color.inner_cartouche,
Markup.INNER_COMMENT -> Color.inner_comment,
Markup.DYNAMIC_FACT -> Color.dynamic,
Markup.CLASS_PARAMETER -> Color.class_parameter,
Markup.ANTIQUOTE -> Color.antiquote,
Markup.ML_KEYWORD1 -> Color.keyword1,
Markup.ML_KEYWORD2 -> Color.keyword2,
Markup.ML_KEYWORD3 -> Color.keyword3,
Markup.ML_DELIMITER -> Color.main,
Markup.ML_NUMERAL -> Color.inner_numeral,
Markup.ML_CHAR -> Color.inner_quoted,
Markup.ML_STRING -> Color.inner_quoted,
Markup.ML_COMMENT -> Color.inner_comment,
Markup.SML_STRING -> Color.inner_quoted,
Markup.SML_COMMENT -> Color.inner_comment)
val foreground =
Markup.STRING -> Color.quoted,
Markup.ALT_STRING -> Color.quoted,
Markup.VERBATIM -> Color.quoted,
Markup.CARTOUCHE -> Color.quoted,
Markup.ANTIQUOTED -> Color.antiquoted)
/* tooltips */
val tooltip_descriptions =
Markup.CITATION -> "citation",
Markup.TOKEN_RANGE -> "inner syntax token",
Markup.FREE -> "free variable",
Markup.SKOLEM -> "skolem variable",
Markup.BOUND -> "bound variable",
Markup.VAR -> "schematic variable",
Markup.TFREE -> "free type variable",
Markup.TVAR -> "schematic type variable")
/* markup elements */
val semantic_completion_elements =
Markup.Elements(Markup.COMPLETION, Markup.NO_COMPLETION)
val language_context_elements =
Markup.Elements(Markup.STRING, Markup.ALT_STRING, Markup.VERBATIM,
val language_elements = Markup.Elements(Markup.LANGUAGE)
val citation_elements = Markup.Elements(Markup.CITATION)
val active_elements =
Markup.Elements(Markup.DIALOG, Markup.BROWSER, Markup.GRAPHVIEW,
val background_elements =
Protocol.proper_status_elements + Markup.WRITELN_MESSAGE +
Markup.BAD + Markup.INTENSIFY + Markup.ENTITY +
Markup.Markdown_Item.name ++ active_elements
val foreground_elements = Markup.Elements(foreground.keySet)
val text_color_elements = Markup.Elements(text_color.keySet)
val tooltip_elements =
Markup.Elements(Markup.LANGUAGE, Markup.EXPRESSION, Markup.TIMING, Markup.ENTITY,
Markup.Markdown_List.name) ++ Markup.Elements(tooltip_descriptions.keySet)
val tooltip_message_elements =
Markup.Elements(Markup.WRITELN, Markup.INFORMATION, Markup.WARNING, Markup.LEGACY, Markup.ERROR,
val caret_focus_elements = Markup.Elements(Markup.ENTITY)
abstract class Rendering(
val snapshot: Document.Snapshot,
val options: Options,
val session: Session)
override def toString: String = "Rendering(" + snapshot.toString + ")"
/* completion */
def semantic_completion(completed_range: Option[Text.Range], caret_range: Text.Range)
: Option[Text.Info[Completion.Semantic]] =
if (snapshot.is_outdated) None
else {
snapshot.select(caret_range, Rendering.semantic_completion_elements, _ =>
case Completion.Semantic.Info(info) =>
completed_range match {
case Some(range0) if range0.contains(info.range) && range0 != info.range => None
case _ => Some(info)
case _ => None
def semantic_completion_result(
history: Completion.History,
unicode: Boolean,
completed_range: Option[Text.Range],
caret_range: Text.Range,
try_get_text: Text.Range => Option[String]): (Boolean, Option[Completion.Result]) =
semantic_completion(completed_range, caret_range) match {
case Some(Text.Info(_, Completion.No_Completion)) => (true, None)
case Some(Text.Info(range, names: Completion.Names)) =>
try_get_text(range) match {
case Some(original) => (false, names.complete(range, history, unicode, original))
case None => (false, None)
case None => (false, None)
def language_context(range: Text.Range): Option[Completion.Language_Context] =
snapshot.select(range, Rendering.language_context_elements, _ =>
case Text.Info(_, XML.Elem(Markup.Language(language, symbols, antiquotes, delimited), _)) =>
if (delimited) Some(Completion.Language_Context(language, symbols, antiquotes))
else None
case Text.Info(_, elem)
if elem.name == Markup.ML_STRING || elem.name == Markup.ML_COMMENT =>
case Text.Info(_, _) =>
def language_path(range: Text.Range): Option[Text.Range] =
snapshot.select(range, Rendering.language_elements, _ =>
case Text.Info(info_range, XML.Elem(Markup.Language(Markup.Language.PATH, _, _, _), _)) =>
case _ => None
def citation(range: Text.Range): Option[Text.Info[String]] =
snapshot.select(range, Rendering.citation_elements, _ =>
case Text.Info(info_range, XML.Elem(Markup.Citation(name), _)) =>
Some(Text.Info(snapshot.convert(info_range), name))
case _ => None
/* spell checker */
private lazy val spell_checker_elements =
Markup.Elements(space_explode(',', options.string("spell_checker_elements")): _*)
def spell_checker_ranges(range: Text.Range): List[Text.Range] =
snapshot.select(range, spell_checker_elements, _ => _ => Some(())).map(_.range)
def spell_checker_point(range: Text.Range): Option[Text.Range] =
snapshot.select(range, spell_checker_elements, _ =>
case info => Some(snapshot.convert(info.range))
/* text background */
def background(elements: Markup.Elements, range: Text.Range, focus: Set[Long])
: List[Text.Info[Rendering.Color.Value]] =
for {
Text.Info(r, result) <-
snapshot.cumulate[(List[Markup], Option[Rendering.Color.Value])](
range, (List(Markup.Empty), None), Rendering.background_elements,
command_states =>
case (((markups, color), Text.Info(_, XML.Elem(markup, _))))
if markups.nonEmpty && Protocol.proper_status_elements(markup.name) =>
Some((markup :: markups, color))
case (_, Text.Info(_, XML.Elem(Markup(Markup.BAD, _), _))) =>
Some((Nil, Some(Rendering.Color.bad)))
case (_, Text.Info(_, XML.Elem(Markup(Markup.INTENSIFY, _), _))) =>
Some((Nil, Some(Rendering.Color.intensify)))
case (_, Text.Info(_, XML.Elem(Markup(Markup.ENTITY, props), _))) =>
props match {
case Markup.Entity.Def(i) if focus(i) => Some((Nil, Some(Rendering.Color.entity)))
case Markup.Entity.Ref(i) if focus(i) => Some((Nil, Some(Rendering.Color.entity)))
case _ => None
case (_, Text.Info(_, XML.Elem(Markup.Markdown_Item(depth), _))) =>
val color =
depth % 4 match {
case 1 => Rendering.Color.markdown_item1
case 2 => Rendering.Color.markdown_item2
case 3 => Rendering.Color.markdown_item3
case _ => Rendering.Color.markdown_item4
Some((Nil, Some(color)))
case (acc, Text.Info(_, Protocol.Dialog(_, serial, result))) =>
{ case st if st.results.defined(serial) => st.results.get(serial).get }) match
case Some(Protocol.Dialog_Result(res)) if res == result =>
Some((Nil, Some(Rendering.Color.active_result)))
case _ =>
Some((Nil, Some(Rendering.Color.active)))
case (_, Text.Info(_, elem)) =>
if (Rendering.active_elements(elem.name))
Some((Nil, Some(Rendering.Color.active)))
else None
color <-
(result match {
case (markups, opt_color) if markups.nonEmpty =>
val status = Protocol.Status.make(markups.iterator)
if (status.is_unprocessed) Some(Rendering.Color.unprocessed1)
else if (status.is_running) Some(Rendering.Color.running1)
else opt_color
case (_, opt_color) => opt_color
} yield Text.Info(r, color)
/* text foreground */
def foreground(range: Text.Range): List[Text.Info[Rendering.Color.Value]] =
snapshot.select(range, Rendering.foreground_elements, _ =>
case info => Some(Rendering.foreground(info.info.name))
/* caret focus */
private def entity_focus(range: Text.Range,
check: (Boolean, Long) => Boolean = (is_def: Boolean, i: Long) => is_def): Set[Long] =
val results =
snapshot.cumulate[Set[Long]](range, Set.empty, Rendering.caret_focus_elements, _ =>
case (serials, Text.Info(_, XML.Elem(Markup(Markup.ENTITY, props), _))) =>
props match {
case Markup.Entity.Def(i) if check(true, i) => Some(serials + i)
case Markup.Entity.Ref(i) if check(false, i) => Some(serials + i)
case _ => None
case _ => None
(Set.empty[Long] /: results){ case (s1, Text.Info(_, s2)) => s1 ++ s2 }
def caret_focus(caret_range: Text.Range, visible_range: Text.Range): Set[Long] =
val focus_defs = entity_focus(caret_range)
if (focus_defs.nonEmpty) focus_defs
else {
val visible_defs = entity_focus(visible_range)
entity_focus(caret_range, (is_def: Boolean, i: Long) => !is_def && visible_defs.contains(i))
def caret_focus_ranges(caret_range: Text.Range, visible_range: Text.Range): List[Text.Range] =
val focus = caret_focus(caret_range, visible_range)
if (focus.nonEmpty) {
val results =
snapshot.cumulate[Boolean](visible_range, false, Rendering.caret_focus_elements, _ =>
case (_, Text.Info(_, XML.Elem(Markup(Markup.ENTITY, props), _))) =>
props match {
case Markup.Entity.Def(i) if focus(i) => Some(true)
case Markup.Entity.Ref(i) if focus(i) => Some(true)
case _ => None
for (info <- results if info.info) yield info.range
else Nil
/* message underline color */
def message_underline_color(elements: Markup.Elements, range: Text.Range)
: List[Text.Info[Rendering.Color.Value]] =
val results =
snapshot.cumulate[Int](range, 0, elements, _ =>
case (pri, Text.Info(_, elem)) => Some(pri max Rendering.message_pri(elem.name))
for {
Text.Info(r, pri) <- results
color <- Rendering.message_underline_color.get(pri)
} yield Text.Info(r, color)
/* tooltips */
def timing_threshold: Double
private sealed case class Tooltip_Info(
range: Text.Range,
timing: Timing = Timing.zero,
messages: List[Command.Results.Entry] = Nil,
rev_infos: List[(Boolean, XML.Tree)] = Nil)
def + (t: Timing): Tooltip_Info = copy(timing = timing + t)
def + (r0: Text.Range, serial: Long, tree: XML.Tree): Tooltip_Info =
val r = snapshot.convert(r0)
if (range == r) copy(messages = (serial -> tree) :: messages)
else copy(range = r, messages = List(serial -> tree))
def + (r0: Text.Range, important: Boolean, tree: XML.Tree): Tooltip_Info =
val r = snapshot.convert(r0)
if (range == r) copy(rev_infos = (important -> tree) :: rev_infos)
else copy (range = r, rev_infos = List(important -> tree))
def infos(important: Boolean): List[XML.Tree] =
rev_infos.filter(p => p._1 == important).reverse.map(_._2)
def perhaps_append_file(node_name: Document.Node.Name, name: String): String =
if (Path.is_valid(name)) session.resources.append(node_name, Path.explode(name)) else name
def tooltips(elements: Markup.Elements, range: Text.Range): Option[Text.Info[List[XML.Tree]]] =
val results =
snapshot.cumulate[Tooltip_Info](range, Tooltip_Info(range), elements, _ =>
case (info, Text.Info(_, XML.Elem(Markup.Timing(t), _))) => Some(info + t)
case (info, Text.Info(r0, XML.Elem(Markup(name, props @ Markup.Serial(serial)), body)))
if Rendering.tooltip_message_elements(name) && body.nonEmpty =>
Some(info + (r0, serial, XML.Elem(Markup(Markup.message(name), props), body)))
case (info, Text.Info(r0, XML.Elem(Markup.Entity(kind, name), _)))
if kind != "" && kind != Markup.ML_DEF =>
val kind1 = Word.implode(Word.explode('_', kind))
val txt1 =
if (name == "") kind1
else if (kind1 == "") quote(name)
else kind1 + " " + quote(name)
val txt2 =
if (kind == Markup.COMMAND && info.timing.elapsed.seconds >= timing_threshold)
"\n" + info.timing.message
else ""
Some(info + (r0, true, XML.Text(txt1 + txt2)))
case (info, Text.Info(r0, XML.Elem(Markup.Path(name), _))) =>
val file = perhaps_append_file(snapshot.node_name, name)
val text =
if (name == file) "file " + quote(file)
else "path " + quote(name) + "\nfile " + quote(file)
Some(info + (r0, true, XML.Text(text)))
case (info, Text.Info(r0, XML.Elem(Markup.Doc(name), _))) =>
val text = "doc " + quote(name)
Some(info + (r0, true, XML.Text(text)))
case (info, Text.Info(r0, XML.Elem(Markup.Url(name), _))) =>
Some(info + (r0, true, XML.Text("URL " + quote(name))))
case (info, Text.Info(r0, XML.Elem(Markup(name, _), body)))
if name == Markup.SORTING || name == Markup.TYPING =>
Some(info + (r0, true, Pretty.block(XML.Text("::") :: Pretty.brk(1) :: body)))
case (info, Text.Info(r0, XML.Elem(Markup(Markup.CLASS_PARAMETER, _), body))) =>
Some(info + (r0, true, Pretty.block(0, body)))
case (info, Text.Info(r0, XML.Elem(Markup(Markup.ML_TYPING, _), body))) =>
Some(info + (r0, false, Pretty.block(XML.Text("ML:") :: Pretty.brk(1) :: body)))
case (info, Text.Info(r0, Protocol.ML_Breakpoint(breakpoint))) =>
val text =
if (session.debugger.breakpoint_state(breakpoint)) "breakpoint (enabled)"
else "breakpoint (disabled)"
Some(info + (r0, true, XML.Text(text)))
case (info, Text.Info(r0, XML.Elem(Markup.Language(language, _, _, _), _))) =>
val lang = Word.implode(Word.explode('_', language))
Some(info + (r0, true, XML.Text("language: " + lang)))
case (info, Text.Info(r0, XML.Elem(Markup.Expression(kind), _))) =>
val descr = if (kind == "") "expression" else "expression: " + kind
Some(info + (r0, true, XML.Text(descr)))
case (info, Text.Info(r0, XML.Elem(Markup(Markup.MARKDOWN_PARAGRAPH, _), _))) =>
Some(info + (r0, true, XML.Text("Markdown: paragraph")))
case (info, Text.Info(r0, XML.Elem(Markup.Markdown_List(kind), _))) =>
Some(info + (r0, true, XML.Text("Markdown: " + kind)))
case (info, Text.Info(r0, XML.Elem(Markup(name, _), _))) =>
Rendering.tooltip_descriptions.get(name).map(desc => info + (r0, true, XML.Text(desc)))
if (results.isEmpty) None
else {
val r = Text.Range(results.head.range.start, results.last.range.stop)
val all_tips =
Command.Results.make(results.flatMap(_.messages)).iterator.map(_._2).toList :::
results.flatMap(res => res.infos(true)) :::
results.flatMap(res => res.infos(false)).lastOption.toList
if (all_tips.isEmpty) None else Some(Text.Info(r, all_tips))
/* command status overview */
def overview_color(range: Text.Range): Option[Rendering.Color.Value] =
if (snapshot.is_outdated) None
else {
val results =
snapshot.cumulate[List[Markup]](range, Nil, Protocol.liberal_status_elements, _ =>
case (status, Text.Info(_, elem)) => Some(elem.markup :: status)
}, status = true)
if (results.isEmpty) None
else {
val status = Protocol.Status.make(results.iterator.flatMap(_.info))
if (status.is_running) Some(Rendering.Color.running)
else if (status.is_failed) Some(Rendering.Color.error)
else if (status.is_warned) Some(Rendering.Color.warning)
else if (status.is_unprocessed) Some(Rendering.Color.unprocessed)
else None