author traytel
Sat, 31 Aug 2013 23:49:14 +0200
changeset 53352 43a1cc050943
parent 53341 63015d035301
child 53354 b7469b85ca28
permissions -rw-r--r--
honor mixfix specifications

(*  Title:      HOL/BNF/Tools/bnf_fp_rec_sugar.ML
    Author:     Lorenz Panny, TU Muenchen
    Copyright   2013

Recursor and corecursor sugar.

signature BNF_FP_REC_SUGAR =
  val add_primrec_cmd: (binding * string option * mixfix) list ->
    (Attrib.binding * string) list -> local_theory -> local_theory;
  val add_primcorec_cmd: bool ->
    (binding * string option * mixfix) list * (Attrib.binding * string) list -> Proof.context ->

structure BNF_FP_Rec_Sugar : BNF_FP_REC_SUGAR =

open BNF_Util
open BNF_FP_Util
open BNF_FP_Rec_Sugar_Util
open BNF_FP_Rec_Sugar_Tactics

exception Primrec_Error of string * term list;

fun primrec_error str = raise Primrec_Error (str, []);
fun primrec_error_eqn str eqn = raise Primrec_Error (str, [eqn]);
fun primrec_error_eqns str eqns = raise Primrec_Error (str, eqns);

fun finds eq = fold_map (fn x => List.partition (curry eq x) #>> pair x);
fun abs_tuple t = if try (fst o dest_Const) t = SOME @{const_name undefined} then t else
  strip_abs t |>> HOLogic.mk_tuple o map Free |-> HOLogic.tupled_lambda;

val simp_attrs = @{attributes [simp]};

(* Primrec *)

type eqn_data = {
  fun_name: string,
  rec_type: typ,
  ctr: term,
  ctr_args: term list,
  left_args: term list,
  right_args: term list,
  res_type: typ,
  rhs_term: term,
  user_eqn: term

fun permute_args n t = list_comb (t, map Bound (0 :: (n downto 1)))
  |> fold (K (fn u => Abs (Name.uu, dummyT, u))) (0 upto n);

fun dissect_eqn lthy fun_names eqn' =
    val eqn = subst_bounds (strip_qnt_vars @{const_name all} eqn' |> map Free |> rev,
        strip_qnt_body @{const_name all} eqn') |> HOLogic.dest_Trueprop
        handle TERM _ =>
          primrec_error_eqn "malformed function equation (expected \"lhs = rhs\")" eqn';
    val (lhs, rhs) = HOLogic.dest_eq eqn
        handle TERM _ =>
          primrec_error_eqn "malformed function equation (expected \"lhs = rhs\")" eqn';
    val (fun_name, args) = strip_comb lhs
      |>> (fn x => if is_Free x then fst (dest_Free x)
          else primrec_error_eqn "malformed function equation (does not start with free)" eqn);
    val (left_args, rest) = take_prefix is_Free args;
    val (nonfrees, right_args) = take_suffix is_Free rest;
    val _ = length nonfrees = 1 orelse if length nonfrees = 0 then
      primrec_error_eqn "constructor pattern missing in left-hand side" eqn else
      primrec_error_eqn "more than one non-variable argument in left-hand side" eqn;
    val _ = member (op =) fun_names fun_name orelse
      primrec_error_eqn "malformed function equation (does not start with function name)" eqn

    val (ctr, ctr_args) = strip_comb (the_single nonfrees);
    val _ = try (num_binder_types o fastype_of) ctr = SOME (length ctr_args) orelse
      primrec_error_eqn "partially applied constructor in pattern" eqn;
    val _ = let val d = duplicates (op =) (left_args @ ctr_args @ right_args) in null d orelse
      primrec_error_eqn ("duplicate variable \"" ^ Syntax.string_of_term lthy (hd d) ^
        "\" in left-hand side") eqn end;
    val _ = forall is_Free ctr_args orelse
      primrec_error_eqn "non-primitive pattern in left-hand side" eqn;
    val _ =
      let val b = fold_aterms (fn x as Free (v, _) =>
        if (not (member (op =) (left_args @ ctr_args @ right_args) x) andalso
        not (member (op =) fun_names v) andalso
        not (Variable.is_fixed lthy v)) then cons x else I | _ => I) rhs []
        null b orelse
        primrec_error_eqn ("extra variable(s) in right-hand side: " ^
          commas (map (Syntax.string_of_term lthy) b)) eqn
    {fun_name = fun_name,
     rec_type = body_type (type_of ctr),
     ctr = ctr,
     ctr_args = ctr_args,
     left_args = left_args,
     right_args = right_args,
     res_type = map fastype_of (left_args @ right_args) ---> fastype_of rhs,
     rhs_term = rhs,
     user_eqn = eqn'}

(* substitutes (f ls x rs) by (y ls rs) for all f: get_idx f \<ge> 0, (x,y) \<in> substs *)
fun subst_direct_calls get_idx get_ctr_pos substs = 
    fun subst (Abs (v, T, b)) = Abs (v, T, subst b)
      | subst t =
          val (f, args) = strip_comb t;
          val idx = get_idx f;
          val ctr_pos  = if idx >= 0 then get_ctr_pos idx else ~1;
          if idx < 0 then
            list_comb (f, map subst args)
          else if ctr_pos >= length args then
            primrec_error_eqn "too few arguments in recursive call" t
              val (key, repl) = the (find_first (equal (nth args ctr_pos) o fst) substs)
                handle Option.Option => primrec_error_eqn
                  "recursive call not directly applied to constructor argument" t;
              remove (op =) key args |> map subst |> curry list_comb repl
  in subst end;

(* FIXME get rid of funs_data or get_indices *)
fun rewrite_map_arg funs_data get_indices y rec_type res_type =
    val pT = HOLogic.mk_prodT (rec_type, res_type);
    val fstx = fst_const pT;
    val sndx = snd_const pT;

    val SOME ({fun_name, left_args, ...} :: _) =
      find_first (equal rec_type o #rec_type o hd) funs_data;
    val ctr_pos = length left_args;

    fun subst _ d (t as Bound d') = t |> d = d' ? curry (op $) fstx
      | subst l d (Abs (v, T, b)) = Abs (v, if d < 0 then pT else T, subst l (d + 1) b)
      | subst l d t =
        let val (u, vs) = strip_comb t in
          if try (fst o dest_Free) u = SOME fun_name then
            if l andalso length vs = ctr_pos then
              list_comb (sndx |> permute_args ctr_pos, vs)
            else if length vs <= ctr_pos then
              primrec_error_eqn "too few arguments in recursive call" t
            else if nth vs ctr_pos |> member (op =) [y, Bound d] then
              list_comb (sndx $ nth vs ctr_pos, nth_drop ctr_pos vs |> map (subst false d))
              primrec_error_eqn "recursive call not directly applied to constructor argument" t
          else if try (fst o dest_Const) u = SOME @{const_name comp} then
            (hd vs |> get_indices |> null orelse
              primrec_error_eqn "recursive call not directly applied to constructor argument" t;
              (u |> map_types (strip_type #>> (fn Ts => Ts
                   |> nth_map (length Ts - 1) (K pT)
                   |> nth_map (length Ts - 2) (strip_type #>> nth_map 0 (K pT) #> (op --->)))
                 #> (op --->)),
              nth_map 1 (subst l d) vs))
            list_comb (u, map (subst false d) vs)
    subst true ~1

(* FIXME get rid of funs_data or get_indices *)
fun subst_indirect_call lthy funs_data get_indices (y, y') =
    fun massage massage_map_arg bound_Ts =
      massage_indirect_rec_call lthy (not o null o get_indices) massage_map_arg bound_Ts y y';
    fun subst bound_Ts (t as _ $ _) =
          val ctr_args = fold_aterms (curry (op @) o get_indices) t []
            |> maps (maps #ctr_args o nth funs_data);
          val (f', args') = strip_comb t;
          val fun_arg_idx = find_index (exists_subterm (not o null o get_indices)) args';
          val arg_idx = find_index (exists_subterm (equal y)) args';
          val (f, args) = chop (arg_idx + 1) args' |>> curry list_comb f';
          val _ = fun_arg_idx < 0 orelse arg_idx >= 0 orelse
            exists (exists_subterm (member (op =) ctr_args)) args' orelse
            primrec_error_eqn "recursive call not applied to constructor argument" t;
          if fun_arg_idx <> arg_idx andalso fun_arg_idx >= 0 andalso arg_idx >= 0 then
            if nth args' arg_idx = y then
              list_comb (massage (rewrite_map_arg funs_data get_indices y) bound_Ts f, args)
              primrec_error_eqn "recursive call not directly applied to constructor argument" f
            list_comb (f', map (subst bound_Ts) args')
      | subst bound_Ts (Abs (v, T, b)) = Abs (v, T, subst (T :: bound_Ts) b)
      | subst bound_Ts t = t |> t = y ? massage (K I |> K) bound_Ts;
  in subst [] end;

fun build_rec_arg lthy get_indices funs_data ctr_spec maybe_eqn_data =
  if is_some maybe_eqn_data then
      val eqn_data = the maybe_eqn_data;
      val t = #rhs_term eqn_data;
      val ctr_args = #ctr_args eqn_data;

      val calls = #calls ctr_spec;
      val n_args = fold (curry (op +) o (fn Direct_Rec _ => 2 | _ => 1)) calls 0;

      val no_calls' = tag_list 0 calls
        |> map_filter (try (apsnd (fn No_Rec n => n | Direct_Rec (n, _) => n)));
      val direct_calls' = tag_list 0 calls
        |> map_filter (try (apsnd (fn Direct_Rec (_, n) => n)));
      val indirect_calls' = tag_list 0 calls
        |> map_filter (try (apsnd (fn Indirect_Rec n => n)));

      fun make_direct_type T = dummyT; (* FIXME? *)

      val rec_res_type_list = map (fn (x :: _) => (#rec_type x, #res_type x)) funs_data;

      fun make_indirect_type (Type (Tname, Ts)) = Type (Tname, Ts |> map (fn T =>
        let val maybe_res_type = AList.lookup (op =) rec_res_type_list T in
          if is_some maybe_res_type
          then HOLogic.mk_prodT (T, the maybe_res_type)
          else make_indirect_type T end))
        | make_indirect_type T = T;

      val args = replicate n_args ("", dummyT)
        |> Term.rename_wrt_term t
        |> map Free
        |> fold (fn (ctr_arg_idx, arg_idx) =>
            nth_map arg_idx (K (nth ctr_args ctr_arg_idx)))
        |> fold (fn (ctr_arg_idx, arg_idx) =>
            nth_map arg_idx (K (nth ctr_args ctr_arg_idx |> map_types make_direct_type)))
        |> fold (fn (ctr_arg_idx, arg_idx) =>
            nth_map arg_idx (K (nth ctr_args ctr_arg_idx |> map_types make_indirect_type)))

      val direct_calls = map (apfst (nth ctr_args) o apsnd (nth args)) direct_calls';
      val indirect_calls = map (apfst (nth ctr_args) o apsnd (nth args)) indirect_calls';

      val get_idx = (fn Free (v, _) => find_index (equal v o #fun_name o hd) funs_data | _ => ~1);

      val t' = t
        |> fold (subst_indirect_call lthy funs_data get_indices) indirect_calls
        |> subst_direct_calls get_idx (length o #left_args o hd o nth funs_data) direct_calls;

      val abstractions = map dest_Free (args @ #left_args eqn_data @ #right_args eqn_data);
      t' |> fold_rev absfree abstractions
  else Const (@{const_name undefined}, dummyT)

fun build_defs lthy bs mxs funs_data rec_specs get_indices =
    val n_funs = length funs_data;

    val ctr_spec_eqn_data_list' =
      (take n_funs rec_specs |> map #ctr_specs) ~~ funs_data
      |> maps (uncurry (finds (fn (x, y) => #ctr x = #ctr y))
          ##> (fn x => null x orelse
            primrec_error_eqns "excess equations in definition" (map #rhs_term x)) #> fst);
    val _ = ctr_spec_eqn_data_list' |> map (fn (_, x) => length x <= 1 orelse
      primrec_error_eqns ("multiple equations for constructor") (map #user_eqn x));

    val ctr_spec_eqn_data_list =
      ctr_spec_eqn_data_list' @ (drop n_funs rec_specs |> maps #ctr_specs |> map (rpair []));

    val recs = take n_funs rec_specs |> map #recx;
    val rec_args = ctr_spec_eqn_data_list
      |> sort ((op <) o pairself (#offset o fst) |> make_ord)
      |> map (uncurry (build_rec_arg lthy get_indices funs_data) o apsnd (try the_single));
    val ctr_poss = map (fn x =>
      if length (distinct ((op =) o pairself (length o #left_args)) x) <> 1 then
        primrec_error ("inconstant constructor pattern position for function " ^
          quote (#fun_name (hd x)))
        hd x |> #left_args |> length) funs_data;
    (recs, ctr_poss)
    |-> map2 (fn recx => fn ctr_pos => list_comb (recx, rec_args) |> permute_args ctr_pos)
    |> Syntax.check_terms lthy
    |> map3 (fn b => fn mx => fn t => ((b, mx), ((Binding.map_name Thm.def_name b, []), t))) bs mxs

fun find_rec_calls get_indices eqn_data =
    fun find (Abs (_, _, b)) ctr_arg = find b ctr_arg
      | find (t as _ $ _) ctr_arg =
          val (f', args') = strip_comb t;
          val n = find_index (equal ctr_arg) args';
          if n < 0 then
            find f' ctr_arg @ maps (fn x => find x ctr_arg) args'
            let val (f, args) = chop n args' |>> curry list_comb f' in
              if exists_subterm (not o null o get_indices) f then
                f :: maps (fn x => find x ctr_arg) args
                find f ctr_arg @ maps (fn x => find x ctr_arg) args
      | find _ _ = [];
    map (find (#rhs_term eqn_data)) (#ctr_args eqn_data)
    |> (fn [] => NONE | callss => SOME (#ctr eqn_data, callss))

fun add_primrec fixes specs lthy =
    val (bs, mxs) = map_split (apfst fst) fixes;
    val fun_names = map Binding.name_of bs;
    val eqns_data = map (snd #> dissect_eqn lthy fun_names) specs;
    val funs_data = eqns_data
      |> partition_eq ((op =) o pairself #fun_name)
      |> finds (fn (x, y) => x = #fun_name (hd y)) fun_names |> fst
      |> map (fn (x, y) => the_single y handle List.Empty =>
          primrec_error ("missing equations for function " ^ quote x));

    fun get_indices t = map (fst #>> Binding.name_of #> Free) fixes
      |> map_index (fn (i, v) => if exists_subterm (equal v) t then SOME i else NONE)
      |> map_filter I;

    val arg_Ts = map (#rec_type o hd) funs_data;
    val res_Ts = map (#res_type o hd) funs_data;
    val callssss = funs_data
      |> map (partition_eq ((op =) o pairself #ctr))
      |> map (maps (map_filter (find_rec_calls get_indices)));

    val ((nontriv, rec_specs, _, induct_thm, induct_thms), lthy') =
      rec_specs_of bs arg_Ts res_Ts get_indices callssss lthy;

    val actual_nn = length funs_data;

    val _ = let val ctrs = (maps (map #ctr o #ctr_specs) rec_specs) in
      map (fn {ctr, user_eqn, ...} => member (op =) ctrs ctr orelse
        primrec_error_eqn ("argument " ^ quote (Syntax.string_of_term lthy' ctr) ^
          " is not a constructor in left-hand side") user_eqn) eqns_data end;

    val defs = build_defs lthy' bs mxs funs_data rec_specs get_indices;

    fun prove def_thms' {ctr_specs, nested_map_idents, nested_map_comps, ...} induct_thm fun_data
        lthy =
        val fun_name = #fun_name (hd fun_data);
        val def_thms = map (snd o snd) def_thms';
        val simp_thms = finds (fn (x, y) => #ctr x = #ctr y) fun_data ctr_specs
          |> fst
          |> map_filter (try (fn (x, [y]) =>
            (#user_eqn x, length (#left_args x) + length (#right_args x), #rec_thm y)))
          |> map (fn (user_eqn, num_extra_args, rec_thm) =>
            mk_primrec_tac lthy num_extra_args nested_map_idents nested_map_comps def_thms rec_thm
            |> K |> Goal.prove lthy [] [] user_eqn)

        val notes =
          [(inductN, if actual_nn > 1 then [induct_thm] else [], []),
           (simpsN, simp_thms, simp_attrs)]
          |> filter_out (null o #2)
          |> map (fn (thmN, thms, attrs) =>
            ((Binding.qualify true fun_name ( thmN), attrs), [(thms, [])]));
        lthy |> Local_Theory.notes notes

    val common_name = mk_common_name fun_names;

    val common_notes =
      [(inductN, if nontriv andalso actual_nn > 1 then [induct_thm] else [], [])]
      |> filter_out (null o #2)
      |> map (fn (thmN, thms, attrs) =>
        ((Binding.qualify true common_name ( thmN), attrs), [(thms, [])]));
    |> fold_map Local_Theory.define defs
    |-> (fn def_thms' => fold_map3 (prove def_thms') (take actual_nn rec_specs)
      (take actual_nn induct_thms) funs_data)
    |> snd
    |> Local_Theory.notes common_notes |> snd

fun add_primrec_cmd raw_fixes raw_specs lthy =
    val _ = let val d = duplicates (op =) (map (Binding.name_of o #1) raw_fixes) in null d orelse
      primrec_error ("duplicate function name(s): " ^ commas d) end;
    val (fixes, specs) = fst (Specification.read_spec raw_fixes raw_specs lthy);
    add_primrec fixes specs lthy
      handle ERROR str => primrec_error str
  handle Primrec_Error (str, eqns) =>
    if null eqns
    then error ("primrec_new error:\n  " ^ str)
    else error ("primrec_new error:\n  " ^ str ^ "\nin\n  " ^
      space_implode "\n  " (map (quote o Syntax.string_of_term lthy) eqns))

(* Primcorec *)

type co_eqn_data_disc = {
  fun_name: string,
  ctr_no: int, (*###*)
  cond: term,
  user_eqn: term
type co_eqn_data_sel = {
  fun_name: string,
  ctr: term,
  sel: term,
  fun_args: term list,
  rhs_term: term,
  user_eqn: term
datatype co_eqn_data =
  Disc of co_eqn_data_disc |
  Sel of co_eqn_data_sel;

fun co_dissect_eqn_disc sequential fun_name_corec_spec_list eqn' imp_lhs' imp_rhs matched_conds_ps =
    fun find_subterm p = let (* FIXME \<exists>? *)
      fun f (t as u $ v) =
        fold_rev (curry merge_options) [if p t then SOME t else NONE, f u, f v] NONE
        | f t = if p t then SOME t else NONE
      in f end;

    val fun_name = imp_rhs
      |> perhaps (try HOLogic.dest_not)
      |> `(try (fst o dest_Free o head_of o snd o dest_comb))
      ||> (try (fst o dest_Free o head_of o fst o HOLogic.dest_eq))
      |> the o merge_options;
    val corec_spec = the (AList.lookup (op =) fun_name_corec_spec_list fun_name)
      handle Option.Option => primrec_error_eqn "malformed discriminator equation" imp_rhs;

    val discs = #ctr_specs corec_spec |> map #disc;
    val ctrs = #ctr_specs corec_spec |> map #ctr;
    val n_ctrs = length ctrs;
    val not_disc = head_of imp_rhs = @{term Not};
    val _ = not_disc andalso n_ctrs <> 2 andalso
      primrec_error_eqn "\<not>ed discriminator for a type with \<noteq> 2 constructors" imp_rhs;
    val disc = find_subterm (member (op =) discs o head_of) imp_rhs;
    val eq_ctr0 = imp_rhs |> perhaps (try (HOLogic.dest_not)) |> try (HOLogic.dest_eq #> snd)
        |> (fn SOME t => let val n = find_index (equal t) ctrs in
          if n >= 0 then SOME n else NONE end | _ => NONE);
    val _ = is_some disc orelse is_some eq_ctr0 orelse
      primrec_error_eqn "no discriminator in equation" imp_rhs;
    val ctr_no' =
      if is_none disc then the eq_ctr0 else find_index (equal (head_of (the disc))) discs;
    val ctr_no = if not_disc then 1 - ctr_no' else ctr_no';
    val fun_args = if is_none disc
      then imp_rhs |> perhaps (try HOLogic.dest_not) |> HOLogic.dest_eq |> fst |> strip_comb |> snd
      else the disc |> the_single o snd o strip_comb
        |> (fn t => if try (fst o dest_Free o head_of) t = SOME fun_name
          then snd (strip_comb t) else []);

    val mk_conjs = try (foldr1 HOLogic.mk_conj) #> the_default @{const True};
    val mk_disjs = try (foldr1 HOLogic.mk_disj) #> the_default @{const False};
    val catch_all = try (fst o dest_Free o the_single) imp_lhs' = SOME Name.uu_;
    val matched_conds = filter (equal fun_name o fst) matched_conds_ps |> map snd;
    val imp_lhs = mk_conjs imp_lhs';
    val cond =
      if catch_all then
        if null matched_conds then fold_rev absfree (map dest_Free fun_args) @{const True} else
          (strip_abs_vars (hd matched_conds),
            mk_disjs (map strip_abs_body matched_conds) |> HOLogic.mk_not)
          |-> fold_rev (fn (v, T) => fn u => Abs (v, T, u))
      else if sequential then
        HOLogic.mk_conj (HOLogic.mk_not (mk_disjs (map strip_abs_body matched_conds)), imp_lhs)
        |> fold_rev absfree (map dest_Free fun_args)
        imp_lhs |> fold_rev absfree (map dest_Free fun_args);
    val matched_cond =
      if sequential then fold_rev absfree (map dest_Free fun_args) imp_lhs else cond;

    val matched_conds_ps' = if catch_all
      then (fun_name, cond) :: filter (not_equal fun_name o fst) matched_conds_ps
      else (fun_name, matched_cond) :: matched_conds_ps;
    (Disc {
      fun_name = fun_name,
      ctr_no = ctr_no,
      cond = cond,
      user_eqn = eqn'
    }, matched_conds_ps')

fun co_dissect_eqn_sel fun_name_corec_spec_list eqn' eqn =
    val (lhs, rhs) = HOLogic.dest_eq eqn
      handle TERM _ =>
        primrec_error_eqn "malformed function equation (expected \"lhs = rhs\")" eqn;
    val sel = head_of lhs;
    val (fun_name, fun_args) = dest_comb lhs |> snd |> strip_comb |> apfst (fst o dest_Free)
      handle TERM _ =>
        primrec_error_eqn "malformed selector argument in left-hand side" eqn;
    val corec_spec = the (AList.lookup (op =) fun_name_corec_spec_list fun_name)
      handle Option.Option => primrec_error_eqn "malformed selector argument in left-hand side" eqn;
    val (ctr_spec, sel) = #ctr_specs corec_spec
      |> the o get_index (try (the o find_first (equal sel) o #sels))
      |>> nth (#ctr_specs corec_spec);
    Sel {
      fun_name = fun_name,
      ctr = #ctr ctr_spec,
      sel = sel,
      fun_args = fun_args,
      rhs_term = rhs,
      user_eqn = eqn'

fun co_dissect_eqn_ctr sequential fun_name_corec_spec_list eqn' imp_lhs' imp_rhs matched_conds_ps =
    val (lhs, rhs) = HOLogic.dest_eq imp_rhs;
    val fun_name = head_of lhs |> fst o dest_Free;
    val corec_spec = the (AList.lookup (op =) fun_name_corec_spec_list fun_name);
    val (ctr, ctr_args) = strip_comb rhs;
    val ctr_spec = the (find_first (equal ctr o #ctr) (#ctr_specs corec_spec))
      handle Option.Option => primrec_error_eqn "not a constructor" ctr;

    val disc_imp_rhs = betapply (#disc ctr_spec, lhs);
    val (maybe_eqn_data_disc, matched_conds_ps') = if length (#ctr_specs corec_spec) = 1
      then (NONE, matched_conds_ps)
      else apfst SOME (co_dissect_eqn_disc
          sequential fun_name_corec_spec_list eqn' imp_lhs' disc_imp_rhs matched_conds_ps);

    val sel_imp_rhss = (#sels ctr_spec ~~ ctr_args)
      |> map (fn (sel, ctr_arg) => HOLogic.mk_eq (betapply (sel, lhs), ctr_arg));

val _ = warning ("reduced\n    " ^ Syntax.string_of_term @{context} imp_rhs ^ "\nto\n    \<cdot> " ^
 (is_some maybe_eqn_data_disc ? K (Syntax.string_of_term @{context} disc_imp_rhs ^ "\n    \<cdot> ")) "" ^
 space_implode "\n    \<cdot> " (map (Syntax.string_of_term @{context}) sel_imp_rhss));

    val eqns_data_sel =
      map (co_dissect_eqn_sel fun_name_corec_spec_list eqn') sel_imp_rhss;
    (map_filter I [maybe_eqn_data_disc] @ eqns_data_sel, matched_conds_ps')

fun co_dissect_eqn sequential fun_name_corec_spec_list eqn' matched_conds_ps =
    val eqn = subst_bounds (strip_qnt_vars @{const_name all} eqn' |> map Free |> rev,
        strip_qnt_body @{const_name all} eqn')
        handle TERM _ => primrec_error_eqn "malformed function equation" eqn';
    val (imp_lhs', imp_rhs) = Logic.strip_horn eqn
      |> apfst (map HOLogic.dest_Trueprop) o apsnd HOLogic.dest_Trueprop;

    val head = imp_rhs
      |> perhaps (try HOLogic.dest_not) |> perhaps (try (fst o HOLogic.dest_eq))
      |> head_of;

    val maybe_rhs = imp_rhs |> perhaps (try (HOLogic.dest_not)) |> try (snd o HOLogic.dest_eq);

    val fun_names = map fst fun_name_corec_spec_list;
    val discs = maps (#ctr_specs o snd) fun_name_corec_spec_list |> map #disc;
    val sels = maps (#ctr_specs o snd) fun_name_corec_spec_list |> maps #sels;
    val ctrs = maps (#ctr_specs o snd) fun_name_corec_spec_list |> map #ctr;
    if member (op =) discs head orelse
      is_some maybe_rhs andalso
        member (op =) (filter (null o binder_types o fastype_of) ctrs) (the maybe_rhs) then
      co_dissect_eqn_disc sequential fun_name_corec_spec_list eqn' imp_lhs' imp_rhs matched_conds_ps
      |>> single
    else if member (op =) sels head then
      ([co_dissect_eqn_sel fun_name_corec_spec_list eqn' imp_rhs], matched_conds_ps)
    else if is_Free head andalso member (op =) fun_names (fst (dest_Free head)) then
      co_dissect_eqn_ctr sequential fun_name_corec_spec_list eqn' imp_lhs' imp_rhs matched_conds_ps
      primrec_error_eqn "malformed function equation" eqn

fun build_corec_args_discs disc_eqns ctr_specs =
    val conds = map #cond disc_eqns;
    val args' =
      if length ctr_specs = 1 then []
      else if length disc_eqns = length ctr_specs then
        fst (split_last conds)
      else if length disc_eqns = length ctr_specs - 1 then
        let val n = 0 upto length ctr_specs - 1
            |> the o find_first (fn idx => not (exists (equal idx o #ctr_no) disc_eqns)) (*###*) in
          if n = length ctr_specs - 1 then
            split_last conds
            ||> (fn t => fold_rev absfree (strip_abs_vars t) (strip_abs_body t |> HOLogic.mk_not))
            |>> chop n
            |> (fn ((l, r), x) => l @ (x :: r))
        0 upto length ctr_specs - 1
        |> map (fn idx => find_first (equal idx o #ctr_no) disc_eqns
          |> #cond
          |> the_default (Const (@{const_name undefined}, dummyT)))
        |> fst o split_last;
    (* FIXME: deal with #preds above *)
    fold2 (fn idx => nth_map idx o K o abs_tuple) (map_filter #pred ctr_specs) args'

fun build_corec_args_sel all_sel_eqns ctr_spec =
  let val sel_eqns = filter (equal (#ctr ctr_spec) o #ctr) all_sel_eqns in
    if null sel_eqns then I else
        val sel_call_list = #sels ctr_spec ~~ #calls ctr_spec;

val _ = warning ("sels / calls:\n    \<cdot> " ^ space_implode "\n    \<cdot> " (map ((op ^) o
 apfst (Syntax.string_of_term @{context}) o apsnd (curry (op ^) " / " o @{make_string}))

        (* FIXME get rid of dummy_no_calls' *)
        val dummy_no_calls' = map_filter (try (apsnd (fn Dummy_No_Corec n => n))) sel_call_list;
        val no_calls' = map_filter (try (apsnd (fn No_Corec n => n))) sel_call_list;
        val direct_calls' = map_filter (try (apsnd (fn Direct_Corec n => n))) sel_call_list;
        val indirect_calls' = map_filter (try (apsnd (fn Indirect_Corec n => n))) sel_call_list;

        fun build_arg_no_call sel = find_first (equal sel o #sel) sel_eqns |> #rhs_term o the;
        fun build_arg_direct_call sel = primrec_error "not implemented yet";
        fun build_arg_indirect_call sel = primrec_error "not implemented yet";

        val update_args = I
          #> fold (fn (sel, rec_arg_idx) => nth_map rec_arg_idx
            (build_arg_no_call sel |> K)) no_calls'
          #> fold (fn (sel, rec_arg_idx) => nth_map rec_arg_idx
            (build_arg_indirect_call sel |> K)) indirect_calls'
          #> fold (fn (sel, (q_idx, g_idx, h_idx)) =>
            let val (q, g, h) = build_arg_indirect_call sel in
              nth_map q_idx (K q) o nth_map g_idx (K g) o nth_map h_idx (K h) end) direct_calls';
        val arg_idxs = maps (fn (_, (x, y, z)) => [x, y, z]) direct_calls' @
            maps (map snd) [dummy_no_calls', no_calls', indirect_calls'];
        val abs_args = fold (fn idx => nth_map idx
          (abs_tuple o fold_rev absfree (sel_eqns |> #fun_args o hd |> map dest_Free))) arg_idxs;
        abs_args o update_args

fun co_build_defs lthy sequential bs mxs arg_Tss fun_name_corec_spec_list eqns_data =
    val fun_names = map Binding.name_of bs;

    val disc_eqnss = map_filter (try (fn Disc x => x)) eqns_data
      |> partition_eq ((op =) o pairself #fun_name)
      |> finds (fn (x, ({fun_name, ...} :: _)) => x = fun_name) fun_names |> fst
      |> map (sort ((op <) o pairself #ctr_no |> make_ord) o flat o snd);

    val _ = disc_eqnss |> map (fn x =>
      let val d = duplicates ((op =) o pairself #ctr_no) x in null d orelse
        primrec_error_eqns "excess discriminator equations in definition"
          (maps (fn t => filter (equal (#ctr_no t) o #ctr_no) x) d |> map #user_eqn) end);

val _ = warning ("disc_eqnss:\n    \<cdot> " ^ space_implode "\n    \<cdot> " (map @{make_string} disc_eqnss));

    val sel_eqnss = map_filter (try (fn Sel x => x)) eqns_data
      |> partition_eq ((op =) o pairself #fun_name)
      |> finds (fn (x, ({fun_name, ...} :: _)) => x = fun_name) fun_names |> fst
      |> map (flat o snd);

val _ = warning ("sel_eqnss:\n    \<cdot> " ^ space_implode "\n    \<cdot> " (map @{make_string} sel_eqnss));

    val corecs = map (#corec o snd) fun_name_corec_spec_list;
    val ctr_specss = map (#ctr_specs o snd) fun_name_corec_spec_list;
    val n_args = fold (curry (op +)) (map (K 1) (maps (map_filter #pred) ctr_specss) @
      map (fn Direct_Corec _ => 3 | _ => 1) (maps (maps #calls) ctr_specss)) 0;
    val corec_args = replicate n_args (Const (@{const_name undefined}, dummyT))
      |> fold2 build_corec_args_discs disc_eqnss ctr_specss
      |> fold2 (fn sel_eqns => fold (build_corec_args_sel sel_eqns)) sel_eqnss ctr_specss;

val _ = warning ("corecursor arguments:\n    \<cdot> " ^
 space_implode "\n    \<cdot> " (map (Syntax.string_of_term @{context}) corec_args));

    fun uneq_pairs_rev xs = xs (* FIXME \<exists>? *)
      |> these o try (split_last #> (fn (ys, y) => uneq_pairs_rev ys @ map (pair y) ys));
    val proof_obligations = if sequential then [] else
      maps (uneq_pairs_rev o map #cond) disc_eqnss
      |> map (fn (x, y) => ((strip_abs_body x, strip_abs_body y), strip_abs_vars x))
      |> map (apfst (apsnd HOLogic.mk_not #> pairself HOLogic.mk_Trueprop
        #> apfst (curry (op $) @{const ==>}) #> (op $)))
      |> map (fn (t, abs_vars) => fold_rev (fn (v, T) => fn u =>
          Const (@{const_name all}, (T --> @{typ prop}) --> @{typ prop}) $
            Abs (v, T, u)) abs_vars t);

    fun currys Ts t = if length Ts <= 1 then t else
      t $ foldr1 (fn (u, v) => HOLogic.pair_const dummyT dummyT $ u $ v)
        (length Ts - 1 downto 0 |> map Bound)
      |> fold_rev (fn T => fn u => Abs (Name.uu, T, u)) Ts;
    map (list_comb o rpair corec_args) corecs
    |> map2 (fn Ts => fn t => if length Ts = 0 then t $ HOLogic.unit else t) arg_Tss
    |> map2 currys arg_Tss
    |> Syntax.check_terms lthy
    |> map3 (fn b => fn mx => fn t => ((b, mx), ((Binding.map_name Thm.def_name b, []), t))) bs mxs
    |> rpair proof_obligations

fun add_primcorec sequential fixes specs lthy =
    val (bs, mxs) = map_split (apfst fst) fixes;
    val (arg_Ts, res_Ts) = map (strip_type o snd o fst #>> HOLogic.mk_tupleT) fixes |> split_list;

    (* copied from primrec_new *)
    fun get_indices t = map (fst #>> Binding.name_of #> Free) fixes
      |> map_index (fn (i, v) => if exists_subterm (equal v) t then SOME i else NONE)
      |> map_filter I;

    val callssss = []; (* FIXME *)

    val ((nontriv, corec_specs, _, coinduct_thm, strong_co_induct_thm, coinduct_thmss,
          strong_coinduct_thmss), lthy') =
      corec_specs_of bs arg_Ts res_Ts get_indices callssss lthy;

    val fun_names = map Binding.name_of bs;

    val fun_name_corec_spec_list = (fun_names ~~ res_Ts, corec_specs)
      |> uncurry (finds (fn ((v, T), {corec, ...}) => T = body_type (fastype_of corec))) |> fst
      |> map (apfst fst #> apsnd the_single); (*###*)

    val (eqns_data, _) =
      fold_map (co_dissect_eqn sequential fun_name_corec_spec_list) (map snd specs) []
      |>> flat;

    val (defs, proof_obligations) =
      co_build_defs lthy' sequential bs mxs (map (binder_types o snd o fst) fixes)
        fun_name_corec_spec_list eqns_data;
    |> fold_map Local_Theory.define defs |> snd
    |> Proof.theorem NONE (K I) [map (rpair []) proof_obligations]
    |> Proof.refine (Method.primitive_text I)
    |> Seq.hd

fun add_primcorec_cmd seq (raw_fixes, raw_specs) lthy =
    val (fixes, specs) = fst (Specification.read_spec raw_fixes raw_specs lthy);
    add_primcorec seq fixes specs lthy
    handle ERROR str => primrec_error str
  handle Primrec_Error (str, eqns) =>
    if null eqns
    then error ("primcorec error:\n  " ^ str)
    else error ("primcorec error:\n  " ^ str ^ "\nin\n  " ^
      space_implode "\n  " (map (quote o Syntax.string_of_term lthy) eqns))
