(* Title: Pure/General/xml_data.ML
Author: Makarius
XML as basic data representation language.
signature XML_DATA =
exception XML_ATOM of string
exception XML_BODY of XML.body
val make_properties: Properties.T -> XML.body
val dest_properties: XML.body -> Properties.T
val make_string: string -> XML.body
val dest_string : XML.body -> string
val make_int: int -> XML.body
val dest_int : XML.body -> int
val make_bool: bool -> XML.body
val dest_bool: XML.body -> bool
val make_unit: unit -> XML.body
val dest_unit: XML.body -> unit
val make_pair: ('a -> XML.body) -> ('b -> XML.body) -> 'a * 'b -> XML.body
val dest_pair: (XML.body -> 'a) -> (XML.body -> 'b) -> XML.body -> 'a * 'b
val make_triple:
('a -> XML.body) -> ('b -> XML.body) -> ('c -> XML.body) -> 'a * 'b * 'c -> XML.body
val dest_triple:
(XML.body -> 'a) -> (XML.body -> 'b) -> (XML.body -> 'c) -> XML.body -> 'a * 'b * 'c
val make_list: ('a -> XML.body) -> 'a list -> XML.body
val dest_list: (XML.body -> 'a) -> XML.body -> 'a list
val make_option: ('a -> XML.body) -> 'a option -> XML.body
val dest_option: (XML.body -> 'a) -> XML.body -> 'a option
structure XML_Data: XML_DATA =
(* basic values *)
exception XML_ATOM of string;
fun make_int_atom i = signed_string_of_int i;
fun dest_int_atom s =
(case Int.fromString s of
SOME i => i
| NONE => raise XML_ATOM s);
fun make_bool_atom false = "0"
| make_bool_atom true = "1";
fun dest_bool_atom "0" = false
| dest_bool_atom "1" = true
| dest_bool_atom s = raise XML_ATOM s;
fun make_unit_atom () = "";
fun dest_unit_atom "" = ()
| dest_unit_atom s = raise XML_ATOM s;
(* structural nodes *)
exception XML_BODY of XML.tree list;
fun make_node ts = XML.Elem ((":", []), ts);
fun dest_node (XML.Elem ((":", []), ts)) = ts
| dest_node t = raise XML_BODY [t];
(* representation of standard types *)
fun make_properties props = [XML.Elem ((":", props), [])];
fun dest_properties [XML.Elem ((":", props), [])] = props
| dest_properties ts = raise XML_BODY ts;
fun make_string "" = []
| make_string s = [XML.Text s];
fun dest_string [] = ""
| dest_string [XML.Text s] = s
| dest_string ts = raise XML_BODY ts;
val make_int = make_string o make_int_atom;
val dest_int = dest_int_atom o dest_string;
val make_bool = make_string o make_bool_atom;
val dest_bool = dest_bool_atom o dest_string;
val make_unit = make_string o make_unit_atom;
val dest_unit = dest_unit_atom o dest_string;
fun make_pair make1 make2 (x, y) = [make_node (make1 x), make_node (make2 y)];
fun dest_pair dest1 dest2 [t1, t2] = (dest1 (dest_node t1), dest2 (dest_node t2))
| dest_pair _ _ ts = raise XML_BODY ts;
fun make_triple make1 make2 make3 (x, y, z) =
[make_node (make1 x), make_node (make2 y), make_node (make3 z)];
fun dest_triple dest1 dest2 dest3 [t1, t2, t3] =
(dest1 (dest_node t1), dest2 (dest_node t2), dest3 (dest_node t3))
| dest_triple _ _ _ ts = raise XML_BODY ts;
fun make_list make xs = map (make_node o make) xs;
fun dest_list dest ts = map (dest o dest_node) ts;
fun make_option make NONE = make_list make []
| make_option make (SOME x) = make_list make [x];
fun dest_option dest ts =
(case dest_list dest ts of
[] => NONE
| [x] => SOME x
| _ => raise XML_BODY ts);