(* Title: Pure/Thy/markdown.ML
Author: Makarius
Minimal support for Markdown documents (see also http://commonmark.org)
that consist only of paragraphs and (nested) lists:
* list items start with marker \<^item> (itemize), \<^enum> (enumerate), \<^descr> (description)
* adjacent list items with same indentation and same marker are grouped
into a single list
* singleton blank lines separate paragraphs
* multiple blank lines escape from the current list hierarchy
Notable differences to official Markdown:
* indentation of list items needs to match exactly
* indentation is unlimited (Markdown interprets 4 spaces as block quote)
* list items always consist of paragraphs -- no notion of "tight" list
signature MARKDOWN =
datatype kind = Itemize | Enumerate | Description
val print_kind: kind -> string
val is_control: Symbol.symbol -> bool
type line
val line_source: line -> Antiquote.text_antiquote list
val line_is_item: line -> bool
val line_content: line -> Antiquote.text_antiquote list
val make_line: Antiquote.text_antiquote list -> line
val empty_line: line
datatype block = Par of line list | List of {indent: int, kind: kind, body: block list}
val read_lines: line list -> block list
val read_antiquotes: Antiquote.text_antiquote list -> block list
val read_source: Input.source -> block list
val text_reports: Antiquote.text_antiquote list -> Position.report list
val reports: block list -> Position.report list
structure Markdown: MARKDOWN =
(* item kinds *)
datatype kind = Itemize | Enumerate | Description;
fun print_kind Itemize = "itemize"
| print_kind Enumerate = "enumerate"
| print_kind Description = "description";
val kinds = [("item", Itemize), ("enum", Enumerate), ("descr", Description)];
val is_control = member (op =) ["\<^item>", "\<^enum>", "\<^descr>"];
(* document lines *)
datatype line =
Line of
{source: Antiquote.text_antiquote list,
is_empty: bool,
indent: int,
item: kind option,
item_pos: Position.T,
content: Antiquote.text_antiquote list};
val eof_line =
Line {source = [Antiquote.Text [(Symbol.eof, Position.none)]],
is_empty = false, indent = 0, item = NONE, item_pos = Position.none, content = []};
fun line_source (Line {source, ...}) = source;
fun line_is_empty (Line {is_empty, ...}) = is_empty;
fun line_is_item (Line {item, ...}) = is_some item;
fun line_content (Line {content, ...}) = content;
(* make line *)
fun bad_blank ((s, _): Symbol_Pos.T) = Symbol.is_ascii_blank s andalso s <> Symbol.space;
val bad_blanks = maps (fn Antiquote.Text ss => filter bad_blank ss | _ => []);
fun check_blanks source =
(case bad_blanks source of
[] => ()
| (c, pos) :: _ =>
error ("Bad blank character " ^ quote (ML_Syntax.print_char c) ^ Position.here pos));
val is_space = Symbol.is_space o Symbol_Pos.symbol;
val is_empty = forall (fn Antiquote.Text ss => forall is_space ss | _ => false);
fun strip_spaces (Antiquote.Text ss :: rest) =
let val (sp, ss') = take_prefix is_space ss
in (length sp, if null ss' then rest else Antiquote.Text ss' :: rest) end
| strip_spaces source = (0, source);
fun read_marker source =
let val (indent, source') = strip_spaces source in
(case source' of
(control as Antiquote.Control {name = (name, pos), body = [], ...}) :: rest =>
val item = AList.lookup (op =) kinds name;
val item_pos = if is_some item then pos else Position.none;
val (_, rest') = strip_spaces (if is_some item then rest else control :: rest);
in ((indent, item, item_pos), rest') end
| _ => ((indent, NONE, Position.none), source'))
fun make_line source =
val _ = check_blanks source;
val ((indent, item, item_pos), content) = read_marker source;
Line {source = source, is_empty = is_empty source, indent = indent,
item = item, item_pos = item_pos, content = content}
val empty_line = make_line [];
(* document blocks *)
datatype block = Par of line list | List of {indent: int, kind: kind, body: block list};
fun block_lines (Par lines) = lines
| block_lines (List {body, ...}) = maps block_lines body;
fun block_range (Par lines) = Antiquote.range (maps line_content lines)
| block_range (List {body, ...}) = Antiquote.range (maps line_source (maps block_lines body));
fun block_indent (List {indent, ...}) = indent
| block_indent (Par (Line {indent, ...} :: _)) = indent
| block_indent _ = 0;
fun block_list indent0 kind0 (List {indent, kind, body}) =
if indent0 = indent andalso kind0 = kind then SOME body else NONE
| block_list _ _ _ = NONE;
val is_list = fn List _ => true | _ => false;
(* read document *)
fun build (indent, item, rev_body) document =
(case (item, document) of
(SOME kind, block :: blocks) =>
(case block_list indent kind block of
SOME list => List {indent = indent, kind = kind, body = fold cons rev_body list} :: blocks
| NONE =>
if (if is_list block then indent < block_indent block else indent <= block_indent block)
then build (indent, item, block :: rev_body) blocks
else List {indent = indent, kind = kind, body = rev rev_body} :: document)
| (SOME kind, []) => [List {indent = indent, kind = kind, body = rev rev_body}]
| (NONE, _) => fold cons rev_body document);
fun plain_line (line as Line {is_empty, item, ...}) =
not is_empty andalso is_none item andalso line <> eof_line;
val parse_paragraph =
Scan.one (fn line => line <> eof_line) -- Scan.many plain_line >> (fn (line, lines) =>
val Line {indent, item, ...} = line;
val block = Par (line :: lines);
in (indent, item, [block]) end);
val parse_document =
parse_paragraph ::: Scan.repeat (Scan.option (Scan.one line_is_empty) |-- parse_paragraph)
>> (fn pars => fold_rev build pars []);
val read_lines =
Scan.read (Scan.stopper (K eof_line) (fn line => line = eof_line))
(Scan.repeat (Scan.many line_is_empty |-- parse_document) --| Scan.many line_is_empty) #>
the_default [] #> flat;
val read_antiquotes = Antiquote.split_lines #> map make_line #> read_lines;
val read_source = Antiquote.read #> read_antiquotes;
(* PIDE reports *)
val text_reports =
maps (fn Antiquote.Text ss => [(#1 (Symbol_Pos.range ss), Markup.words)] | _ => []);
fun line_reports depth (Line {item_pos, content, ...}) =
cons (item_pos, Markup.markdown_item depth) #> append (text_reports content);
fun block_reports depth block =
(case block of
Par lines =>
cons (#1 (block_range block), Markup.markdown_paragraph) #>
fold (line_reports depth) lines
| List {kind, body, ...} =>
cons (#1 (block_range block), Markup.markdown_list (print_kind kind)) #>
fold (block_reports (depth + 1)) body);
fun reports blocks =
filter (Position.is_reported o #1) (fold (block_reports 0) blocks []);