author oheimb
Sat, 15 Feb 1997 17:48:19 +0100
changeset 2636 4b30dbe4a020
parent 2562 d571d6660240
child 3040 7d48671753da
permissions -rw-r--r--
added delcongs, Delcongs, unsafe_solver, safe_solver, HOL_basic_ss, safe_asm_more_full_simp_ta, clasimpset HOL_css with modification functions new addss (old version retained as unsafe_addss), new Addss (old version retained as Unsafe_Addss), new auto_tac (old version retained as unsafe_auto_tac),

(*  Title:      HOL/thy_data.ML
    ID:         $Id$
    Author:     Carsten Clasohm
    Copyright   1995 TU Muenchen

Definitions that have to be reread after init_thy_reader has been invoked

fun simpset_of tname =
  case get_thydata tname "simpset" of
      None => empty_ss
    | Some (SS_DATA ss) => ss;

fun claset_of tname =
  case get_thydata tname "claset" of
      None => empty_cs
    | Some (CS_DATA cs) => cs;

(** Information about datatypes **)

(* Retrieve information for a specific datatype *)
fun datatype_info thy tname =
  case get_thydata (thyname_of_sign (sign_of thy)) "datatypes" of
      None => None
    | Some (DT_DATA ds) => assoc (ds, tname);

fun match_info thy tname =
  case datatype_info thy tname of
      Some {case_const, constructors, ...} =>
        {case_const=case_const, constructors=constructors}
    | None => error ("No datatype \"" ^ tname ^ "\" defined in this theory.");

fun induct_info thy tname =
  case datatype_info thy tname of
      Some {constructors, nchotomy, ...} =>
        {constructors=constructors, nchotomy=nchotomy}
    | None => error ("No datatype \"" ^ tname ^ "\" defined in this theory.");

(* Retrieve information for all datatypes defined in a theory and its
   ancestors *)
fun extract_info thy =
  let val (congs, rewrites) =
        case get_thydata (thyname_of_sign (sign_of thy)) "datatypes" of
            None => ([], [])
          | Some (DT_DATA ds) =>
              let val info = map snd ds
              in (map #case_cong info, flat (map #case_rewrites info)) end;
  in {case_congs = congs, case_rewrites = rewrites} end;

(*Must be redefined in order to refer to the new instance of bind_thm
  created by init_thy_reader.*)

fun qed_spec_mp name =
  let val thm = normalize_thm [RSspec,RSmp] (result())
  in bind_thm(name, thm) end;

fun qed_goal_spec_mp name thy s p = 
	bind_thm (name, normalize_thm [RSspec,RSmp] (prove_goal thy s p));

fun qed_goalw_spec_mp name thy defs s p = 
	bind_thm (name, normalize_thm [RSspec,RSmp] (prove_goalw thy defs s p));