author wenzelm
Thu, 27 May 2010 00:47:15 +0200
changeset 37129 4c83696b340e
parent 37072 9105c8237c7a
child 37149 edfbd2a8234f
permissions -rw-r--r--
Command.toString: include id for debugging; Command.consume: explicit forward, avoid dependency on Session and side-effect on event bus; State.+ without side-effect on event bus; Session.commands_changed: delayed command changes (outside of Swing thread), also subsumes former Session.results; Document_View: tuned commands_changed handling and caret listening; Document_View.selected_command: proper function, not event handler state; Output_Dockable: directly act upon commands_changed, not caret events (via former Session.results);

/*  Title:      Pure/PIDE/state.scala
    Author:     Fabian Immler, TU Munich
    Author:     Makarius

Accumulating results from prover.

package isabelle

class State(
  val command: Command,
  val status: Command.Status.Value,
  val reverse_results: List[XML.Tree],
  val markup_root: Markup_Text)
  def this(command: Command) =
    this(command, Command.Status.UNPROCESSED, Nil, command.empty_markup)

  /* content */

  private def set_status(st: Command.Status.Value): State =
    new State(command, st, reverse_results, markup_root)

  private def add_result(res: XML.Tree): State =
    new State(command, status, res :: reverse_results, markup_root)

  private def add_markup(node: Markup_Tree): State =
    new State(command, status, reverse_results, markup_root + node)

  lazy val results = reverse_results.reverse

  /* markup */

  lazy val highlight: Markup_Text =
    markup_root.filter( match {
      case Command.HighlightInfo(_) => true
      case _ => false

  private lazy val types: List[Markup_Node] =
    markup_root.filter( match {
      case Command.TypeInfo(_) => true
      case _ => false }).flatten

  def type_at(pos: Int): Option[String] =
    types.find(t => t.start <= pos && pos < t.stop) match {
      case Some(t) => match {
          case Command.TypeInfo(ty) => Some(command.source(t.start, t.stop) + ": " + ty)
          case _ => None
      case None => None

  private lazy val refs: List[Markup_Node] =
    markup_root.filter( match {
      case Command.RefInfo(_, _, _, _) => true
      case _ => false }).flatten

  def ref_at(pos: Int): Option[Markup_Node] =
    refs.find(t => t.start <= pos && pos < t.stop)

  /* message dispatch */

  def + (message: XML.Tree): State =
    message match {
      case XML.Elem(Markup.STATUS, _, elems) =>
        (this /: elems)((state, elem) =>
          elem match {
            case XML.Elem(Markup.UNPROCESSED, _, _) => state.set_status(Command.Status.UNPROCESSED)
            case XML.Elem(Markup.FINISHED, _, _) => state.set_status(Command.Status.FINISHED)
            case XML.Elem(Markup.FAILED, _, _) => state.set_status(Command.Status.FAILED)
            case XML.Elem(kind, atts, body) =>
              atts match {
                case Position.Range(begin, end) =>
                  if (kind == Markup.ML_TYPING) {
                    val info = Pretty.string_of(body, margin = 40)
                      command.markup_node(begin - 1, end - 1, Command.TypeInfo(info)))
                  else if (kind == Markup.ML_REF) {
                    body match {
                      case List(XML.Elem(Markup.ML_DEF, atts, _)) =>
                          begin - 1, end - 1,
                      case _ => state
                  else {
                      command.markup_node(begin - 1, end - 1, Command.HighlightInfo(kind)))
                case _ => state
            case _ =>
              System.err.println("ignored status report: " + elem)
      case _ => add_result(message)