author blanchet
Fri, 19 Sep 2014 13:27:04 +0200
changeset 58388 4d408eb71301
parent 58377 c6f93b8d2d8e
child 58459 f70bffabd7cf
permissions -rw-r--r--

(*  Title:      HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_lfp_size.ML
    Author:     Jasmin Blanchette, TU Muenchen
    Copyright   2014

Generation of size functions for datatypes.

signature BNF_LFP_SIZE =
  val size_plugin: string
  val register_size: string -> string -> thm list -> thm list -> local_theory -> local_theory
  val register_size_global: string -> string -> thm list -> thm list -> theory -> theory
  val size_of: Proof.context -> string -> (string * (thm list * thm list)) option
  val size_of_global: theory -> string -> (string * (thm list * thm list)) option

structure BNF_LFP_Size : BNF_LFP_SIZE =

open BNF_Util
open BNF_Tactics
open BNF_Def
open BNF_FP_Def_Sugar

val size_plugin = "size";

val size_N = "size_";

val rec_o_mapN = "rec_o_map";
val sizeN = "size";
val size_o_mapN = "size_o_map";

val nitpicksimp_attrs = @{attributes [nitpick_simp]};
val simp_attrs = @{attributes [simp]};

structure Data = Generic_Data
  type T = (string * (thm list * thm list)) Symtab.table;
  val empty = Symtab.empty;
  val extend = I
  fun merge data = Symtab.merge (K true) data;

fun register_size T_name size_name size_simps size_o_maps =
  Context.proof_map ( (Symtab.update (T_name, (size_name, (size_simps, size_o_maps)))));

fun register_size_global T_name size_name size_simps size_o_maps =
  Context.theory_map ( (Symtab.update (T_name, (size_name, (size_simps, size_o_maps)))));

val size_of = Symtab.lookup o Data.get o Context.Proof;
val size_of_global = Symtab.lookup o Data.get o Context.Theory;

fun mk_plus_nat (t1, t2) = Const (@{const_name},
  HOLogic.natT --> HOLogic.natT --> HOLogic.natT) $ t1 $ t2;

fun mk_to_natT T = T --> HOLogic.natT;

fun mk_abs_zero_nat T = Term.absdummy T;

fun mk_pointfull ctxt th = unfold_thms ctxt [o_apply] (th RS fun_cong);

fun mk_unabs_def_unused_0 n =
  funpow n (fn thm => thm RS @{thm fun_cong_unused_0} handle THM _ => thm RS fun_cong);

val rec_o_map_simps =
  @{thms o_def[abs_def] id_def case_prod_app case_sum_map_sum case_prod_map_prod id_bnf_def};

fun mk_rec_o_map_tac ctxt rec_def pre_map_defs live_nesting_map_ident0s abs_inverses
    ctor_rec_o_map =
  HEADGOAL (subst_tac @{context} (SOME [1, 2]) [rec_def] THEN' rtac (ctor_rec_o_map RS trans) THEN'
    CONVERSION Thm.eta_long_conversion THEN'
    asm_simp_tac (ss_only (pre_map_defs @
        distinct Thm.eq_thm_prop (live_nesting_map_ident0s @ abs_inverses) @ rec_o_map_simps)

val size_o_map_simps = @{thms prod_inj_map inj_on_id snd_comp_apfst[unfolded apfst_def]};

fun mk_size_o_map_tac ctxt size_def rec_o_map inj_maps size_maps =
  unfold_thms_tac ctxt [size_def] THEN
  HEADGOAL (rtac (rec_o_map RS trans) THEN'
    asm_simp_tac (ss_only (inj_maps @ size_maps @ size_o_map_simps) ctxt)) THEN
  IF_UNSOLVED (unfold_thms_tac ctxt @{thms o_def} THEN HEADGOAL (rtac refl));

fun generate_datatype_size (fp_sugars as ({T = Type (_, As), BT = Type (_, Bs), fp = Least_FP,
      fp_res = {bnfs = fp_bnfs, xtor_co_rec_o_map_thms = ctor_rec_o_maps, ...}, fp_nesting_bnfs,
      live_nesting_bnfs, ...} : fp_sugar) :: _) lthy0 =
      val data = Data.get (Context.Proof lthy0);

      val Ts = map #T fp_sugars
      val T_names = map (fst o dest_Type) Ts;
      val nn = length Ts;

      val B_ify = Term.typ_subst_atomic (As ~~ Bs);

      val recs = map #co_rec fp_sugars;
      val rec_thmss = map #co_rec_thms fp_sugars;
      val rec_Ts as rec_T1 :: _ = map fastype_of recs;
      val rec_arg_Ts = binder_fun_types rec_T1;
      val Cs = map body_type rec_Ts;
      val Cs_rho = map (rpair HOLogic.natT) Cs;
      val substCnatT = Term.subst_atomic_types Cs_rho;

      val f_Ts = map mk_to_natT As;
      val f_TsB = map mk_to_natT Bs;
      val num_As = length As;

      fun variant_names n pre = fst (Variable.variant_fixes (replicate n pre) lthy0);

      val f_names = variant_names num_As "f";
      val fs = map2 (curry Free) f_names f_Ts;
      val fsB = map2 (curry Free) f_names f_TsB;
      val As_fs = As ~~ fs;

      val size_bs =
        map ((fn base => Binding.qualify false base ( (prefix size_N base))) o
          Long_Name.base_name) T_names;

      fun is_prod_C @{type_name prod} [_, T'] = member (op =) Cs T'
        | is_prod_C _ _ = false;

      fun mk_size_of_typ (T as TFree _) =
          pair (case AList.lookup (op =) As_fs T of
              SOME f => f
            | NONE => if member (op =) Cs T then Term.absdummy T (Bound 0) else mk_abs_zero_nat T)
        | mk_size_of_typ (T as Type (s, Ts)) =
          if is_prod_C s Ts then
            pair (snd_const T)
          else if exists (exists_subtype_in (As @ Cs)) Ts then
            (case Symtab.lookup data s of
              SOME (size_name, (_, size_o_maps)) =>
                val (args, size_o_mapss') = fold_map mk_size_of_typ Ts [];
                val size_const = Const (size_name, map fastype_of args ---> mk_to_natT T);
                append (size_o_maps :: size_o_mapss')
                #> pair (Term.list_comb (size_const, args))
            | _ => pair (mk_abs_zero_nat T))
            pair (mk_abs_zero_nat T);

      fun mk_size_of_arg t =
        mk_size_of_typ (fastype_of t) #>> (fn s => substCnatT (betapply (s, t)));

      fun is_recursive_or_plain_case Ts =
        exists (exists_subtype_in Cs) Ts orelse forall (not o exists_subtype_in As) Ts;

      (* We want the size function to enjoy the following properties:

          1. The size of a list should coincide with its length.
          2. All the nonrecursive constructors of a type should have the same size.
          3. Each constructor through which nested recursion takes place should count as at least
             one in the generic size function.
          4. The "size" function should be definable as "size_t (%_. 0) ... (%_. 0)", where "size_t"
             is the generic function.

         This explains the somewhat convoluted logic ahead. *)

      val base_case =
        if forall (is_recursive_or_plain_case o binder_types) rec_arg_Ts then
        else HOLogic.Suc_zero;

      fun mk_size_arg rec_arg_T =
          val x_Ts = binder_types rec_arg_T;
          val m = length x_Ts;
          val x_names = variant_names m "x";
          val xs = map2 (curry Free) x_names x_Ts;
          val (summands, size_o_mapss) =
            fold_map mk_size_of_arg xs []
            |>> remove (op =);
          val sum =
            if null summands then base_case
            else foldl1 mk_plus_nat (summands @ [HOLogic.Suc_zero]);
          append size_o_mapss
          #> pair (fold_rev Term.lambda (map substCnatT xs) sum)

      fun mk_size_rhs recx =
        fold_map mk_size_arg rec_arg_Ts
        #>> (fn args => fold_rev Term.lambda fs (Term.list_comb (substCnatT recx, args)));

      val maybe_conceal_def_binding = Thm.def_binding
        #> not (Config.get lthy0 bnf_note_all) ? Binding.conceal;

      val (size_rhss, nested_size_o_mapss) = fold_map mk_size_rhs recs [];
      val size_Ts = map fastype_of size_rhss;

      val nested_size_o_maps_complete = forall (not o null) nested_size_o_mapss;
      val nested_size_o_maps = fold (union Thm.eq_thm_prop) nested_size_o_mapss [];

      val ((raw_size_consts, raw_size_defs), (lthy1', lthy1)) = lthy0
        |> apfst split_list o fold_map2 (fn b => fn rhs =>
            Local_Theory.define ((b, NoSyn), ((maybe_conceal_def_binding b, []), rhs))
            #>> apsnd snd)
          size_bs size_rhss
        ||> `Local_Theory.restore;

      val phi = Proof_Context.export_morphism lthy1 lthy1';

      val size_defs = map (Morphism.thm phi) raw_size_defs;

      val size_consts0 = map (Morphism.term phi) raw_size_consts;
      val size_consts = map2 retype_const_or_free size_Ts size_consts0;
      val size_constsB = map (Term.map_types B_ify) size_consts;

      val zeros = map mk_abs_zero_nat As;

      val overloaded_size_rhss = map (fn c => Term.list_comb (c, zeros)) size_consts;
      val overloaded_size_Ts = map fastype_of overloaded_size_rhss;
      val overloaded_size_consts = map (curry Const @{const_name size}) overloaded_size_Ts;
      val overloaded_size_def_bs =
        map (maybe_conceal_def_binding o Binding.suffix_name "_overloaded") size_bs;

      fun define_overloaded_size def_b lhs0 rhs lthy =
          val Free (c, _) = Syntax.check_term lthy lhs0;
          val (thm, lthy') = lthy
            |> Local_Theory.define (( c, NoSyn), ((def_b, []), rhs))
            |-> (fn (t, (_, thm)) => Spec_Rules.add Spec_Rules.Equational ([t], [thm]) #> pair thm);
          val ctxt_thy = Proof_Context.init_global (Proof_Context.theory_of lthy');
          val thm' = singleton (Proof_Context.export lthy' ctxt_thy) thm;
        in (thm', lthy') end;

      val (overloaded_size_defs, lthy2) = lthy1
        |> Local_Theory.background_theory_result
          (Class.instantiation (T_names, map dest_TFree As, [HOLogic.class_size])
           #> fold_map3 define_overloaded_size overloaded_size_def_bs overloaded_size_consts
           ##> Class.prove_instantiation_instance (K (Class.intro_classes_tac []))
           ##> Local_Theory.exit_global);

      val size_defs' =
        map (mk_unabs_def (num_As + 1) o (fn thm => thm RS meta_eq_to_obj_eq)) size_defs;
      val size_defs_unused_0 =
        map (mk_unabs_def_unused_0 (num_As + 1) o (fn thm => thm RS meta_eq_to_obj_eq)) size_defs;
      val overloaded_size_defs' =
        map (mk_unabs_def 1 o (fn thm => thm RS meta_eq_to_obj_eq)) overloaded_size_defs;

      val all_overloaded_size_defs = overloaded_size_defs @
        (Spec_Rules.retrieve lthy0 @{const size ('a)}
         |> map_filter (try (fn (Spec_Rules.Equational, (_, [thm])) => thm)));

      val nested_size_maps = map (mk_pointfull lthy2) nested_size_o_maps @ nested_size_o_maps;
      val all_inj_maps = map inj_map_of_bnf (fp_bnfs @ fp_nesting_bnfs @ live_nesting_bnfs)
        |> distinct Thm.eq_thm_prop;

      fun derive_size_simp size_def' simp0 =
        (trans OF [size_def', simp0])
        |> Simplifier.asm_full_simplify (ss_only (@{thms inj_on_convol_ident id_def o_def
          snd_conv} @ all_inj_maps @ nested_size_maps) lthy2)
        |> fold_thms lthy2 size_defs_unused_0;

      fun derive_overloaded_size_simp overloaded_size_def' simp0 =
        (trans OF [overloaded_size_def', simp0])
        |> unfold_thms lthy2 @{thms add_0_left add_0_right}
        |> fold_thms lthy2 all_overloaded_size_defs;

      val size_simpss = map2 (map o derive_size_simp) size_defs' rec_thmss;
      val size_simps = flat size_simpss;
      val overloaded_size_simpss =
        map2 (map o derive_overloaded_size_simp) overloaded_size_defs' size_simpss;
      val size_thmss = map2 append size_simpss overloaded_size_simpss;

      val ABs = As ~~ Bs;
      val g_names = variant_names num_As "g";
      val gs = map2 (curry Free) g_names (map (op -->) ABs);

      val liveness = map (op <>) ABs;
      val live_gs = AList.find (op =) (gs ~~ liveness) true;
      val live = length live_gs;

      val maps0 = map map_of_bnf fp_bnfs;

      val (rec_o_map_thmss, size_o_map_thmss) =
        if live = 0 then
          `I (replicate nn [])
            val pre_bnfs = map #pre_bnf fp_sugars;
            val pre_map_defs = map map_def_of_bnf pre_bnfs;
            val live_nesting_map_ident0s = map map_ident0_of_bnf live_nesting_bnfs;
            val abs_inverses = map (#abs_inverse o #absT_info) fp_sugars;
            val rec_defs = map #co_rec_def fp_sugars;

            val gmaps = map (fn map0 => Term.list_comb (mk_map live As Bs map0, live_gs)) maps0;

            val num_rec_args = length rec_arg_Ts;
            val h_Ts = map B_ify rec_arg_Ts;
            val h_names = variant_names num_rec_args "h";
            val hs = map2 (curry Free) h_names h_Ts;
            val hrecs = map (fn recx => Term.list_comb (Term.map_types B_ify recx, hs)) recs;

            val rec_o_map_lhss = map2 (curry HOLogic.mk_comp) hrecs gmaps;

            val ABgs = ABs ~~ gs;

            fun mk_rec_arg_arg (x as Free (_, T)) =
              let val U = B_ify T in
                if T = U then x else build_map lthy2 [] (the o AList.lookup (op =) ABgs) (T, U) $ x

            fun mk_rec_o_map_arg rec_arg_T h =
                val x_Ts = binder_types rec_arg_T;
                val m = length x_Ts;
                val x_names = variant_names m "x";
                val xs = map2 (curry Free) x_names x_Ts;
                val xs' = map mk_rec_arg_arg xs;
                fold_rev Term.lambda xs (Term.list_comb (h, xs'))

            fun mk_rec_o_map_rhs recx =
              let val args = map2 mk_rec_o_map_arg rec_arg_Ts hs in
                Term.list_comb (recx, args)

            val rec_o_map_rhss = map mk_rec_o_map_rhs recs;

            val rec_o_map_goals =
              map2 (fold_rev (fold_rev Logic.all) [gs, hs] o HOLogic.mk_Trueprop oo
                curry HOLogic.mk_eq) rec_o_map_lhss rec_o_map_rhss;
            val rec_o_map_thms =
              map3 (fn goal => fn rec_def => fn ctor_rec_o_map =>
                  Goal.prove_sorry lthy2 [] [] goal (fn {context = ctxt, ...} =>
                    mk_rec_o_map_tac ctxt rec_def pre_map_defs live_nesting_map_ident0s abs_inverses
                  |> Thm.close_derivation)
                rec_o_map_goals rec_defs ctor_rec_o_maps;

            val size_o_map_conds =
              if exists (can Logic.dest_implies o Thm.prop_of) nested_size_o_maps then
                map (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop o mk_inj) live_gs

            val fsizes = map (fn size_constB => Term.list_comb (size_constB, fsB)) size_constsB;
            val size_o_map_lhss = map2 (curry HOLogic.mk_comp) fsizes gmaps;

            val fgs = map2 (fn fB => fn g as Free (_, Type (_, [A, B])) =>
              if A = B then fB else HOLogic.mk_comp (fB, g)) fsB gs;
            val size_o_map_rhss = map (fn c => Term.list_comb (c, fgs)) size_consts;

            val size_o_map_goals =
              map2 (fold_rev (fold_rev Logic.all) [fsB, gs] o
                curry Logic.list_implies size_o_map_conds o HOLogic.mk_Trueprop oo
                curry HOLogic.mk_eq) size_o_map_lhss size_o_map_rhss;

            val size_o_map_thmss =
              if nested_size_o_maps_complete then
                map3 (fn goal => fn size_def => fn rec_o_map =>
                    Goal.prove_sorry lthy2 [] [] goal (fn {context = ctxt, ...} =>
                      mk_size_o_map_tac ctxt size_def rec_o_map all_inj_maps nested_size_maps)
                    |> Thm.close_derivation
                    |> single)
                  size_o_map_goals size_defs rec_o_map_thms
                replicate nn [];
            (map single rec_o_map_thms, size_o_map_thmss)

      (* Ideally, the "[code]" attribute would be generated only if the "code" plugin is enabled. *)
      val code_attrs = Code.add_default_eqn_attrib;

      val massage_multi_notes =
        maps (fn (thmN, thmss, attrs) =>
          map2 (fn T_name => fn thms =>
              ((Binding.qualify true (Long_Name.base_name T_name) ( thmN), attrs),
               [(thms, [])]))
            T_names thmss)
        #> filter_out (null o fst o hd o snd);

      val notes =
        [(rec_o_mapN, rec_o_map_thmss, []),
         (sizeN, size_thmss, code_attrs :: nitpicksimp_attrs @ simp_attrs),
         (size_o_mapN, size_o_map_thmss, [])]
        |> massage_multi_notes;

      val (noted, lthy3) =
        |> Spec_Rules.add Spec_Rules.Equational (size_consts, size_simps)
        |> Local_Theory.notes notes;

      val phi0 = substitute_noted_thm noted;
      |> Local_Theory.declaration {syntax = false, pervasive = true}
        (fn phi => (fold2 (fn T_name => fn Const (size_name, _) =>
             Symtab.update (T_name, (size_name,
               pairself (map (Morphism.thm (phi0 $> phi))) (size_simps, flat size_o_map_thmss))))
           T_names size_consts))
  | generate_datatype_size _ lthy = lthy;

val _ = Theory.setup (fp_sugars_interpretation size_plugin
  (map_local_theory o generate_datatype_size) generate_datatype_size);
