(* Title: Pure/Isar/theory_target.ML
ID: $Id$
Author: Makarius
Common theory/locale targets.
signature THEORY_TARGET =
val peek: local_theory -> string option
val begin: bstring -> Proof.context -> local_theory
val init: xstring option -> theory -> local_theory
val init_i: string option -> theory -> local_theory
structure TheoryTarget: THEORY_TARGET =
(** locale targets **)
(* context data *)
structure Data = ProofDataFun
val name = "Isar/theory_target";
type T = string option;
fun init _ = NONE;
fun print _ _ = ();
val _ = Context.add_setup Data.init;
val peek = Data.get;
(* pretty *)
fun pretty loc ctxt =
val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt;
val fixes = map (fn (x, T) => (x, SOME T, NoSyn)) (#1 (ProofContext.inferred_fixes ctxt));
val assumes = map (fn A => (("", []), [(A, [])])) (map Thm.term_of (Assumption.assms_of ctxt));
val elems =
(if null fixes then [] else [Element.Fixes fixes]) @
(if null assumes then [] else [Element.Assumes assumes]);
if loc = "" then
[Pretty.str "theory", Pretty.brk 1, Pretty.str (Context.theory_name thy),
Pretty.str " =", Pretty.brk 1, ThyInfo.pretty_theory thy]]
else if null elems then [Pretty.str ("locale " ^ Locale.extern thy loc)]
[Pretty.big_list ("locale " ^ Locale.extern thy loc ^ " =")
(map (Pretty.chunks o Element.pretty_ctxt ctxt) elems)]
(* consts *)
fun internal_abbrev prmode ((c, mx), t) =
(* FIXME really permissive *)
LocalTheory.term_syntax (perhaps o try o ProofContext.target_abbrev prmode ((c, mx), t)) #>
ProofContext.add_abbrev Syntax.internalM (c, t) #> snd;
fun consts is_loc some_class depends decls lthy =
val xs = filter depends (#1 (ProofContext.inferred_fixes (LocalTheory.target_of lthy)));
fun const ((c, T), mx) thy =
val U = map #2 xs ---> T;
val t = Term.list_comb (Const (Sign.full_name thy c, U), map Free xs);
val (mx1, mx2) = ClassPackage.fork_mixfix is_loc some_class mx;
val thy' = Sign.add_consts_authentic [(c, U, mx1)] thy;
in (((c, mx2), t), thy') end;
val (abbrs, lthy') = lthy |> LocalTheory.theory_result (fold_map const decls);
val defs = map (apsnd (pair ("", []))) abbrs;
|> is_loc ? fold (internal_abbrev Syntax.default_mode) abbrs
|> LocalDefs.add_defs defs |>> map (apsnd snd)
(* abbrev *)
fun occ_params ctxt ts =
#1 (ProofContext.inferred_fixes ctxt)
|> filter (member (op =) (fold (Variable.add_fixed ctxt) ts []));
fun abbrev is_loc some_class prmode ((raw_c, mx), raw_t) lthy =
val thy_ctxt = ProofContext.init (ProofContext.theory_of lthy);
val target = LocalTheory.target_of lthy;
val target_morphism = LocalTheory.target_morphism lthy;
val c = Morphism.name target_morphism raw_c;
val t = Morphism.term target_morphism raw_t;
val xs = map Free (occ_params target [t]);
val u = fold_rev Term.lambda xs t;
val U = Term.fastype_of u;
val u' = singleton (Variable.export_terms (Variable.declare_term u target) thy_ctxt) u;
val ((lhs as Const (full_c, _), rhs), lthy1) = lthy
|> LocalTheory.theory_result (Sign.add_abbrev (#1 prmode) (c, u'));
val (mx1, mx2) = ClassPackage.fork_mixfix is_loc some_class mx;
|> LocalTheory.theory (Sign.add_notation prmode [(lhs, mx1)])
|> is_loc ? internal_abbrev prmode ((c, mx2), Term.list_comb (Const (full_c, U), xs))
|> ProofContext.local_abbrev (c, rhs)
(* defs *)
fun expand_term ctxt t =
val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt;
val thy_ctxt = ProofContext.init thy;
val ct = Thm.cterm_of thy t;
val (defs, ct') = LocalDefs.export ctxt thy_ctxt (Drule.mk_term ct) ||> Drule.dest_term;
in (Thm.term_of ct', MetaSimplifier.rewrite true defs ct) end;
fun add_def (name, prop) =
Theory.add_defs_i false false [(name, prop)] #>
(fn thy => (Drule.unvarify (Thm.get_axiom_i thy (Sign.full_name thy name)), thy));
fun defs loc some_class kind args lthy0 =
fun def ((c, mx), ((name, atts), rhs)) lthy1 =
val (rhs', rhs_conv) = expand_term lthy0 rhs;
val xs = Variable.add_fixed (LocalTheory.target_of lthy0) rhs' [];
val ([(lhs, lhs_def)], lthy2) = lthy1
|> LocalTheory.consts (member (op =) xs) [((c, Term.fastype_of rhs), mx)];
val lhs' = #2 (Logic.dest_equals (Thm.prop_of lhs_def));
val name' = Thm.def_name_optional c name;
val (def, lthy3) = lthy2
|> LocalTheory.theory_result (add_def (name', Logic.mk_equals (lhs', rhs')));
val eq = LocalDefs.trans_terms lthy3
[(*c == loc.c xs*) lhs_def,
(*lhs' == rhs'*) def,
(*rhs' == rhs*) Thm.symmetric rhs_conv];
val lthy4 = case some_class
of SOME class =>
|> LocalTheory.raw_theory
(ClassPackage.add_def_in_class lthy3 class
((c, mx), ((name, atts), (rhs, eq))))
| _ => lthy3;
in ((lhs, ((name', atts), [([eq], [])])), lthy4) end;
val ((lhss, facts), lthy') = lthy0 |> fold_map def args |>> split_list;
val (res, lthy'') = lthy' |> LocalTheory.notes kind facts;
in (lhss ~~ map (apsnd the_single) res, lthy'') end;
(* axioms *)
fun add_axiom hyps (name, prop) thy =
val name' = if name = "" then "axiom_" ^ serial_string () else name;
val prop' = Logic.list_implies (hyps, prop);
val thy' = thy |> Theory.add_axioms_i [(name', prop')];
val axm = Drule.unvarify (Thm.get_axiom_i thy' (Sign.full_name thy' name'));
val prems = map (Thm.assume o Thm.cterm_of thy') hyps;
in (Drule.implies_elim_list axm prems, thy') end;
fun axioms kind specs lthy =
val hyps = map Thm.term_of (Assumption.assms_of lthy);
fun axiom ((name, atts), props) thy = thy
|> fold_map (add_axiom hyps) (PureThy.name_multi name props)
|-> (fn ths => pair ((name, atts), [(ths, [])]));
|> fold (fold Variable.declare_term o snd) specs
|> LocalTheory.theory_result (fold_map axiom specs)
|-> LocalTheory.notes kind
(* notes *)
fun import_export_proof ctxt (name, raw_th) =
val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt;
val thy_ctxt = ProofContext.init thy;
val certT = Thm.ctyp_of thy;
val cert = Thm.cterm_of thy;
(*export assumes/defines*)
val th = Goal.norm_result raw_th;
val (defs, th') = LocalDefs.export ctxt thy_ctxt th;
val concl_conv = MetaSimplifier.rewrite true defs (Thm.cprop_of th);
val assms = map (MetaSimplifier.rewrite_rule defs o Thm.assume) (Assumption.assms_of ctxt);
val nprems = Thm.nprems_of th' - Thm.nprems_of th;
(*export fixes*)
val tfrees = map TFree (Drule.fold_terms Term.add_tfrees th' []);
val frees = map Free (Drule.fold_terms Term.add_frees th' []);
val (th'' :: vs) = (th' :: map (Drule.mk_term o cert) (map Logic.mk_type tfrees @ frees))
|> Variable.export ctxt thy_ctxt
|> Drule.zero_var_indexes_list;
(*thm definition*)
val result = th''
|> PureThy.name_thm true true ""
|> Goal.close_result
|> PureThy.name_thm true true name;
(*import fixes*)
val (tvars, vars) =
chop (length tfrees) (map (Thm.term_of o Drule.dest_term) vs)
|>> map Logic.dest_type;
val instT = map_filter (fn (TVar v, T) => SOME (v, T) | _ => NONE) (tvars ~~ tfrees);
val inst = filter (is_Var o fst) (vars ~~ frees);
val cinstT = map (pairself certT o apfst TVar) instT;
val cinst = map (pairself (cert o Term.map_types (TermSubst.instantiateT instT))) inst;
val result' = Thm.instantiate (cinstT, cinst) result;
(*import assumes/defines*)
val assm_tac = FIRST' (map (fn assm => Tactic.compose_tac (false, assm, 0)) assms);
val result'' =
(case SINGLE (Seq.INTERVAL assm_tac 1 nprems) result' of
NONE => raise THM ("Failed to re-import result", 0, [result'])
| SOME res => LocalDefs.trans_props ctxt [res, Thm.symmetric concl_conv])
|> Goal.norm_result
|> PureThy.name_thm false false name;
in (result'', result) end;
fun notes loc kind facts lthy =
val is_loc = loc <> "";
val thy = ProofContext.theory_of lthy;
val full = LocalTheory.full_name lthy;
val facts' = facts
|> map (fn (a, bs) => (a, PureThy.burrow_fact (PureThy.name_multi (full (fst a))) bs))
|> PureThy.map_facts (import_export_proof lthy);
val local_facts = PureThy.map_facts #1 facts'
|> Attrib.map_facts (Attrib.attribute_i thy);
val target_facts = PureThy.map_facts #1 facts'
|> is_loc ? Element.facts_map (Element.morph_ctxt (LocalTheory.target_morphism lthy));
val global_facts = PureThy.map_facts #2 facts'
|> Attrib.map_facts (if is_loc then K I else Attrib.attribute_i thy);
lthy |> LocalTheory.theory
#> PureThy.note_thmss_i kind global_facts #> snd
#> Sign.restore_naming thy)
|> is_loc ? LocalTheory.target (Locale.add_thmss loc kind target_facts)
|> ProofContext.set_stmt true
|> ProofContext.qualified_names
|> ProofContext.note_thmss_i kind local_facts
||> ProofContext.restore_naming lthy
||> ProofContext.restore_stmt lthy
(* target declarations *)
fun target_decl add loc d lthy =
val d' = Morphism.transform (LocalTheory.target_morphism lthy) d;
val d0 = Morphism.form d';
if loc = "" then
|> LocalTheory.theory (Context.theory_map d0)
|> LocalTheory.target (Context.proof_map d0)
|> LocalTheory.target (add loc d')
val type_syntax = target_decl Locale.add_type_syntax;
val term_syntax = target_decl Locale.add_term_syntax;
val declaration = target_decl Locale.add_declaration;
fun target_morphism loc lthy =
ProofContext.export_morphism lthy (LocalTheory.target_of lthy) $>
Morphism.thm_morphism Goal.norm_result;
fun target_naming loc lthy =
(if loc = "" then Sign.naming_of (ProofContext.theory_of lthy)
else ProofContext.naming_of (LocalTheory.target_of lthy))
|> NameSpace.qualified_names;
(* init and exit *)
fun begin loc ctxt =
val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt;
val is_loc = loc <> "";
val some_class = ClassPackage.class_of_locale thy loc;
|> Data.put (if is_loc then SOME loc else NONE)
|> LocalTheory.init (NameSpace.base loc)
{pretty = pretty loc,
consts = consts is_loc some_class,
axioms = axioms,
abbrev = abbrev is_loc some_class,
defs = defs loc some_class,
notes = notes loc,
type_syntax = type_syntax loc,
term_syntax = term_syntax loc,
declaration = declaration loc,
target_morphism = target_morphism loc,
target_naming = target_naming loc,
reinit = fn _ =>
begin loc o (if is_loc then Locale.init loc else ProofContext.init),
exit = LocalTheory.target_of}
fun init_i NONE thy = begin "" (ProofContext.init thy)
| init_i (SOME loc) thy = begin loc (Locale.init loc thy);
fun init (SOME "-") thy = init_i NONE thy
| init loc thy = init_i (Option.map (Locale.intern thy) loc) thy;