(* Title: Pure/Isar/attrib.ML
ID: $Id$
Author: Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen
Symbolic representation of attributes -- with name and syntax.
signature ATTRIB =
type src = Args.src
val print_attributes: theory -> unit
val intern: theory -> xstring -> string
val intern_src: theory -> src -> src
val pretty_attribs: Proof.context -> src list -> Pretty.T list
val defined: theory -> string -> bool
val attribute: theory -> src -> attribute
val attribute_i: theory -> src -> attribute
val eval_thms: Proof.context -> (Facts.ref * src list) list -> thm list
val map_specs: ('a -> 'att) ->
(('c * 'a list) * 'd) list -> (('c * 'att list) * 'd) list
val map_facts: ('a -> 'att) ->
(('c * 'a list) * ('d * 'a list) list) list ->
(('c * 'att list) * ('d * 'att list) list) list
val crude_closure: Proof.context -> src -> src
val add_attributes: (bstring * (src -> attribute) * string) list -> theory -> theory
val syntax: (Context.generic * Args.T list ->
attribute * (Context.generic * Args.T list)) -> src -> attribute
val no_args: attribute -> src -> attribute
val add_del_args: attribute -> attribute -> src -> attribute
val thm_sel: Args.T list -> Facts.interval list * Args.T list
val thm: Context.generic * Args.T list -> thm * (Context.generic * Args.T list)
val thms: Context.generic * Args.T list -> thm list * (Context.generic * Args.T list)
val multi_thm: Context.generic * Args.T list -> thm list * (Context.generic * Args.T list)
val print_configs: Proof.context -> unit
val internal: (morphism -> attribute) -> src
val register_config: Config.value Config.T -> theory -> theory
val config_bool: bstring -> bool -> bool Config.T * (theory -> theory)
val config_int: bstring -> int -> int Config.T * (theory -> theory)
val config_string: bstring -> string -> string Config.T * (theory -> theory)
val config_bool_global: bstring -> bool -> bool Config.T * (theory -> theory)
val config_int_global: bstring -> int -> int Config.T * (theory -> theory)
val config_string_global: bstring -> string -> string Config.T * (theory -> theory)
structure Attrib: ATTRIB =
structure T = OuterLex;
structure P = OuterParse;
type src = Args.src;
(** named attributes **)
(* theory data *)
structure Attributes = TheoryDataFun
type T = (((src -> attribute) * string) * stamp) NameSpace.table;
val empty = NameSpace.empty_table;
val copy = I;
val extend = I;
fun merge _ tables : T = NameSpace.merge_tables (eq_snd (op =)) tables handle Symtab.DUP dup =>
error ("Attempt to merge different versions of attribute " ^ quote dup);
fun print_attributes thy =
val attribs = Attributes.get thy;
fun prt_attr (name, ((_, comment), _)) = Pretty.block
[Pretty.str (name ^ ":"), Pretty.brk 2, Pretty.str comment];
[Pretty.big_list "attributes:" (map prt_attr (NameSpace.extern_table attribs))]
|> Pretty.chunks |> Pretty.writeln
(* name space *)
val intern = NameSpace.intern o #1 o Attributes.get;
val intern_src = Args.map_name o intern;
val extern = NameSpace.extern o #1 o Attributes.get o ProofContext.theory_of;
(* pretty printing *)
fun pretty_attribs _ [] = []
| pretty_attribs ctxt srcs =
[Pretty.enclose "[" "]"
(Pretty.commas (map (Args.pretty_src ctxt o Args.map_name (extern ctxt)) srcs))];
(* get attributes *)
val defined = Symtab.defined o #2 o Attributes.get;
fun attribute_i thy =
val attrs = #2 (Attributes.get thy);
fun attr src =
let val ((name, _), pos) = Args.dest_src src in
(case Symtab.lookup attrs name of
NONE => error ("Unknown attribute: " ^ quote name ^ Position.str_of pos)
| SOME ((att, _), _) => (Position.report (Markup.attribute name) pos; att src))
in attr end;
fun attribute thy = attribute_i thy o intern_src thy;
fun eval_thms ctxt args = ProofContext.note_thmss Thm.theoremK
[(("", []), map (apsnd (map (attribute (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt)))) args)] ctxt
|> fst |> maps snd;
(* attributed declarations *)
fun map_specs f = map (apfst (apsnd (map f)));
fun map_facts f = map (apfst (apsnd (map f)) o apsnd (map (apsnd (map f))));
(* crude_closure *)
(*Produce closure without knowing facts in advance! The following
works reasonably well for attribute parsers that do not peek at the
thm structure.*)
fun crude_closure ctxt src =
(try (fn () => attribute_i (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt) src
(Context.Proof ctxt, Drule.asm_rl)) ();
Args.closure src);
(* add_attributes *)
fun add_attributes raw_attrs thy =
val new_attrs =
raw_attrs |> map (fn (name, att, comment) => (name, ((att, comment), stamp ())));
fun add attrs = NameSpace.extend_table (Sign.naming_of thy) new_attrs attrs
handle Symtab.DUP dup => error ("Duplicate declaration of attributes " ^ quote dup);
in Attributes.map add thy end;
(* attribute syntax *)
fun syntax scan src (st, th) =
let val (f: attribute, st') = Args.syntax "attribute" scan src st
in f (st', th) end;
fun no_args x = syntax (Scan.succeed x);
fun add_del_args add del = syntax
(Scan.lift (Args.add >> K add || Args.del >> K del || Scan.succeed add));
(** parsing attributed theorems **)
val thm_sel = P.$$$ "(" |-- P.list1
(P.nat --| P.minus -- P.nat >> Facts.FromTo ||
P.nat --| P.minus >> Facts.From ||
P.nat >> Facts.Single) --| P.$$$ ")";
val fact_name = Args.internal_fact >> K "<fact>" || Args.name;
fun gen_thm pick = Scan.depend (fn context =>
val thy = Context.theory_of context;
val get = Context.cases (PureThy.get_fact context) ProofContext.get_fact context;
val get_fact = get o Facts.Fact;
fun get_named pos name = get (Facts.Named ((name, pos), NONE));
P.$$$ "[" |-- Args.attribs (intern thy) --| P.$$$ "]" >> (fn srcs =>
val atts = map (attribute_i thy) srcs;
val (context', th') = Library.apply atts (context, Drule.dummy_thm);
in (context', pick "" [th']) end)
(Scan.ahead Args.alt_name -- Args.named_fact get_fact
>> (fn (s, fact) => ("", Facts.Fact s, fact)) ||
Scan.ahead (P.position fact_name) :|-- (fn (name, pos) =>
Args.named_fact (get_named pos) -- Scan.option thm_sel
>> (fn (fact, sel) => (name, Facts.Named ((name, pos), sel), fact))))
-- Args.opt_attribs (intern thy) >> (fn ((name, thmref, fact), srcs) =>
val ths = Facts.select thmref fact;
val atts = map (attribute_i thy) srcs;
val (context', ths') = foldl_map (Library.apply atts) (context, ths);
in (context', pick name ths') end)
val thm = gen_thm Facts.the_single;
val multi_thm = gen_thm (K I);
val thms = Scan.repeat multi_thm >> flat;
(** basic attributes **)
(* internal *)
fun internal att = Args.src (("Pure.attribute", [T.mk_attribute att]), Position.none);
val internal_att =
syntax (Scan.lift Args.internal_attribute >> Morphism.form);
(* tags *)
val tagged = syntax (Scan.lift (Args.name -- Args.name) >> PureThy.tag);
val untagged = syntax (Scan.lift Args.name >> PureThy.untag);
val kind = syntax (Scan.lift Args.name >> PureThy.kind);
(* rule composition *)
val COMP_att =
syntax (Scan.lift (Scan.optional (Args.bracks P.nat) 1) -- thm
>> (fn (i, B) => Thm.rule_attribute (fn _ => fn A => Drule.compose_single (A, i, B))));
val THEN_att =
syntax (Scan.lift (Scan.optional (Args.bracks P.nat) 1) -- thm
>> (fn (i, B) => Thm.rule_attribute (fn _ => fn A => A RSN (i, B))));
val OF_att =
syntax (thms >> (fn Bs => Thm.rule_attribute (fn _ => fn A => Bs MRS A)));
(* rename_abs *)
val rename_abs = syntax
(Scan.lift (Scan.repeat (Args.maybe Args.name) >> (apsnd o Drule.rename_bvars')));
(* unfold / fold definitions *)
fun unfolded_syntax rule =
syntax (thms >>
(fn ths => Thm.rule_attribute (fn context => rule (Context.proof_of context) ths)));
val unfolded = unfolded_syntax LocalDefs.unfold;
val folded = unfolded_syntax LocalDefs.fold;
(* rule cases *)
val consumes = syntax (Scan.lift (Scan.optional P.nat 1) >> RuleCases.consumes);
val case_names = syntax (Scan.lift (Scan.repeat1 Args.name) >> RuleCases.case_names);
val case_conclusion =
syntax (Scan.lift (Args.name -- Scan.repeat Args.name) >> RuleCases.case_conclusion);
val params = syntax (Scan.lift (P.and_list1 (Scan.repeat Args.name)) >> RuleCases.params);
(* rule format *)
val rule_format = syntax (Args.mode "no_asm"
>> (fn true => ObjectLogic.rule_format_no_asm | false => ObjectLogic.rule_format));
val elim_format = no_args (Thm.rule_attribute (K Tactic.make_elim));
(* misc rules *)
val standard = no_args (Thm.rule_attribute (K Drule.standard));
val no_vars = no_args (Thm.rule_attribute (fn context => fn th =>
val ctxt = Variable.set_body false (Context.proof_of context);
val ((_, [th']), _) = Variable.import_thms true [th] ctxt;
in th' end));
val eta_long =
no_args (Thm.rule_attribute (K (Conv.fconv_rule Drule.eta_long_conversion)));
val rotated = syntax
(Scan.lift (Scan.optional P.int 1) >> (fn n => Thm.rule_attribute (K (rotate_prems n))));
(* theory setup *)
val _ = Context.>> (Context.map_theory
[("attribute", internal_att, "internal attribute"),
("tagged", tagged, "tagged theorem"),
("untagged", untagged, "untagged theorem"),
("kind", kind, "theorem kind"),
("COMP", COMP_att, "direct composition with rules (no lifting)"),
("THEN", THEN_att, "resolution with rule"),
("OF", OF_att, "rule applied to facts"),
("rename_abs", rename_abs, "rename bound variables in abstractions"),
("unfolded", unfolded, "unfolded definitions"),
("folded", folded, "folded definitions"),
("standard", standard, "result put into standard form"),
("elim_format", elim_format, "destruct rule turned into elimination rule format"),
("no_vars", no_vars, "frozen schematic vars"),
("eta_long", eta_long, "put theorem into eta long beta normal form"),
("consumes", consumes, "number of consumed facts"),
("case_names", case_names, "named rule cases"),
("case_conclusion", case_conclusion, "named conclusion of rule cases"),
("params", params, "named rule parameters"),
("atomize", no_args ObjectLogic.declare_atomize, "declaration of atomize rule"),
("rulify", no_args ObjectLogic.declare_rulify, "declaration of rulify rule"),
("rule_format", rule_format, "result put into standard rule format"),
("rotated", rotated, "rotated theorem premises"),
("defn", add_del_args LocalDefs.defn_add LocalDefs.defn_del,
"declaration of definitional transformations")]));
(** configuration options **)
(* naming *)
structure Configs = TheoryDataFun
type T = Config.value Config.T Symtab.table;
val empty = Symtab.empty;
val copy = I;
val extend = I;
fun merge _ = Symtab.merge (K true);
fun print_configs ctxt =
val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt;
fun prt (name, config) =
let val value = Config.get ctxt config in
Pretty.block [Pretty.str (name ^ ": " ^ Config.print_type value ^ " ="), Pretty.brk 1,
Pretty.str (Config.print_value value)]
val configs = NameSpace.extern_table (#1 (Attributes.get thy), Configs.get thy);
in Pretty.writeln (Pretty.big_list "configuration options" (map prt configs)) end;
(* concrete syntax *)
val equals = P.$$$ "=";
fun scan_value (Config.Bool _) =
equals -- Args.$$$ "false" >> K (Config.Bool false) ||
equals -- Args.$$$ "true" >> K (Config.Bool true) ||
Scan.succeed (Config.Bool true)
| scan_value (Config.Int _) = equals |-- P.int >> Config.Int
| scan_value (Config.String _) = equals |-- Args.name >> Config.String;
fun scan_config thy config =
let val config_type = Config.get_thy thy config
in scan_value config_type >> (K o Thm.declaration_attribute o K o Config.put_generic config) end;
fun register_config config thy =
val bname = Config.name_of config;
val name = Sign.full_name thy bname;
|> add_attributes [(bname, syntax (Scan.lift (scan_config thy config) >> Morphism.form),
"configuration option")]
|> Configs.map (Symtab.update (name, config))
fun declare_config make coerce global name default =
val config_value = Config.declare global name (make default);
val config = coerce config_value;
in (config, register_config config_value) end;
val config_bool = declare_config Config.Bool Config.bool false;
val config_int = declare_config Config.Int Config.int false;
val config_string = declare_config Config.String Config.string false;
val config_bool_global = declare_config Config.Bool Config.bool true;
val config_int_global = declare_config Config.Int Config.int true;
val config_string_global = declare_config Config.String Config.string true;
(* theory setup *)
val _ = Context.>> (Context.map_theory
(register_config Unify.trace_bound_value #>
register_config Unify.search_bound_value #>
register_config Unify.trace_simp_value #>
register_config Unify.trace_types_value #>
register_config MetaSimplifier.simp_depth_limit_value));