(* Title: ZF/ex/bin.ML
ID: $Id$
Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
Copyright 1993 University of Cambridge
Datatype of binary integers
(*Example of a datatype with an infix constructor*)
structure Bin = Datatype_Fun
(val thy = Univ.thy;
val rec_specs =
[("bin", "univ(0)",
[(["Plus", "Minus"], "i"),
(["op $$"], "[i,i]=>i")])];
val rec_styp = "i";
val ext = Some (Syntax.simple_sext [Infixl("$$", "[i,i] => i", 60)]);
val sintrs =
["Plus : bin",
"Minus : bin",
"[| w: bin; b: bool |] ==> w$$b : bin"];
val monos = [];
val type_intrs = datatype_intrs @ [bool_into_univ];
val type_elims = []);
(*Perform induction on l, then prove the major premise using prems. *)
fun bin_ind_tac a prems i =
EVERY [res_inst_tac [("x",a)] Bin.induct i,
rename_last_tac a ["1"] (i+3),
ares_tac prems i];