author oheimb
Wed, 18 Dec 1996 15:16:13 +0100
changeset 2445 51993fea433f
parent 1479 21eb5e156d91
permissions -rw-r--r--
removed Holcfb.thy and Holcfb.ML, moving classical3 to HOL.ML as classical2

(*  Title:      HOLCF/tr2.thy
    ID:         $Id$
    Author:     Franz Regensburger
    Copyright   1993 Technische Universitaet Muenchen

Introduce infix if_then_else_fi and boolean connectives andalso, orelse

Tr2 = Tr1 +

        Icifte          :: "tr -> 'c -> 'c -> 'c"
        trand           :: "tr -> tr -> tr"
        tror            :: "tr -> tr -> tr"
        neg             :: "tr -> tr"

syntax  "@cifte"        :: "tr=>'c=>'c=>'c"
                             ("(3If _/ (then _/ else _) fi)" 60)
        "@andalso"      :: "tr => tr => tr" ("_ andalso _" [36,35] 35)
        "@orelse"       :: "tr => tr => tr" ("_ orelse _"  [31,30] 30)
translations "x andalso y" == "trand`x`y"
             "x orelse y"  == "tror`x`y"
             "If b then e1 else e2 fi" == "Icifte`b`e1`e2"

  ifte_def    "Icifte == (LAM t e1 e2.tr_when`e1`e2`t)"
  andalso_def "trand == (LAM t1 t2.tr_when`t2`FF`t1)"
  orelse_def  "tror  == (LAM t1 t2.tr_when`TT`t2`t1)"
  neg_def     "neg == (LAM t. tr_when`FF`TT`t)"
