author wenzelm
Sun, 12 May 2013 15:08:11 +0200
changeset 51942 527e39becafc
parent 48698 2585042b1a30
child 51943 3278729bfa38
permissions -rw-r--r--
more systematic access to options default;

(*  Title:      Pure/System/options.ML
    Author:     Makarius

Stand-alone options with external string representation.

signature OPTIONS =
  type T
  val empty: T
  val typ: T -> string -> string
  val bool: T -> string -> bool
  val int: T -> string -> int
  val real: T -> string -> real
  val string: T -> string -> string
  val declare: {name: string, typ: string, value: string} -> T -> T
  val decode: XML.body -> T
  val default: unit -> T
  val default_bool: string -> bool
  val default_int: string -> int
  val default_real: string -> real
  val default_string: string -> string
  val set_default: T -> unit
  val reset_default: unit -> unit
  val load_default: unit -> unit

structure Options: OPTIONS =

(* representation *)

val boolT = "bool";
val intT = "int";
val realT = "real";
val stringT = "string";

datatype T = Options of {typ: string, value: string} Symtab.table;

val empty = Options Symtab.empty;

(* typ *)

fun typ (Options tab) name =
  (case Symtab.lookup tab name of
    SOME opt => #typ opt
  | NONE => error ("Unknown option " ^ quote name));

(* get *)

fun get T parse (Options tab) name =
  (case Symtab.lookup tab name of
    SOME {typ, value} =>
      if typ = T then
        (case parse value of
          SOME x => x
        | NONE =>
            error ("Malformed value for option " ^ quote name ^ " : " ^ T ^ " =\n" ^ quote value))
      else error ("Ill-typed option " ^ quote name ^ " : " ^ typ ^ " vs. " ^ T)
  | NONE => error ("Unknown option " ^ quote name));

val bool = get boolT Bool.fromString;
val int = get intT Int.fromString;
val real = get realT Real.fromString;
val string = get stringT SOME;

(* declare *)

fun declare {name, typ, value} (Options tab) =
    val check_value =
      if typ = boolT then ignore oo bool
      else if typ = intT then ignore oo int
      else if typ = realT then ignore oo real
      else if typ = stringT then ignore oo string
      else error ("Unknown type for option " ^ quote name ^ " : " ^ quote typ);
    val options' = Options (Symtab.update_new (name, {typ = typ, value = value}) tab)
      handle Symtab.DUP _ => error ("Duplicate declaration of option " ^ quote name);
    val _ = check_value options' name;
  in options' end;

(* decode *)

fun decode body =
  fold (declare o (fn (name, typ, value) => {name = name, typ = typ, value = value}))
    (let open XML.Decode in list (triple string string string) end body) empty;

(** global default **)

val global_default = Synchronized.var "Options.default" (NONE: T option);

fun default () =
  (case Synchronized.value global_default of
    SOME options => options
  | NONE => error "No global default options");

fun default_bool name = bool (default ()) name;
fun default_int name = int (default ()) name;
fun default_real name = real (default ()) name;
fun default_string name = string (default ()) name;

fun set_default options = Synchronized.change global_default (K (SOME options));
fun reset_default () = Synchronized.change global_default (K NONE);

fun load_default () =
  (case getenv "ISABELLE_PROCESS_OPTIONS" of
    "" => ()
  | name =>
      let val path = Path.explode name in
        (case try path of
          SOME s => (set_default (decode (YXML.parse_body s)); ignore (try File.rm path))
        | NONE => ())

val _ = load_default ();
