\\[4ex] The Isabelle/Isar Implementation}
\author{\emph{Makarius Wenzel} \\[3ex]
With Contributions by
Florian Haftmann
and Larry Paulson
We describe the key concepts underlying the Isabelle/Isar
implementation, including ML references for the most important
functions. The aim is to give some insight into the overall system
architecture, and provide clues on implementing applications within
this framework.
{\small\em Isabelle was not designed; it evolved. Not everyone
likes this idea. Specification experts rightly abhor
trial-and-error programming. They suggest that no one should
write a program without first writing a complete formal
specification. But university departments are not software houses.
Programs like Isabelle are not products: when they have served
their purpose, they are discarded.}
Lawrence C. Paulson, ``Isabelle: The Next 700 Theorem Provers''
{\small\em As I did 20 years ago, I still fervently believe that the
only way to make software secure, reliable, and fast is to make it
small. Fight features.}
Andrew S. Tanenbaum
{\small\em One thing that UNIX does not need is more features. It is
successful in part because it has a small number of good ideas
that work well together. Merely adding features does not make it
easier for users to do things --- it just makes the manual
thicker. The right solution in the right place is always more
effective than haphazard hacking.}
Rob Pike and Brian W. Kernighan
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