author wenzelm
Mon, 10 Aug 2015 16:05:41 +0200
changeset 60876 52edced9cce5
parent 60875 ee23c1d21ac3
child 60878 1f0d2bbcf38b
permissions -rw-r--r--
rendering for debugger/breakpoint active state;

/*  Title:      Pure/Tools/debugger.scala
    Author:     Makarius

Interactive debugger for Isabelle/ML.

package isabelle

object Debugger
  /* global state */

  sealed case class Debug_State(
    pos: Position.T,
    function: String)

  sealed case class State(
    session: Session = new Session(Resources.empty),
    active: Int = 0,
    active_breakpoints: Set[Long] = Set.empty,
    focus: Option[Position.T] = None,  // position of active GUI component
    threads: Map[String, List[Debug_State]] = Map.empty,  // thread name ~> stack of debug states
    output: Map[String, Command.Results] = Map.empty)  // thread name ~> output messages
    def set_session(new_session: Session): State =
      copy(session = new_session)

    def inc_active: State = copy(active = active + 1)
    def dec_active: State = copy(active = active - 1)

    def toggle_breakpoint(serial: Long): State =
      val active_breakpoints1 =
        if (active_breakpoints(serial)) active_breakpoints - serial
      else active_breakpoints + serial
      copy(active_breakpoints = active_breakpoints1)

    def set_focus(new_focus: Option[Position.T]): State =
      copy(focus = new_focus)

    def get_thread(thread_name: String): List[Debug_State] =
      threads.getOrElse(thread_name, Nil)

    def update_thread(thread_name: String, debug_states: List[Debug_State]): State =
      copy(threads = threads + (thread_name -> debug_states))

    def get_output(thread_name: String): Command.Results =
      output.getOrElse(thread_name, Command.Results.empty)

    def add_output(thread_name: String, entry: Command.Results.Entry): State =
      copy(output = output + (thread_name -> (get_output(thread_name) + entry)))

    def clear_output(thread_name: String): State =
      copy(output = output - thread_name)

    def purge(thread_name: String): State =
      if (get_thread(thread_name).isEmpty)
        copy(threads = threads - thread_name, output = output - thread_name)
      else this

  private val global_state = Synchronized(State())
  def current_state(): State = global_state.value

  /* protocol handler */

  sealed case class Update(thread_names: Set[String])

  class Handler extends Session.Protocol_Handler
    private var updated = Set.empty[String]
    private val delay_update =
      Simple_Thread.delay_first(current_state().session.output_delay) {
        updated = Set.empty
    private def update(name: String)
      updated += name

    private def debugger_state(prover: Prover, msg: Prover.Protocol_Output): Boolean =
    { match {
        case Markup.Debugger_State(thread_name) =>
          val msg_body =
          val debug_states =
            import XML.Decode._
            list(pair(properties, Symbol.decode_string))(msg_body).map({
              case (pos, function) => Debug_State(pos, function)
          global_state.change(_.update_thread(thread_name, debug_states))
        case _ => false

    private def debugger_output(prover: Prover, msg: Prover.Protocol_Output): Boolean =
    { match {
        case Markup.Debugger_Output(thread_name) =>
          val msg_body =
          msg_body match {
            case List(XML.Elem(Markup(name, props @ Markup.Serial(i)), body)) =>
              val message = XML.Elem(Markup(Markup.message(name), props), body)
              global_state.change(_.add_output(thread_name, i -> message))
            case _ => false
        case _ => false

    val functions =
        Markup.DEBUGGER_STATE -> debugger_state _,
        Markup.DEBUGGER_OUTPUT -> debugger_output _)

  /* protocol commands */

  def init(session: Session)

  def is_active(): Boolean = current_state().active > 0
  def inc_active(): Unit = global_state.change(_.inc_active)
  def dec_active(): Unit = global_state.change(_.dec_active)

  def breakpoint_active(serial: Long): Option[Boolean] =
    val state = current_state()
    if ( > 0) Some(state.active_breakpoints(serial)) else None

  def toggle_breakpoint(serial: Long): Unit =

  def focus(new_focus: Option[Position.T]): Boolean =
    global_state.change_result(state => (state.focus != new_focus, state.set_focus(new_focus)))

  def cancel(thread_name: String): Unit =
    current_state().session.protocol_command("Debugger.cancel", thread_name)

  def input(thread_name: String, msg: String*): Unit =
    current_state().session.protocol_command("Debugger.input", (thread_name :: msg.toList):_*)

  def step(thread_name: String): Unit = input(thread_name, "step")
  def step_over(thread_name: String): Unit = input(thread_name, "step_over")
  def step_out(thread_name: String): Unit = input(thread_name, "step_out")
  def continue(thread_name: String): Unit = input(thread_name, "continue")

  def eval(thread_name: String, index: Int, SML: Boolean, context: String, expression: String): Unit =
    input(thread_name, "eval",
      index.toString, SML.toString, Symbol.encode(context), Symbol.encode(expression))