more elementary operation Term.variant_bounds: only for bounds vs. frees, no consts, no tfrees;
(* Title: Pure/General/socket_io.ML
Author: Timothy Bourke, NICTA
Author: Makarius
Stream IO over TCP sockets. Following example 10.2 in "The Standard
ML Basis Library" by Emden R. Gansner and John H. Reppy.
signature SOCKET_IO =
val open_streams: string -> BinIO.instream * BinIO.outstream
val with_streams: (BinIO.instream * BinIO.outstream -> 'a) -> string -> 'a
val with_streams': (BinIO.instream * BinIO.outstream -> 'a) -> string -> string -> 'a
structure Socket_IO: SOCKET_IO =
fun close_permissive socket =
Socket.close socket handle OS.SysErr _ => ();
val buffer_size = 65536;
fun make_streams socket_name socket =
val rd =
BinPrimIO.RD {
name = socket_name,
chunkSize = buffer_size,
readVec = SOME (fn n => Socket.recvVec (socket, n)),
readArr = SOME (fn buffer => Socket.recvArr (socket, buffer)),
readVecNB = NONE,
readArrNB = NONE,
block = NONE,
canInput = NONE,
avail = fn () => NONE,
getPos = NONE,
setPos = NONE,
endPos = NONE,
verifyPos = NONE,
close = fn () => close_permissive socket,
ioDesc = NONE
val wr =
BinPrimIO.WR {
name = socket_name,
chunkSize = buffer_size,
writeVec = SOME (fn buffer => Socket.sendVec (socket, buffer)),
writeArr = SOME (fn buffer => Socket.sendArr (socket, buffer)),
writeVecNB = NONE,
writeArrNB = NONE,
block = NONE,
canOutput = NONE,
getPos = NONE,
setPos = NONE,
endPos = NONE,
verifyPos = NONE,
close = fn () => close_permissive socket,
ioDesc = NONE
val in_stream =
(BinIO.StreamIO.mkInstream (rd, Word8Vector.fromList []));
val out_stream =
(BinIO.StreamIO.mkOutstream (wr, IO.BLOCK_BUF));
in (in_stream, out_stream) end;
fun socket_name_inet name =
(case space_explode ":" name of
[h, p] =>
(case (NetHostDB.getByName h, Int.fromString p) of
(SOME host, SOME port) => SOME (host, port)
| _ => NONE)
| _ => NONE);
fun open_streams_inet (host, port) =
val socket: INetSock.stream_sock = INetSock.TCP.socket ();
val _ = Socket.connect (socket, INetSock.toAddr (NetHostDB.addr host, port));
val (socket_host, socket_port) = INetSock.fromAddr (Socket.Ctl.getSockName socket);
val socket_name = NetHostDB.toString socket_host ^ ":" ^ string_of_int socket_port;
in make_streams socket_name socket end;
fun open_streams_unix path =
\<^if_windows>\<open>raise Fail "Cannot create Unix-domain socket on Windows"\<close>
val socket_name = File.platform_path path;
val socket: UnixSock.stream_sock = UnixSock.Strm.socket ();
val _ = Socket.connect (socket, UnixSock.toAddr socket_name);
in make_streams socket_name socket end\<close>
fun open_streams name =
(case socket_name_inet name of
SOME inet => open_streams_inet inet
| NONE =>
(case try Path.explode name of
SOME path => open_streams_unix path
| NONE => error ("Bad socket name: " ^ quote name)))
handle OS.SysErr (msg, _) => error (msg ^ ": failed to open socket " ^ name);
fun with_streams f =
Thread_Attributes.uninterruptible (fn run => fn name =>
val streams = open_streams name;
val result = Exn.capture (run f) streams;
val _ = BinIO.closeIn (#1 streams);
val _ = BinIO.closeOut (#2 streams);
in Exn.release result end);
fun with_streams' f name password =
with_streams (fn streams =>
(Byte_Message.write_line (#2 streams) (Bytes.string password); f streams)) name;