author paulson
Tue, 23 May 2000 18:06:22 +0200
changeset 8935 548901d05a0e
parent 7550 060f9954f73d
child 9230 17ae63f82ad8
permissions -rw-r--r--
added type constraint ::nat because 0 is now overloaded

(*  Title:      HOL/Tools/numeral_syntax.ML
    ID:         $Id$
    Author:     Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen

Concrete syntax for generic numerals.  Assumes consts and syntax of
theory HOL/Numeral.

signature NUMERAL_SYNTAX =
  val dest_bin : term -> int
  val mk_bin   : int -> term
  val setup    : (theory -> theory) list

structure NumeralSyntax: NUMERAL_SYNTAX =

(* bits *)

fun mk_bit 0 = HOLogic.false_const
  | mk_bit 1 = HOLogic.true_const
  | mk_bit _ = sys_error "mk_bit";

fun dest_bit (Const ("False", _)) = 0
  | dest_bit (Const ("True", _)) = 1
  | dest_bit _ = raise Match;

(* bit strings *)   (*we try to handle superfluous leading digits nicely*)

fun prefix_len _ [] = 0
  | prefix_len pred (x :: xs) =
      if pred x then 1 + prefix_len pred xs else 0;

fun mk_bin n =
    fun bin_of 0  = []
      | bin_of ~1 = [~1]
      | bin_of n  = (n mod 2) :: bin_of (n div 2);

    fun term_of []   = HOLogic.pls_const
      | term_of [~1] = HOLogic.min_const
      | term_of (b :: bs) = HOLogic.bit_const $ term_of bs $ mk_bit b;
    in term_of (bin_of n) end;

fun bin_of_string str =
    val (sign, digs) =
      (case Symbol.explode str of
        "#" :: "-" :: cs => (~1, cs)
      | "#" :: cs => (1, cs)
      | _ => raise ERROR);
    in mk_bin (sign * (#1 (Term.read_int digs))) end;

(*we consider all "spellings"; Min is likely to be declared elsewhere*)
fun bin_of (Const ("Pls", _)) = []
  | bin_of (Const ("bin.Pls", _)) = []
  | bin_of (Const ("Numeral.bin.Pls", _)) = []
  | bin_of (Const ("Min", _)) = [~1]
  | bin_of (Const ("bin.Min", _)) = [~1]
  | bin_of (Const ("Numeral.bin.Min", _)) = [~1]
  | bin_of (Const ("Bit", _) $ bs $ b) = dest_bit b :: bin_of bs
  | bin_of (Const ("bin.Bit", _) $ bs $ b) = dest_bit b :: bin_of bs
  | bin_of (Const ("Numeral.bin.Bit", _) $ bs $ b) = dest_bit b :: bin_of bs
  | bin_of _ = raise Match;

val dest_bin = HOLogic.int_of o bin_of;

fun dest_bin_str tm =
    val rev_digs = bin_of tm;
    val (sign, zs) =
      (case rev rev_digs of
        ~1 :: bs => ("-", prefix_len (equal 1) bs)
      | bs => ("", prefix_len (equal 0) bs));
    val num = string_of_int (abs (HOLogic.int_of rev_digs));
  in "#" ^ sign ^ implode (replicate zs "0") ^ num end;

(* translation of integer numeral tokens to and from bitstrings *)

fun numeral_tr (*"_Numeral"*) [t as Free (str, _)] =
      (Syntax.const "Numeral.number_of" $
        (bin_of_string str handle ERROR => raise TERM ("numeral_tr", [t])))
  | numeral_tr (*"_Numeral"*) ts = raise TERM ("numeral_tr", ts);

fun numeral_tr' show_sorts (*"number_of"*) (Type ("fun", [_, T])) (t :: ts) =
      let val t' = Syntax.const "_Numeral" $ (Syntax.const "_xnum" $ (dest_bin_str t)) in
        if not (! show_types) andalso can Term.dest_Type T then t'
        else Syntax.const Syntax.constrainC $ t' $ Syntax.term_of_typ show_sorts T
  | numeral_tr' _ (*"number_of"*) _ _ = raise Match;

(* theory setup *)

val setup =
 [Theory.add_trfuns ([], [("_Numeral", numeral_tr)], [], []),
  Theory.add_trfunsT [("number_of", numeral_tr'), ("Numeral.number_of", numeral_tr')]];
