author wenzelm
Wed, 08 Apr 2015 11:52:35 +0200
changeset 59952 550b74e9b08c
parent 59884 bbf49d7dfd6f
child 60924 610794dff23c
permissions -rw-r--r--

(*  Title:      Pure/facts.ML
    Author:     Makarius

Environment of named facts, optionally indexed by proposition.

signature FACTS =
  val the_single: string * Position.T -> thm list -> thm
  datatype interval = FromTo of int * int | From of int | Single of int
  datatype ref =
    Named of (string * Position.T) * interval list option |
    Fact of string
  val named: string -> ref
  val string_of_selection: interval list option -> string
  val string_of_ref: ref -> string
  val name_of_ref: ref -> string
  val pos_of_ref: ref -> Position.T
  val map_name_of_ref: (string -> string) -> ref -> ref
  val select: ref -> thm list -> thm list
  val selections: string * thm list -> (ref * thm) list
  type T
  val empty: T
  val space_of: T -> Name_Space.T
  val alias: Name_Space.naming -> binding -> string -> T -> T
  val is_concealed: T -> string -> bool
  val check: Context.generic -> T -> xstring * Position.T -> string
  val intern: T -> xstring -> string
  val extern: Proof.context -> T -> string -> xstring
  val markup_extern: Proof.context -> T -> string -> Markup.T * xstring
  val lookup: Context.generic -> T -> string -> (bool * thm list) option
  val retrieve: Context.generic -> T -> xstring * Position.T ->
    {name: string, static: bool, thms: thm list}
  val defined: T -> string -> bool
  val fold_static: (string * thm list -> 'a -> 'a) -> T -> 'a -> 'a
  val dest_static: bool -> T list -> T -> (string * thm list) list
  val props: T -> thm list
  val could_unify: T -> term -> thm list
  val merge: T * T -> T
  val add_static: Context.generic -> {strict: bool, index: bool} ->
    binding * thm list -> T -> string * T
  val add_dynamic: Context.generic -> binding * (Context.generic -> thm list) -> T -> string * T
  val del: string -> T -> T
  val hide: bool -> string -> T -> T

structure Facts: FACTS =

(** fact references **)

fun the_single _ [th] : thm = th
  | the_single (name, pos) ths =
      error ("Expected singleton fact " ^ quote name ^
        " (length " ^ string_of_int (length ths) ^ ")" ^ pos);

(* datatype interval *)

datatype interval =
  FromTo of int * int |
  From of int |
  Single of int;

fun string_of_interval (FromTo (i, j)) = string_of_int i ^ "-" ^ string_of_int j
  | string_of_interval (From i) = string_of_int i ^ "-"
  | string_of_interval (Single i) = string_of_int i;

fun interval n iv =
  let fun err () = raise Fail ("Bad interval specification " ^ string_of_interval iv) in
    (case iv of
      FromTo (i, j) => if i <= j then i upto j else err ()
    | From i => if i <= n then i upto n else err ()
    | Single i => [i])

(* datatype ref *)

datatype ref =
  Named of (string * Position.T) * interval list option |
  Fact of string;

fun named name = Named ((name, Position.none), NONE);

fun name_of_ref (Named ((name, _), _)) = name
  | name_of_ref (Fact _) = raise Fail "Illegal literal fact";

fun pos_of_ref (Named ((_, pos), _)) = pos
  | pos_of_ref (Fact _) = Position.none;

fun map_name_of_ref f (Named ((name, pos), is)) = Named ((f name, pos), is)
  | map_name_of_ref _ r = r;

fun string_of_selection NONE = ""
  | string_of_selection (SOME is) = enclose "(" ")" (commas (map string_of_interval is));

fun string_of_ref (Named ((name, _), sel)) = name ^ string_of_selection sel
  | string_of_ref (Fact _) = raise Fail "Illegal literal fact";

(* select *)

fun select (Fact _) ths = ths
  | select (Named (_, NONE)) ths = ths
  | select (Named ((name, pos), SOME ivs)) ths =
        val n = length ths;
        fun err msg =
          error (msg ^ " for fact " ^ quote name ^ " (length " ^ string_of_int n ^ ")" ^
        fun sel i =
          if i < 1 orelse i > n then err ("Bad subscript " ^ string_of_int i)
          else nth ths (i - 1);
        val is = maps (interval n) ivs handle Fail msg => err msg;
      in map sel is end;

(* selections *)

fun selections (name, [th]) = [(Named ((name, Position.none), NONE), th)]
  | selections (name, ths) = map2 (fn i => fn th =>
      (Named ((name, Position.none), SOME [Single i]), th)) (1 upto length ths) ths;

(** fact environment **)

(* datatypes *)

datatype fact = Static of thm list | Dynamic of Context.generic -> thm list;

datatype T = Facts of
 {facts: fact Name_Space.table,
  props: thm};

fun make_facts facts props = Facts {facts = facts, props = props};

val empty = make_facts (Name_Space.empty_table "fact") Net.empty;

(* named facts *)

fun facts_of (Facts {facts, ...}) = facts;

val space_of = Name_Space.space_of_table o facts_of;

fun alias naming binding name (Facts {facts, props}) =
  make_facts (Name_Space.alias_table naming binding name facts) props;

val is_concealed = Name_Space.is_concealed o space_of;

fun check context facts (xname, pos) =
    val (name, fact) = Name_Space.check context (facts_of facts) (xname, pos);
    val _ =
      (case fact of
        Static _ => ()
      | Dynamic _ => Context_Position.report_generic context pos (Markup.dynamic_fact name));
  in name end;

val intern = Name_Space.intern o space_of;
fun extern ctxt = Name_Space.extern ctxt o space_of;
fun markup_extern ctxt = Name_Space.markup_extern ctxt o space_of;

(* retrieve *)

val defined = Name_Space.defined o facts_of;

fun lookup context facts name =
  (case Name_Space.lookup (facts_of facts) name of
    NONE => NONE
  | SOME (Static ths) => SOME (true, ths)
  | SOME (Dynamic f) => SOME (false, f context));

fun retrieve context facts (xname, pos) =
    val name = check context facts (xname, pos);
    val (static, thms) =
      (case lookup context facts name of
        SOME (static, thms) =>
          (if static then ()
           else Context_Position.report_generic context pos (Markup.dynamic_fact name);
           (static, thms))
      | NONE => error ("Unknown fact " ^ quote name ^ pos));
   {name = name,
    static = static,
    thms = map (Thm.transfer (Context.theory_of context)) thms}

(* static content *)

fun fold_static f =
  Name_Space.fold_table (fn (name, Static ths) => f (name, ths) | _ => I) o facts_of;

fun dest_static verbose prev_facts facts =
  fold_static (fn (name, ths) =>
    if exists (fn prev => defined prev name) prev_facts orelse
      not verbose andalso is_concealed facts name then I
    else cons (name, ths)) facts []
  |> sort_wrt #1;

(* indexed props *)

val prop_ord = Term_Ord.term_ord o apply2 Thm.full_prop_of;

fun props (Facts {props, ...}) = sort_distinct prop_ord (Net.content props);
fun could_unify (Facts {props, ...}) = Net.unify_term props;

(* merge facts *)

fun merge (Facts {facts = facts1, props = props1}, Facts {facts = facts2, props = props2}) =
    val facts' = Name_Space.merge_tables (facts1, facts2);
    val props' =
      if Net.is_empty props2 then props1
      else if Net.is_empty props1 then props2
      else Net.merge (is_equal o prop_ord) (props1, props2);  (*beware of non-canonical merge*)
  in make_facts facts' props' end;

(* add static entries *)

fun add_static context {strict, index} (b, ths) (Facts {facts, props}) =
    val (name, facts') =
      if Binding.is_empty b then ("", facts)
      else Name_Space.define context strict (b, Static ths) facts;
    val props' = props
      |> index ? fold (fn th => Net.insert_term (K false) (Thm.full_prop_of th, th)) ths;
  in (name, make_facts facts' props') end;

(* add dynamic entries *)

fun add_dynamic context (b, f) (Facts {facts, props}) =
  let val (name, facts') = Name_Space.define context true (b, Dynamic f) facts;
  in (name, make_facts facts' props) end;

(* remove entries *)

fun del name (Facts {facts, props}) =
  make_facts (Name_Space.del_table name facts) props;

fun hide fully name (Facts {facts, props}) =
  make_facts (Name_Space.hide_table fully name facts) props;
