cover @{class_syntax}, @{type_syntax}, @{const_syntax}, @{syntax_const} in isar-ref, in contrast to other ML antiquotations in implementation manual;
(* Title: Pure/morphism.ML
Author: Makarius
Abstract morphisms on formal entities.
infix 1 $>
signature BASIC_MORPHISM =
type morphism
type declaration = morphism -> Context.generic -> Context.generic
val $> : morphism * morphism -> morphism
signature MORPHISM =
type 'a funs = ('a -> 'a) list
val binding: morphism -> binding -> binding
val typ: morphism -> typ -> typ
val term: morphism -> term -> term
val fact: morphism -> thm list -> thm list
val thm: morphism -> thm -> thm
val cterm: morphism -> cterm -> cterm
val morphism:
{binding: binding funs,
typ: typ funs,
term: term funs,
fact: thm list funs} -> morphism
val binding_morphism: (binding -> binding) -> morphism
val typ_morphism: (typ -> typ) -> morphism
val term_morphism: (term -> term) -> morphism
val fact_morphism: (thm list -> thm list) -> morphism
val thm_morphism: (thm -> thm) -> morphism
val identity: morphism
val compose: morphism -> morphism -> morphism
val transform: morphism -> (morphism -> 'a) -> morphism -> 'a
val form: (morphism -> 'a) -> 'a
structure Morphism: MORPHISM =
type 'a funs = ('a -> 'a) list;
fun apply fs = fold_rev (fn f => fn x => f x) fs;
datatype morphism = Morphism of
{binding: binding funs,
typ: typ funs,
term: term funs,
fact: thm list funs};
type declaration = morphism -> Context.generic -> Context.generic;
fun binding (Morphism {binding, ...}) = apply binding;
fun typ (Morphism {typ, ...}) = apply typ;
fun term (Morphism {term, ...}) = apply term;
fun fact (Morphism {fact, ...}) = apply fact;
val thm = singleton o fact;
val cterm = Drule.cterm_rule o thm;
val morphism = Morphism;
fun binding_morphism binding = morphism {binding = [binding], typ = [], term = [], fact = []};
fun typ_morphism typ = morphism {binding = [], typ = [typ], term = [], fact = []};
fun term_morphism term = morphism {binding = [], typ = [], term = [term], fact = []};
fun fact_morphism fact = morphism {binding = [], typ = [], term = [], fact = [fact]};
fun thm_morphism thm = morphism {binding = [], typ = [], term = [], fact = [map thm]};
val identity = morphism {binding = [], typ = [], term = [], fact = []};
fun compose
(Morphism {binding = binding1, typ = typ1, term = term1, fact = fact1})
(Morphism {binding = binding2, typ = typ2, term = term2, fact = fact2}) =
morphism {binding = binding1 @ binding2, typ = typ1 @ typ2,
term = term1 @ term2, fact = fact1 @ fact2};
fun phi1 $> phi2 = compose phi2 phi1;
fun transform phi f = fn psi => f (phi $> psi);
fun form f = f identity;
structure Basic_Morphism: BASIC_MORPHISM = Morphism;
open Basic_Morphism;