added "tasks_proof" statistics, via slighly odd global reference Future.forked_proofs (NB: Future.report_status is intertwined with scheduler thread);
Proof General interface for Isabelle.
This includes a prover-side PGIP abstraction layer for passing
interface configuration, control commands and display messages to
Proof General.
pgip_types.ML -- the datatypes in PGIP and their manipulation
pgip_input.ML -- commands sent to the prover
pgip_output.ML -- commands the prover sends out
pgip_markup.ML -- markup for proof script documents
pgip.ML -- union of the above
pgip_tests.ML -- some basic testing of the API
The code constructs some marshalling datatypes for reading and writing
XML which conforms to the PGIP schema, interfacing with SML types and
some basic types from the Isabelle platform (i.e. URLs, XML). This
portion is intended to be useful for reuse or porting elsewhere, so it
should have minimal dependency on Isabelle and be written readably.
Some languages have tools for making type-safe XML<->native datatype
translations from a schema (e.g. HaXML for Haskell) which would be
useful here.
The Isabelle specific configuration is in these files:
pgip_isabelle.ML - configure part of PGIP supported by Isabelle + type mapping
parsing.ML - parsing routines to add PGIP markup to scripts
preferences.ML - user preferences
proof_general_pgip.ML - the main connection point with Isabelle, including
the PGIP processing loop.
For the full PGIP schema and an explanation of it, see:
David Aspinall, Dec. 2006.