/* Title: Tools/Find_Facts/src/find_facts.scala
Author: Fabian Huch, TU Muenchen
Full-text search engine for Isabelle (including web server), using Apache Solr
https://solr.apache.org as backend.
package isabelle.find_facts
import isabelle._
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.immutable.TreeMap
import scala.collection.mutable
object Find_Facts {
/** blocks **/
object Kind {
val CONST = "constant"
val TYPE = "type"
val THM = "fact"
case class Block(
id: String,
version: Long,
chapter: String,
session: String,
theory: String,
file: String,
url_path: Path,
command: String,
start_line: Int,
src_before: String,
src: String,
src_after: String,
xml: XML.Body,
html: String,
entity_kname: Option[String],
consts: List[String],
typs: List[String],
thms: List[String]
) {
def path = Path.explode(file)
def file_type: String = path.get_ext
def file_name: String = path.file_name
def kinds: List[String] =
(if (typs.nonEmpty) List(Kind.TYPE) else Nil) :::
(if (consts.nonEmpty) List(Kind.CONST) else Nil) :::
(if (thms.nonEmpty) List(Kind.THM) else Nil)
def names: List[String] = (typs ::: consts ::: thms).distinct
case class Blocks(num_found: Long, blocks: List[Block], cursor: String)
/** queries */
enum Atom {
case Exact(s: String) extends Atom
case Value(s: String) extends Atom
enum Field {
case chapter, session, file_type, theory, command, source, names, consts, typs, thms, kinds
sealed trait Filter
case class Field_Filter(field: Field, either: List[Atom]) extends Filter
case class Any_Filter(either: List[Atom]) extends Filter {
def fields: List[Field] = List(Field.session, Field.theory, Field.source, Field.names)
case class Select(field: Field, values: List[String])
object Query {
def apply(filters: Filter*): Query = new Query(filters.toList)
case class Query(
filters: List[Filter] = Nil,
exclude: List[Filter] = Nil,
selects: List[Select] = Nil)
/* stats and facets */
case class Stats(
results: Long,
sessions: Long,
theories: Long,
commands: Long,
consts: Long,
typs: Long,
thms: Long)
case class Facets(
chapter: Map[String, Long],
session: Map[String, Long],
theory: Map[String, Long],
file_type: Map[String, Long],
command: Map[String, Long],
kinds: Map[String, Long],
consts: Map[String, Long],
typs: Map[String, Long],
thms: Map[String, Long])
/** Solr data model **/
val solr_data_dir: Path = Path.explode("$FIND_FACTS_HOME_USER/solr")
object private_data extends Solr.Data("find_facts") {
/* types */
val symbol_codes =
for {
entry <- Symbol.symbols.entries
code <- entry.decode.toList
input <- entry.symbol :: entry.abbrevs
} yield input -> code
val replacements =
for ((symbol, codes) <- symbol_codes.groupMap(_._1)(_._2).toList if codes.length == 1)
yield symbol -> Library.the_single(codes)
val Special_Char = """(.*[(){}\[\].,:"].*)""".r
val Arrow = """(.*=>.*)""".r
val synonyms =
for {
(symbol, code) <- symbol_codes
if !Special_Char.matches(symbol) && !Arrow.matches(symbol)
} yield symbol + " => " + code
override lazy val more_config = Map(Path.basic("synonyms.txt") -> synonyms.mkString("\n"))
object Types {
private val strip_html = Solr.Class("charFilter", "HTMLStripCharFilterFactory")
private val replace_symbol_chars =
replacements.collect {
case (Special_Char(pattern), code) =>
"charFilter", "PatternReplaceCharFilterFactory",
List("pattern" -> ("\\Q" + pattern + "\\E"), "replacement" -> code))
private val symbol_pattern =
private val tokenize =
Solr.Class("tokenizer", "WhitespaceTokenizerFactory", List("rule" -> "java"))
private val tokenize_symbols =
Solr.Class("tokenizer", "PatternTokenizerFactory",
List("pattern" -> symbol_pattern.toString, "group" -> "1"))
private val to_lower = Solr.Class("filter", "LowerCaseFilterFactory")
private val add_ascii =
Solr.Class("filter", "ASCIIFoldingFilterFactory", List("preserveOriginal" -> "true"))
private val delimit_words =
Solr.Class("filter", "WordDelimiterGraphFilterFactory", List(
"splitOnCaseChange" -> "0", "stemEnglishPossessive" -> "0", "preserveOriginal" -> "1"))
private val flatten = Solr.Class("filter", "FlattenGraphFilterFactory")
private val replace_symbols =
Solr.Class("filter", "SynonymGraphFilterFactory", List("synonyms" -> "synonyms.txt"))
private val replace_special_symbols =
replacements.collect {
case (Arrow(arrow), code) =>
Solr.Class("filter", "PatternReplaceFilterFactory",
List("pattern" -> ("\\Q" + arrow + "\\E"), "replacement" -> code))
val source =
Solr.Type("name", "TextField", Nil, List(
XML.Elem(Markup("analyzer", List("type" -> "index")),
List(strip_html, tokenize_symbols, to_lower, add_ascii, delimit_words, flatten)),
Markup("analyzer", List("type" -> "query")),
replace_symbol_chars ::: tokenize_symbols :: replace_symbols ::
replace_special_symbols ::: to_lower :: Nil)))
val name =
Solr.Type("source", "TextField", Nil, List(
XML.Elem(Markup("analyzer", List("type" -> "index")),
List(tokenize, to_lower, delimit_words, flatten)),
XML.Elem(Markup("analyzer", List("type" -> "query")), List(tokenize, to_lower))))
val text = Solr.Type("text", "TextField")
/* fields */
object Fields {
val id = Solr.Field("id", Solr.Type.string).make_unique_key
val version = Solr.Field("version", Solr.Type.long, Solr.Column_Wise(true))
val chapter = Solr.Field("chapter", Solr.Type.string, Solr.Column_Wise(true))
val session = Solr.Field("session", Types.name)
val session_facet = Solr.Field("session_facet", Solr.Type.string, Solr.Stored(false))
val theory = Solr.Field("theory", Types.name)
val theory_facet = Solr.Field("theory_facet", Solr.Type.string, Solr.Stored(false))
val file = Solr.Field("file", Solr.Type.string, Solr.Indexed(false))
val file_type =
Solr.Field("file_type", Solr.Type.string, Solr.Column_Wise(true) ::: Solr.Stored(false))
val url_path = Solr.Field("url_path", Solr.Type.string, Solr.Indexed(false))
val command = Solr.Field("command", Solr.Type.string, Solr.Column_Wise(true))
val start_line = Solr.Field("start_line", Solr.Type.int, Solr.Column_Wise(true))
val src_before = Solr.Field("src_before", Solr.Type.string, Solr.Indexed(false))
val src_after = Solr.Field("src_after", Solr.Type.string, Solr.Indexed(false))
val src = Solr.Field("src", Types.source)
val xml = Solr.Field("xml", Solr.Type.bytes, Solr.Indexed(false))
val html = Solr.Field("html", Solr.Type.bytes, Solr.Indexed(false))
val entity_kname = Solr.Field("entity_kname", Solr.Type.string, Solr.Indexed(false))
val consts = Solr.Field("consts", Types.name, Solr.Multi_Valued(true))
val consts_facet =
Solr.Field("consts_facet", Solr.Type.string, Solr.Multi_Valued(true) ::: Solr.Stored(false))
val typs = Solr.Field("typs", Types.name, Solr.Multi_Valued(true))
val typs_facet =
Solr.Field("typs_facet", Solr.Type.string, Solr.Multi_Valued(true) ::: Solr.Stored(false))
val thms = Solr.Field("thms", Types.name, Solr.Multi_Valued(true))
val thms_facet =
Solr.Field("thms_facet", Solr.Type.string, Solr.Multi_Valued(true) ::: Solr.Stored(false))
val names = Solr.Field("names", Types.name, Solr.Multi_Valued(true) ::: Solr.Stored(false))
val kinds =
Solr.Field("kinds", Solr.Type.string,
Solr.Multi_Valued(true) ::: Solr.Column_Wise(true) ::: Solr.Stored(false))
lazy val fields: Solr.Fields = Solr.Fields(
Fields.id, Fields.version, Fields.chapter, Fields.session, Fields.session_facet,
Fields.theory, Fields.theory_facet, Fields.file, Fields.file_type, Fields.url_path,
Fields.command, Fields.start_line, Fields.src_before, Fields.src_after, Fields.src,
Fields.xml, Fields.html, Fields.entity_kname, Fields.consts, Fields.consts_facet, Fields.typs,
Fields.typs_facet, Fields.thms, Fields.thms_facet, Fields.names, Fields.kinds)
/* operations */
def read_domain(db: Solr.Database, q: Solr.Source): Set[String] =
db.execute_query(Fields.id, List(Fields.id), None, 100000,
{ results =>
}, q = q)
def read_block(res: Solr.Result): Block = {
val id = res.string(Fields.id)
val version = res.long(Fields.version)
val chapter = res.string(Fields.chapter)
val session = res.string(Fields.session)
val theory = res.string(Fields.theory)
val file = res.string(Fields.file)
val url_path = Path.explode(res.string(Fields.url_path))
val command = res.string(Fields.command)
val start_line = res.int(Fields.start_line)
val src_before = res.string(Fields.src_before)
val src = res.string(Fields.src)
val src_after = res.string(Fields.src_after)
val xml = YXML.parse_body(res.bytes(Fields.xml))
val html = res.bytes(Fields.html).text
val entity_kname = res.get_string(Fields.entity_kname)
val consts = res.list_string(Fields.consts)
val typs = res.list_string(Fields.typs)
val thms = res.list_string(Fields.thms)
Block(id = id, version = version, chapter = chapter, session = session, theory = theory,
file = file, url_path = url_path, command = command, start_line = start_line, src_before =
src_before, src = src, src_after = src_after, xml = xml, html = html, entity_kname =
entity_kname, consts = consts, typs = typs, thms = thms)
def read_blocks(
db: Solr.Database,
q: Solr.Source,
fq: List[Solr.Source],
cursor: Option[String] = None,
max_results: Int = 10
): Blocks =
db.execute_query(Fields.id, stored_fields, cursor, max_results,
{ results =>
val next_cursor = results.next_cursor
val blocks = results.map(read_block).toList
Blocks(results.num_found, blocks, next_cursor)
}, q = q, fq = fq, more_chunks = 0)
def stream_blocks(
db: Solr.Database,
q: Solr.Source,
stream: Iterator[Block] => Unit,
cursor: Option[String] = None,
): Unit =
db.execute_query(Fields.id, stored_fields, cursor, 10000,
{ results =>
}, q = q)
def update_theory(db: Solr.Database, theory_name: String, blocks: List[Block]): Unit =
db.transaction {
val delete =
read_domain(db, Solr.filter(Fields.theory, Solr.phrase(theory_name))) -- blocks.map(_.id)
if (delete.nonEmpty) db.execute_batch_delete(delete.toList)
for (block <- blocks) yield { (doc: Solr.Document) =>
doc.string(Fields.id) = block.id
doc.long(Fields.version) = block.version
doc.string(Fields.chapter) = block.chapter
doc.string(Fields.session) = block.session
doc.string(Fields.session_facet) = block.session
doc.string(Fields.theory) = block.theory
doc.string(Fields.theory_facet) = block.theory
doc.string(Fields.file) = block.file
doc.string(Fields.file_type) = block.file_type
doc.string(Fields.url_path) = block.url_path.implode
doc.string(Fields.command) = block.command
doc.int(Fields.start_line) = block.start_line
doc.string(Fields.src_before) = block.src_before
doc.string(Fields.src) = block.src
doc.string(Fields.src_after) = block.src_after
doc.bytes(Fields.xml) = YXML.bytes_of_body(block.xml)
doc.bytes(Fields.html) = Bytes(block.html)
doc.string(Fields.entity_kname) = block.entity_kname
doc.string(Fields.consts) = block.consts
doc.string(Fields.consts_facet) = block.consts
doc.string(Fields.typs) = block.typs
doc.string(Fields.typs_facet) = block.typs
doc.string(Fields.thms) = block.thms
doc.string(Fields.thms_facet) = block.thms
doc.string(Fields.names) = block.names
doc.string(Fields.kinds) = block.kinds
def read_theory(db: Solr.Database, theory_name: String): List[Block] = {
val blocks = new mutable.ListBuffer[Block]
stream_blocks(db, Solr.filter(Fields.theory_facet, Solr.phrase(theory_name)), {
res => blocks ++= res
def delete_session(db: Solr.Database, session_name: String): Unit =
db.transaction {
val delete = read_domain(db, Solr.filter(Fields.session, Solr.phrase(session_name)))
if (delete.nonEmpty) db.execute_batch_delete(delete.toList)
def query_stats(db: Solr.Database, q: Solr.Source, fq: List[Solr.Source]): Stats =
List(Fields.session_facet, Fields.theory_facet, Fields.command, Fields.consts_facet,
Fields.typs_facet, Fields.thms_facet, Fields.start_line),
{ res =>
val results = res.count
val sessions = res.count(Fields.session_facet)
val theories = res.count(Fields.theory_facet)
val commands = res.count(Fields.theory_facet)
val consts = res.count(Fields.consts_facet)
val typs = res.count(Fields.typs_facet)
val thms = res.count(Fields.thms_facet)
Stats(results, sessions, theories, commands, consts, typs, thms)
}, q = q, fq = fq)
def query_facets(
db: Solr.Database,
q: Solr.Source,
fq: List[Solr.Source],
max_terms: Int = 100
): Facets =
List(Fields.chapter, Fields.session_facet, Fields.theory_facet, Fields.file_type,
Fields.command, Fields.kinds, Fields.consts_facet, Fields.typs_facet, Fields.thms_facet),
{ res =>
val chapter = res.string(Fields.chapter)
val sessions = res.string(Fields.session_facet)
val theories = res.string(Fields.theory_facet)
val file_types = res.string(Fields.file_type)
val commands = res.string(Fields.command)
val kinds = res.string(Fields.kinds)
val consts = res.string(Fields.consts_facet)
val typs = res.string(Fields.typs_facet)
val thms = res.string(Fields.thms_facet)
Facets(chapter, sessions, theories, file_types, commands, kinds, consts, typs, thms)
}, q = q, fq = fq, max_terms = max_terms)
/* queries */
def solr_field(field: Field, select: Boolean = false): Solr.Field =
field match {
case Field.chapter => Fields.chapter
case Field.session if select => Fields.session_facet
case Field.session => Fields.session
case Field.theory if select => Fields.theory_facet
case Field.theory => Fields.theory
case Field.file_type => Fields.file_type
case Field.command => Fields.command
case Field.source => Fields.src
case Field.names => Fields.names
case Field.consts if select => Fields.consts_facet
case Field.consts => Fields.consts
case Field.typs if select => Fields.typs_facet
case Field.typs => Fields.typs
case Field.thms if select => Fields.thms_facet
case Field.thms => Fields.thms
case Field.kinds => Fields.kinds
def solr_query(query: Query): (Solr.Source, List[Solr.Source]) = {
def solr_atom(atom: Atom): List[Solr.Source] =
atom match {
case Atom.Value(s) if s.isEmpty => Nil
case Atom.Value(s) if !s.exists(Solr.wildcard_char(_)) => List(Solr.term(s))
case Atom.Value(s) =>
val terms = s.split("\\s+").toList.filterNot(_.isBlank)
if (terms.isEmpty) Nil else terms.map(Solr.wildcard)
case Atom.Exact(s) => List(Solr.phrase(s))
def solr_atoms(field: Field, atoms: List[Atom]): List[Solr.Source] =
for {
atom <- atoms
source <- solr_atom(atom)
} yield Solr.filter(solr_field(field), source)
def solr_filter(filter: Filter): List[Solr.Source] =
filter match {
case Field_Filter(field, atoms) => solr_atoms(field, atoms)
case any@Any_Filter(atoms) => any.fields.flatMap(solr_atoms(_, atoms))
def solr_select(select: Select): Solr.Source = {
val field = solr_field(select.field, select = true)
Solr.tag(field.name, Solr.filter(field, Solr.OR(select.values.map(Solr.phrase))))
val filter = query.filters.map(filter => Solr.OR(solr_filter(filter)))
val exclude = query.exclude.flatMap(solr_filter).map(Solr.exclude)
val selects = query.selects.map(solr_select)
(Solr.AND(filter ::: exclude), selects)
def query_block(db: Solr.Database, id: String): Option[Block] = {
val q = Solr.filter(Find_Facts.private_data.Fields.id, Solr.phrase(id))
Find_Facts.private_data.read_blocks(db, q, Nil).blocks.headOption
def query_blocks(db: Solr.Database, query: Query, cursor: Option[String] = None): Blocks = {
val (q, fq) = Find_Facts.private_data.solr_query(query)
Find_Facts.private_data.read_blocks(db, q, fq, cursor = cursor)
def query_stats(db: Solr.Database, query: Query): Stats = {
val (q, fq) = Find_Facts.private_data.solr_query(query)
Find_Facts.private_data.query_stats(db, q, fq)
def query_facet(db: Solr.Database, query: Query): Facets = {
val (q, fq) = Find_Facts.private_data.solr_query(query)
Find_Facts.private_data.query_facets(db, q, fq)
/** indexing **/
def make_thy_blocks(
options: Options,
session: Session,
browser_info_context: Browser_Info.Context,
document_info: Document_Info,
theory_context: Export.Theory_Context,
snapshot: Document.Snapshot,
chapter: String
): List[Block] = {
val theory = theory_context.theory
val entities = Export_Theory.read_theory(theory_context).entity_iterator.toList
val session_name = theory_context.session_context.session_name
val theory_info =
document_info.theory_by_name(session_name, theory).getOrElse(
error("No info for theory " + theory))
val thy_dir = browser_info_context.theory_dir(theory_info)
def make_node_blocks(
snapshot: Document.Snapshot,
command_ranges: List[(String, Text.Range)]
): List[Block] = {
val version = snapshot.version.id
val file = Path.explode(snapshot.node_name.node).squash.implode
val url_path = thy_dir + browser_info_context.smart_html(theory_info, snapshot.node_name.node)
val elements =
Browser_Info.Elements(html = Browser_Info.default_elements.html - Markup.ENTITY)
val node_context = Browser_Info.Node_Context.empty
val content = XML.content(snapshot.xml_markup(elements = Markup.Elements.empty))
def get_content(range: Text.Range): String =
val document = Line.Document(content.replace('\r', '\u001a'))
val num_lines = document.lines.length
def content_range(start: Line.Position, stop: Line.Position): Text.Range =
Text.Range(document.offset(start).get, document.offset(stop).get)
val index = Symbol.Index(content)
val node_entities =
.filter(entity => entity.file == snapshot.node_name.node)
.groupBy(entity => index.decode(entity.range).start))
val rendering = new Rendering(snapshot, options, session)
val comment_ranges = rendering.comments(Text.Range.full).map(markup => ("", markup.range))
for ((command, range) <- command_ranges ::: comment_ranges) yield {
val line_range = document.range(range)
val start_line = line_range.start.line1
val id = file + "|" + range.start + ".." + range.stop
val src_before = get_content(
content_range(Line.Position((line_range.start.line - 5).max(0)), line_range.start))
val src = get_content(range)
val src_after = get_content(
content_range(line_range.stop, Line.Position((line_range.stop.line + 5).min(num_lines))))
val xml = snapshot.xml_markup(range, elements = elements.html)
val html =
HTML.output(node_context.make_html(elements, xml), hidden = true, structural = false)
val entities = node_entities.range(range.start, range.stop).values.toList.flatten.distinct
def get_entities(kind: String): List[String] =
for {
entity <- entities
if entity.export_kind == kind
if range.contains(index.decode(entity.range))
} yield entity.name
val entity_kname = entities.sortBy(_.name.length).headOption.map(_.kname)
val typs = get_entities(Export_Theory.Kind.TYPE)
val consts = get_entities(Export_Theory.Kind.CONST)
val thms = get_entities(Export_Theory.Kind.THM)
Block(id = id, version = version, chapter = chapter, session = session_name, theory =
theory, file = file, url_path = url_path, command = command, start_line = start_line,
src_before = src_before, src = src, src_after = src_after, xml = xml, html = html,
entity_kname = entity_kname, consts = consts, typs = typs, thms = thms)
def expand_block(block: Thy_Blocks.Block): List[Thy_Blocks.Block] =
block match {
case Thy_Blocks.Thy(inner) => inner.flatMap(expand_block)
case e@Thy_Blocks.Decl(inner) =>
val inner1 = inner.flatMap(expand_block)
if (inner.length > 1) e :: inner1 else List(e)
case _ => List(block)
val thy_command_ranges =
for (block <- Thy_Blocks.read_blocks(snapshot).flatMap(expand_block))
yield (block.command, block.range)
make_node_blocks(snapshot, thy_command_ranges) :::
(for {
blob_name <- snapshot.node_files.tail
snapshot1 = snapshot.switch(blob_name)
if snapshot1.node.source_wellformed
range = Text.Range.length(snapshot1.node.source)
block <- make_node_blocks(snapshot1, List(("", range)))
} yield block)
def find_facts_index_command(
sessions: List[String],
ssh: SSH.System = SSH.Local,
isabelle_home: Path = Path.current,
options: List[Options.Spec] = Nil,
dirs: List[Path] = Nil,
clean: Boolean = false
): String = {
ssh.bash_path(Isabelle_Tool.exe(isabelle_home)) + " find_facts_index" +
dirs.map(dir => " -d " + ssh.bash_path(dir)).mkString +
if_proper(clean, " -c") +
Options.Spec.bash_strings(options, bg = true) +
sessions.map(session => " " + session).mkString
def find_facts_index(
options: Options,
sessions: List[String],
afp_root: Option[Path] = None,
dirs: List[Path] = Nil,
clean: Boolean = false,
progress: Progress = new Progress
): Unit = {
val store = Store(options)
val solr = Solr.init(solr_data_dir)
val database = options.string("find_facts_database_name")
val session = Session(options, Resources.bootstrap)
val selection = Sessions.Selection(sessions = sessions)
val session_structure =
Sessions.load_structure(options, dirs = AFP.main_dirs(afp_root) ::: dirs).selection(selection)
val deps = Sessions.Deps.load(session_structure)
val browser_info_context = Browser_Info.context(session_structure)
if (sessions.isEmpty) progress.echo("Nothing to index")
else {
val stats =
using(solr.init_database(database, Find_Facts.private_data, clean = clean)) { db =>
using(Export.open_database_context(store)) { database_context =>
val document_info = Document_Info.read(database_context, deps, sessions)
def index_session(session_name: String): Unit = {
using(database_context.open_session0(session_name)) { session_context =>
val info = session_structure(session_name)
progress.echo("Session " + info.chapter + "/" + session_name + " ...")
Find_Facts.private_data.delete_session(db, session_name)
deps(session_name).proper_session_theories.foreach { name =>
val theory_context = session_context.theory(name.theory)
Build.read_theory(theory_context) match {
case None => progress.echo_warning("No snapshot for theory " + name.theory)
case Some(snapshot) =>
progress.echo("Theory " + name.theory + " ...")
val blocks =
make_thy_blocks(options, session, browser_info_context, document_info,
theory_context, snapshot, info.chapter)
Find_Facts.private_data.update_theory(db, theory_context.theory, blocks)
Par_List.map(index_session, sessions)
val query = Query(Field_Filter(Field.session, sessions.map(Atom.Exact(_))))
Find_Facts.query_stats(db, query)
progress.echo("Indexed " + stats.results + " blocks with " +
stats.consts + " consts, " + stats.typs + " typs, " + stats.thms + " thms")
/* Isabelle tool wrapper */
def main_tool1(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
Command_Line.tool {
var afp_root: Option[Path] = None
var clean = false
val dirs_buffer = new mutable.ListBuffer[Path]
var no_build = false
var options = Options.init()
var verbose = false
val getopts = Getopts("""
Usage: isabelle find_facts_index [OPTIONS] [SESSIONS ...]
Options are:
-A ROOT include AFP with given root directory (":" for """ + AFP.BASE.implode + """)
-c clean previous index
-d DIR include session directory
-n no build -- take existing session build databases
-o OPTION override Isabelle system OPTION (via NAME=VAL or NAME)
-v verbose build
Build and index sessions for Find_Facts.
"A:" -> (arg => afp_root = Some(if (arg == ":") AFP.BASE else Path.explode(arg))),
"c" -> (_ => clean = true),
"d:" -> (arg => dirs_buffer += Path.explode(arg)),
"n" -> (_ => no_build = true),
"o:" -> (arg => options = options + arg),
"v" -> (_ => verbose = true))
val sessions = getopts(args)
val dirs = dirs_buffer.toList
val progress = new Console_Progress(verbose = verbose)
/* build */
if (!no_build) {
def build(test: Boolean = false): Build.Results =
Build.build(options, selection = Sessions.Selection(sessions = sessions), dirs = dirs,
afp_root = afp_root, no_build = test, progress = if (test) new Progress else progress)
progress.interrupt_handler {
if (!build(test = true).ok) {
progress.echo("Build started ...")
val rc = build().rc
if (rc != Process_Result.RC.ok) {
Output.error_message("Build failed")
/* index */
find_facts_index(options, sessions, dirs = dirs, afp_root = afp_root, clean = clean,
progress = progress)
/** index components **/
def resolve_indexes(solr: Solr.System): Unit = {
// non-portable: only for Linux or macOS
for (path <- Path.split(Isabelle_System.getenv("FIND_FACTS_INDEXES"))) {
Isabelle_System.symlink(path.absolute, solr.solr_data, force = true)
def find_facts_index_build(
options: Options,
target_dir: Path = Path.current,
progress: Progress = new Progress
): Unit = {
val solr = Solr.init(solr_data_dir)
val database = options.string("find_facts_database_name")
val component = "find_facts-" + database
val component_dir =
Components.Directory(target_dir + Path.basic(component)).create(progress = progress)
Isabelle_System.copy_dir(solr.database_dir(database), component_dir.path)
/* Isabelle tool wrapper */
val isabelle_tool2 = Isabelle_Tool("find_facts_index_build",
"build Isabelle component from Find_Facts index", Scala_Project.here,
{ args =>
var options = Options.init()
var target_dir = Path.current
val getopts = Getopts("""
Usage: isabelle find_facts_index_build
Options are:
-o OPTION override Isabelle system OPTION (via NAME=VAL or NAME)
-D DIR target directory (default ".")
Build Isabelle component from finalized Find_Facts index with given name.
"o:" -> (arg => options = options + arg),
"D:" -> (arg => target_dir = Path.explode(arg)))
val more_args = getopts(args)
if (more_args.nonEmpty) getopts.usage()
val progress = new Console_Progress()
find_facts_index_build(options, target_dir = target_dir, progress = progress)
/** querying **/
/* requests and parsing */
case class Query_Blocks(query: Query, cursor: String)
object Parse {
def atom(json: JSON.T): Option[Atom] =
JSON.string(json, "value").map(Atom.Value(_)) orElse
JSON.string(json, "exact").map(Atom.Exact(_))
def field(name: String): Option[Field] = Field.values.find(_.toString == name)
def filter(json: JSON.T): Option[Filter] =
for {
atoms <- JSON.list(json, "either", atom)
filter <-
JSON.string(json, "field") match {
case None => Some(Any_Filter(atoms))
case Some(name) => for (field <- field(name)) yield Field_Filter(field, atoms)
} yield filter
def select(json: JSON.T): Option[Select] =
for {
name <- JSON.string(json, "field")
field <- field(name)
values <- JSON.strings(json, "values")
} yield Select(field, values)
def query(json: JSON.T): Option[Query] =
for {
filters <- JSON.list(json, "filters", filter)
exclude <- JSON.list(json, "exclude", filter)
selects <- JSON.list(json, "selects", select)
} yield Query(filters, exclude, selects)
def query_blocks(json: JSON.T): Option[Query_Blocks] =
for {
query <- JSON.value(json, "query", query)
cursor <- JSON.string(json, "cursor")
} yield Query_Blocks(query, cursor)
def query_block(json: JSON.T): Option[String] = for (id <- JSON.string(json, "id")) yield id
/* responses and encoding */
case class Result(blocks: Blocks, facets: Facets)
class Encode(options: Options) {
val library_base_url = Url(options.string("find_facts_url_library"))
val afp_base_url = Url(options.string("find_facts_url_afp"))
def url(block: Block): Url = {
val base_url = if (block.chapter == AFP.chapter) afp_base_url else library_base_url
def block(block: Block): JSON.T =
"id" -> block.id,
"chapter" -> block.chapter,
"session" -> block.session,
"theory" -> block.theory,
"file" -> block.file,
"file_name" -> block.file_name,
"url" -> url(block).toString,
"command" -> block.command,
"start_line" -> block.start_line,
"src_before" -> block.src_before,
"src_after" -> block.src_after,
"html" -> block.html,
"entity_kname" -> block.entity_kname.orNull)
def blocks(blocks: Blocks): JSON.T =
"num_found" -> blocks.num_found,
"blocks" -> blocks.blocks.map(block),
"cursor" -> blocks.cursor)
def facets(facet: Facets): JSON.T =
"chapter" -> facet.chapter,
"session" -> facet.session,
"file_type" -> facet.file_type,
"theory" -> facet.theory,
"command" -> facet.command,
"kinds" -> facet.kinds,
"consts" -> facet.consts,
"typs" -> facet.typs,
"thms" -> facet.thms)
def result(result: Result): JSON.T =
"blocks" -> blocks(result.blocks),
"facets" -> facets(result.facets))
/* find facts */
val web_sources: Path = Path.explode("$FIND_FACTS_HOME/web")
val web_dir: Path = Path.explode("$FIND_FACTS_HOME_USER/web")
val default_port = 8080
def find_facts(
options: Options,
port: Int = default_port,
devel: Boolean = false,
progress: Progress = new Progress
): Unit = {
Isabelle_System.copy_dir(web_sources, web_dir, direct = true)
val database = options.string("find_facts_database_name")
val encode = new Encode(options)
val logo = Bytes.read(web_dir + Path.explode("favicon.ico"))
val isabelle_style = HTML.fonts_css("/fonts/" + _) + "\n\n" + File.read(HTML.isabelle_css)
val project = Elm.Project("Find_Facts", web_dir, head = List(
HTML.style("html,body {width: 100%, height: 100%}"),
Web_App.More_HTML.icon("data:image/x-icon;base64," + logo.encode_base64.text),
val frontend = project.build_html(progress = progress)
val solr = Solr.init(solr_data_dir)
using(solr.open_database(database)) { db =>
val stats = Find_Facts.query_stats(db, Query(Nil))
progress.echo("Started Find_Facts with " + stats.results + " blocks, " +
stats.consts + " consts, " + stats.typs + " typs, " + stats.thms + " thms")
val server =
HTTP.server(port, name = "", services = List(
new HTTP.Service("isabelle.css") {
def apply(request: HTTP.Request): Option[HTTP.Response] =
Some(HTTP.Response(Bytes(isabelle_style), "text/css"))
new HTTP.Service("app") {
def apply(request: HTTP.Request): Option[HTTP.Response] =
if (devel) project.build_html(progress = progress) else frontend))
new HTTP.REST_Service("api/block", progress = progress) {
def handle(body: JSON.T): Option[JSON.T] =
for {
request <- Parse.query_block(body)
block <- query_block(db, request)
} yield encode.block(block)
new HTTP.REST_Service("api/blocks", progress = progress) {
def handle(body: JSON.T): Option[JSON.T] =
for (request <- Parse.query_blocks(body))
yield encode.blocks(query_blocks(db, request.query, Some(request.cursor)))
new HTTP.REST_Service("api/query", progress = progress) {
def handle(body: JSON.T): Option[JSON.T] =
for (query <- Parse.query(body)) yield {
val facet = query_facet(db, query)
val blocks = query_blocks(db, query)
encode.result(Result(blocks, facet))
progress.echo("Server started " + server.toString + "/app")
def loop(): Unit = {
Isabelle_Thread.interrupt_handler(_ => server.stop()) { loop() }
/* Isabelle tool wrapper */
def main_tool3 (args: Array[String]): Unit = {
Command_Line.tool {
var devel = false
var options = Options.init()
var port = default_port
var verbose = false
val getopts = Getopts("""
Usage: isabelle find_facts_server [OPTIONS]
Options are:
-d devel mode
-o OPTION override Isabelle system OPTION (via NAME=VAL or NAME)
-p PORT explicit web server port (default: """ + default_port + """)
-v verbose server
Run server for Find_Facts.
"d" -> (_ => devel = true),
"o:" -> (arg => options = options + arg),
"p:" -> (arg => port = Value.Int.parse(arg)),
"v" -> (_ => verbose = true))
val more_args = getopts(args)
if (more_args.nonEmpty) getopts.usage()
val progress = new Console_Progress(verbose = verbose)
find_facts(options, port = port, devel = devel, progress = progress)