eliminated fabs,fapp.
changed all theorem names and functions into Rep_CFun, Abs_CFun
(* Title: HOLCF/Tr.thy
ID: $Id$
Author: Franz Regensburger
Copyright 1993 Technische Universitaet Muenchen
Introduce infix if_then_else_fi and boolean connectives andalso, orelse
Tr = Lift + Fix +
tr = "bool lift"
"tr" <= (type) "bool lift"
TT,FF :: "tr"
Icifte :: "tr -> 'c -> 'c -> 'c"
trand :: "tr -> tr -> tr"
tror :: "tr -> tr -> tr"
neg :: "tr -> tr"
If2 :: "tr=>'c=>'c=>'c"
syntax "@cifte" :: "tr=>'c=>'c=>'c" ("(3If _/ (then _/ else _) fi)" 60)
"@andalso" :: "tr => tr => tr" ("_ andalso _" [36,35] 35)
"@orelse" :: "tr => tr => tr" ("_ orelse _" [31,30] 30)
"x andalso y" == "trand`x`y"
"x orelse y" == "tror`x`y"
"If b then e1 else e2 fi" == "Icifte`b`e1`e2"
TT_def "TT==Def True"
FF_def "FF==Def False"
neg_def "neg == flift2 Not"
ifte_def "Icifte == (LAM b t e. flift1(%b. if b then t else e)`b)"
andalso_def "trand == (LAM x y. If x then y else FF fi)"
orelse_def "tror == (LAM x y. If x then TT else y fi)"
If2_def "If2 Q x y == If Q then x else y fi"