(* Title: ZF/typechk
ID: $Id$
Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
Copyright 1991 University of Cambridge
Tactics for type checking -- from CTT
fun is_rigid_elem (Const("Trueprop",_) $ (Const("op :",_) $ a $ _)) =
not (is_Var (head_of a))
| is_rigid_elem _ = false;
(*Try solving a:A by assumption provided a is rigid!*)
val test_assume_tac = SUBGOAL(fn (prem,i) =>
if is_rigid_elem (Logic.strip_assums_concl prem)
then assume_tac i else eq_assume_tac i);
(*Type checking solves a:?A (a rigid, ?A maybe flexible).
match_tac is too strict; would refuse to instantiate ?A*)
fun typechk_step_tac tyrls =
FIRSTGOAL (test_assume_tac ORELSE' filt_resolve_tac tyrls 3);
fun typechk_tac tyrls = REPEAT (typechk_step_tac tyrls);
val ZF_typechecks =
[if_type, lam_type, SigmaI, apply_type, split_type, consI1];
(*Instantiates variables in typing conditions.
drawback: does not simplify conjunctions*)
fun type_auto_tac tyrls hyps = SELECT_GOAL
(DEPTH_SOLVE (typechk_step_tac (tyrls@hyps)
ORELSE ares_tac [TrueI,refl,iff_refl,ballI,allI,conjI,impI] 1));