author wenzelm
Thu, 30 Nov 2023 13:35:17 +0100
changeset 79094 58bb68b9470f
parent 49863 b5fb6e7f8d81
permissions -rw-r--r--

(*  Title:      Pure/General/seq.ML
    Author:     Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
    Author:     Markus Wenzel, TU Munich

Unbounded sequences implemented by closures.  RECOMPUTES if sequence
is re-inspected.  Memoing, using polymorphic refs, was found to be
slower!  (More GCs)

signature SEQ =
  type 'a seq
  val make: (unit -> ('a * 'a seq) option) -> 'a seq
  val pull: 'a seq -> ('a * 'a seq) option
  val empty: 'a seq
  val cons: 'a -> 'a seq -> 'a seq
  val single: 'a -> 'a seq
  val try: ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b seq
  val hd: 'a seq -> 'a
  val tl: 'a seq -> 'a seq
  val chop: int -> 'a seq -> 'a list * 'a seq
  val take: int -> 'a seq -> 'a seq
  val list_of: 'a seq -> 'a list
  val of_list: 'a list -> 'a seq
  val append: 'a seq -> 'a seq -> 'a seq
  val mapp: ('a -> 'b) -> 'a seq -> 'b seq -> 'b seq
  val interleave: 'a seq * 'a seq -> 'a seq
  val filter: ('a -> bool) -> 'a seq -> 'a seq
  val flat: 'a seq seq -> 'a seq
  val map: ('a -> 'b) -> 'a seq -> 'b seq
  val maps: ('a -> 'b seq) -> 'a seq -> 'b seq
  val map_filter: ('a -> 'b option) -> 'a seq -> 'b seq
  val lift: ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'a seq -> 'b -> 'c seq
  val lifts: ('a -> 'b -> 'c seq) -> 'a seq -> 'b -> 'c seq
  val singleton: ('a list -> 'b list seq) -> 'a -> 'b seq
  val print: (int -> 'a -> unit) -> int -> 'a seq -> unit
  val it_right : ('a * 'b seq -> 'b seq) -> 'a seq * 'b seq -> 'b seq
  datatype 'a result = Result of 'a | Error of unit -> string
  val make_results: 'a seq -> 'a result seq
  val filter_results: 'a result seq -> 'a seq
  val maps_results: ('a -> 'b result seq) -> 'a result seq -> 'b result seq
  val maps_result: ('a -> 'b seq) -> 'a result seq -> 'b result seq
  val map_result: ('a -> 'b) -> 'a result seq -> 'b result seq
  val first_result: string -> 'a result seq -> 'a * 'a seq
  val the_result: string -> 'a result seq -> 'a
  val succeed: 'a -> 'a seq
  val fail: 'a -> 'b seq
  val THEN: ('a -> 'b seq) * ('b -> 'c seq) -> 'a -> 'c seq
  val ORELSE: ('a -> 'b seq) * ('a -> 'b seq) -> 'a -> 'b seq
  val APPEND: ('a -> 'b seq) * ('a -> 'b seq) -> 'a -> 'b seq
  val EVERY: ('a -> 'a seq) list -> 'a -> 'a seq
  val FIRST: ('a -> 'b seq) list -> 'a -> 'b seq
  val TRY: ('a -> 'a seq) -> 'a -> 'a seq
  val REPEAT: ('a -> 'a seq) -> 'a -> 'a seq
  val REPEAT1: ('a -> 'a seq) -> 'a -> 'a seq
  val INTERVAL: (int -> 'a -> 'a seq) -> int -> int -> 'a -> 'a seq
  val DETERM: ('a -> 'b seq) -> 'a -> 'b seq

structure Seq: SEQ =

(** lazy sequences **)

datatype 'a seq = Seq of unit -> ('a * 'a seq) option;

(*the abstraction for making a sequence*)
val make = Seq;

(*return next sequence element as NONE or SOME (x, xq)*)
fun pull (Seq f) = f ();

(*the empty sequence*)
val empty = Seq (fn () => NONE);

(*prefix an element to the sequence -- use cons (x, xq) only if
  evaluation of xq need not be delayed, otherwise use
  make (fn () => SOME (x, xq))*)
fun cons x xq = make (fn () => SOME (x, xq));

fun single x = cons x empty;

(*head and tail -- beware of calling the sequence function twice!!*)
fun hd xq = #1 (the (pull xq))
and tl xq = #2 (the (pull xq));

(*partial function as procedure*)
fun try f x =
  (case Basics.try f x of
    SOME y => single y
  | NONE => empty);

(*the list of the first n elements, paired with rest of sequence;
  if length of list is less than n, then sequence had less than n elements*)
fun chop n xq =
  if n <= (0 : int) then ([], xq)
    (case pull xq of
      NONE => ([], xq)
    | SOME (x, xq') => apfst (Basics.cons x) (chop (n - 1) xq'));

(*truncate the sequence after n elements*)
fun take n xq =
  if n <= (0 : int) then empty
  else make (fn () =>
    ( o apsnd) (take (n - 1)) (pull xq));

(*conversion from sequence to list*)
fun list_of xq =
  (case pull xq of
    NONE => []
  | SOME (x, xq') => x :: list_of xq');

(*conversion from list to sequence*)
fun of_list xs = fold_rev cons xs empty;

(*sequence append: put the elements of xq in front of those of yq*)
fun append xq yq =
    fun copy s =
      make (fn () =>
        (case pull s of
          NONE => pull yq
        | SOME (x, s') => SOME (x, copy s')))
  in copy xq end;

(*map over a sequence xq, append the sequence yq*)
fun mapp f xq yq =
    fun copy s =
      make (fn () =>
        (case pull s of
          NONE => pull yq
        | SOME (x, s') => SOME (f x, copy s')))
  in copy xq end;

(*interleave elements of xq with those of yq -- fairer than append*)
fun interleave (xq, yq) =
  make (fn () =>
    (case pull xq of
      NONE => pull yq
    | SOME (x, xq') => SOME (x, interleave (yq, xq'))));

(*filter sequence by predicate*)
fun filter pred xq =
    fun copy s =
      make (fn () =>
        (case pull s of
          NONE => NONE
        | SOME (x, s') => if pred x then SOME (x, copy s') else pull (copy s')));
  in copy xq end;

(*flatten a sequence of sequences to a single sequence*)
fun flat xqq =
  make (fn () =>
    (case pull xqq of
      NONE => NONE
    | SOME (xq, xqq') => pull (append xq (flat xqq'))));

(*map the function f over the sequence, making a new sequence*)
fun map f xq =
  make (fn () =>
    (case pull xq of
      NONE => NONE
    | SOME (x, xq') => SOME (f x, map f xq')));

fun maps f xq =
  make (fn () =>
    (case pull xq of
      NONE => NONE
    | SOME (x, xq') => pull (append (f x) (maps f xq'))));

fun map_filter f = maps (fn x => (case f x of NONE => empty | SOME y => single y));

fun lift f xq y = map (fn x => f x y) xq;
fun lifts f xq y = maps (fn x => f x y) xq;

fun singleton f x = f [x] |> map (fn [y] => y | _ => raise List.Empty);

(*print a sequence, up to "count" elements*)
fun print print_elem count =
    fun prnt (k: int) xq =
      if k > count then ()
        (case pull xq of
          NONE => ()
        | SOME (x, xq') => (print_elem k x; writeln ""; prnt (k + 1) xq'));
  in prnt 1 end;

(*accumulating a function over a sequence; this is lazy*)
fun it_right f (xq, yq) =
    fun its s =
      make (fn () =>
        (case pull s of
          NONE => pull yq
        | SOME (a, s') => pull (f (a, its s'))))
  in its xq end;

(* embedded errors *)

datatype 'a result = Result of 'a | Error of unit -> string;

fun make_results xq = map Result xq;
fun filter_results xq = map_filter (fn Result x => SOME x | Error _ => NONE) xq;

fun maps_results f xq =
  make (fn () =>
    (case pull xq of
      NONE => NONE
    | SOME (Result x, xq') => pull (append (f x) (maps_results f xq'))
    | SOME (Error msg, xq') => SOME (Error msg, maps_results f xq')));

fun maps_result f = maps_results (map Result o f);
fun map_result f = maps_result (single o f);

(*first result or first error within sequence*)
fun first_result default_msg seq =
    fun result opt_msg xq =
      (case (opt_msg, pull xq) of
        (_, SOME (Result x, xq')) => (x, filter_results xq')
      | (SOME _, SOME (Error _, xq')) => result opt_msg xq'
      | (NONE, SOME (Error msg, xq')) => result (SOME msg) xq'
      | (SOME msg, NONE) => error (msg ())
      | (NONE, NONE) => error (if default_msg = "" then "Empty result sequence" else default_msg));
  in result NONE seq end;

fun the_result default_msg seq = #1 (first_result default_msg seq);

(** sequence functions **)      (*cf. Pure/tactical.ML*)

fun succeed x = single x;
fun fail _ = empty;

fun op THEN (f, g) x = maps g (f x);

fun op ORELSE (f, g) x =
  (case pull (f x) of
    NONE => g x
  | some => make (fn () => some));

fun op APPEND (f, g) x =
  append (f x) (make (fn () => pull (g x)));

fun EVERY fs = fold_rev (curry op THEN) fs succeed;
fun FIRST fs = fold_rev (curry op ORELSE) fs fail;

fun TRY f = ORELSE (f, succeed);

fun REPEAT f =
    fun rep qs x =
      (case pull (f x) of
        NONE => SOME (x, make (fn () => repq qs))
      | SOME (x', q) => rep (q :: qs) x')
    and repq [] = NONE
      | repq (q :: qs) =
          (case pull q of
            NONE => repq qs
          | SOME (x, q) => rep (q :: qs) x);
  in fn x => make (fn () => rep [] x) end;

fun REPEAT1 f = THEN (f, REPEAT f);

fun INTERVAL f (i: int) j x =
  if i > j then single x
  else op THEN (f j, INTERVAL f i (j - 1)) x;

fun DETERM f x =
  (case pull (f x) of
    NONE => empty
  | SOME (x', _) => cons x' empty);
