Tuned several functions to improve sharing of unchanged subproofs.
Subject: Announcing Isabelle2001To: isabelle-users@cl.cam.ac.ukIsabelle2001 is now available.The most prominent highlights of Isabelle2001 are as follows. See theNEWS file distributed with Isabelle for more details. * Specific support for Poly/ML 4.1.1 Faster, manages large heaps. * Meta-level proof terms (Stefan Berghofer)You may get Isabelle2001 from any of the following mirror sites: Cambridge (UK) http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/Research/HVG/Isabelle/dist/ Munich (Germany) http://isabelle.in.tum.de/dist/ New Jersey (USA) ftp://ftp.research.bell-labs.com/dist/smlnj/isabelle/index.html Stanford (USA) ftp://rodin.stanford.edu/pub/smlnj/isabelle/index.html