(* Title: Pure/section-utils
ID: $Id$
Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
Copyright 1994 University of Cambridge
Utilities for writing new theory sections
fun ap t u = t$u;
fun app t (u1,u2) = t $ u1 $ u2;
(*Make distinct individual variables a1, a2, a3, ..., an. *)
fun mk_frees a [] = []
| mk_frees a (T::Ts) = Free(a,T) :: mk_frees (bump_string a) Ts;
(*Make a definition lhs==rhs*)
fun mk_defpair (lhs, rhs) =
let val Const(name, _) = head_of lhs
in (Sign.base_name name ^ "_def", Logic.mk_equals (lhs, rhs)) end;
fun get_def thy s = get_axiom thy (s^"_def");
(*Read an assumption in the given theory*)
fun assume_read thy a = assume (read_cterm (sign_of thy) (a,propT));
(*Read a term from string "b", with expected type T*)
fun readtm sign T b =
read_cterm sign (b,T) |> term_of
handle ERROR => error ("The error(s) above occurred for " ^ b);
(*From HOL/ex/meson.ML: raises exception if no rules apply -- unlike RL*)
fun tryres (th, rl::rls) = (th RS rl handle THM _ => tryres(th,rls))
| tryres (th, []) = raise THM("tryres", 0, [th]);
fun gen_make_elim elim_rls rl =
standard (tryres (rl, elim_rls @ [revcut_rl]));
(** String manipulation **)
(*Skipping initial blanks, find the first identifier*) (* FIXME *)
fun scan_to_id s =
s |> Symbol.explode
|> Scan.error (Scan.finite Symbol.eof
(!! (fn _ => "Expected to find an identifier in " ^ s)
(Scan.any Symbol.is_blank |-- Syntax.scan_id)))
|> #1;
fun is_backslash c = c = "\\";
(*Apply string escapes to a quoted string; see Def of Standard ML, page 3
Does not handle the \ddd form; no error checking*)
fun escape [] = []
| escape cs = (case take_prefix (not o is_backslash) cs of
(front, []) => front
| (front, _::"n"::rest) => front @ ("\n" :: escape rest)
| (front, _::"t"::rest) => front @ ("\t" :: escape rest)
| (front, _::"^"::c::rest) => front @ (chr(ord(c)-64) :: escape rest)
| (front, _::"\""::rest) => front @ ("\"" :: escape rest)
| (front, _::"\\"::rest) => front @ ("\\" :: escape rest)
| (front, b::c::rest) =>
if Symbol.is_blank c (*remove any further blanks and the following \ *)
then front @ escape (tl (snd (take_prefix Symbol.is_blank rest)))
else error ("Unrecognized string escape: " ^ implode(b::c::rest)));
(*Remove the first and last charaters -- presumed to be quotes*)
val trim = implode o escape o rev o tl o rev o tl o Symbol.explode;
(*Check for some named theory*)
fun require_thy thy name sect =
if exists (equal name) (Sign.stamp_names_of (sign_of thy)) then ()
else error ("Need theory " ^ quote name ^ " as an ancestor for " ^ sect);