Lots of new material on complex-valued functions. Modified simplification of (x/n)^k
(* Title: Pure/General/graph_display.ML
Author: Makarius
Support for graph display.
signature GRAPH_DISPLAY =
type node
val content_node: string -> Pretty.T list -> node
val session_node: {name: string, unfold: bool, directory: string, path: string} -> node
type entry = (string * node) * string list
val display_graph: entry list -> unit
structure Graph_Display: GRAPH_DISPLAY =
(* graph entries *)
datatype node =
Node of {name: string, content: Pretty.T list, unfold: bool, directory: string, path: string};
fun content_node name content =
Node {name = name, content = content, unfold = true, directory = "", path = ""};
fun session_node {name, unfold, directory, path} =
Node {name = name, content = [], unfold = unfold, directory = directory, path = path};
type entry = (string * node) * string list;
(* encode graph *)
fun encode_node (Node {name, content, ...}) =
(name, content) |>
let open XML.Encode
in pair string (YXML.parse_body o Pretty.symbolic_string_of o Pretty.chunks) end;
val encode_graph =
let open XML.Encode in list (pair (pair string encode_node) (list string)) end;
(* support for old browser *)
structure Graph =
Graph(type key = string * string val ord = prod_ord string_ord string_ord);
fun build_graph entries =
val ident_names =
fold (fn ((ident, Node {name, ...}), _) => Symtab.update_new (ident, (name, ident)))
entries Symtab.empty;
val the_key = the o Symtab.lookup ident_names;
|> fold (fn ((ident, node), _) => Graph.new_node (the_key ident, node)) entries
|> fold (fn ((ident, _), parents) =>
fold (fn parent => Graph.add_edge (the_key parent, the_key ident)) parents) entries
val sort_graph = build_graph #> (fn graph =>
Graph.topological_order graph |> map (fn key =>
let val (_, (node, (preds, _))) = Graph.get_entry graph key
in ((#2 key, node), map #2 (Graph.Keys.dest preds)) end));
val encode_browser =
#> map (fn ((key, Node {name, unfold, content = _, directory, path}), parents) =>
"\"" ^ name ^ "\" \"" ^ key ^ "\" \"" ^ directory ^ (if unfold then "\" + \"" else "\" \"") ^
path ^ "\" > " ^ space_implode " " (map quote parents) ^ " ;")
#> cat_lines;
(* display graph *)
fun display_graph entries =
val ((bg1, bg2), en) =
(Active.make_markup Markup.graphviewN {implicit = false, properties = []});
val _ =
writeln ("See " ^ bg1 ^ YXML.string_of_body (encode_graph entries) ^ bg2 ^ "graph" ^ en);
(*old browser*)
val ((bg1, bg2), en) =
(Active.make_markup Markup.browserN {implicit = false, properties = []});
val _ =
writeln ("See " ^ bg1 ^ encode_browser entries ^ bg2 ^ "old graph" ^ en);
in () end;